Do you remember when we used to call SE Sqaure-Soft? Cause, Pepperidge farm remembers! (LoL ) Seriously though, I do. It just seems to me that SE has been making more than its fair share of mistakes and not enough good risky choices like another full AAA console KH, or a FF that isn't on rails like FF13 and is more open-world with rich engaging characters and settings. Also a FF that would learn from Legend of Dragoon would be amazing. For once this isn't nostalgia biting me in the rear...

I love the Kingdom Hearts, Tomb-Raider, Dragons Quest series and just about everything SE does publish and/or develop, but its seems to me that they have let themselves go or traded all that fine Dev power for marketing power. If anything I would hope that they take example after Ubisoft whom listens to it's crowd's needs while still providing new experiences like Watch Dogs and balanced their Devs and marketing beautifully.

FF14RR is about the only game I have interest in with SE now and it would seem that we have heard nothing but a solid no on KH3 for a long time and other long time series like DQ cant get enough funding to staff itself for another game I have heard.

So there it is, I believe in the old version of Sqaure. The new one almost totally sucks. As a long time fan I want more RPG's from them and to see them offer a robust publishing deal with Ubisoft whom is better equipped than EA in my opinion. This way they should be able to focus on pure Dev time almost. To say the least overall I have many mixed feelings about SE and where they are going.

Because of this I support Mistwalker where the founder of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi resides as the company's President. I have played Lost Oddesy and Blue Dragon both of which are amazing and Wii's The Last Story was a breath of fresh air I hadn't expected on a Nintendo Platform so full of 3rd party shovelware at the time.

Of course I have tweeted Sakaguchi and he was elated at my kind words as a fan and encouraging him to do whatever he felt right. So that was a highlight moment for me. Someday I should hope that I get him to sign and autograph his work.

Q1. So how do you feel about SE currently?
Q2. What do you want from them most?