This applies to friends, family, partners, what have you. What little things do you do to show people that you care about them? Presents and stuff are nice, but sometimes it's the little things that mean a lot.

Here's a few:
-Foot/back massage
-Putting a new soap bar in the shower when the other one runs low because my boyfriend always forgets
-Sending texts to remind the person they're special to you
-Posting little facebook messages on people's walls
-Listening to people vent when they need to
-Making coffee the way someone likes
-With my son I let him pick an activity and we play the way he wants to. (Kids have some weird ideas about how trains and stickers and play-doh work, so sometimes just join in with his unconventional ideas.) That way he feels good, we spend fun time together.
-I also bring him to the park at least once a day when I visit. There's a park he particularly likes that my mother won't bring him to (long story; she brings him to other parks) so it's a nice change of pace for him and he enjoys it.
-Also letting him "help" with things like mixing batter, or assembling toys, even when the help just makes things more complicated.
-Telling people they're appreciated.