Greetings friends! Earlier this week was E3, and Square Enix had announced some new games! Namely Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3! How exciting is that? It's so exciting, a slew of new fanart featuring Noctis and Sora have been popping up. This week's showcase will feature several fanarts of Noctis and/or Sora! I hope you will enjoy them.

witch-girl-pilar @ DA

KH3 and FFVX: Sora And Noctis

Pardon how the artist mistyped XV in the title, but our first fanart featured is of the two showcased characters!

MikaRabidKitsune @ DA

Terra Bandford BW

A rather simple drawing of Terra and Mog from Final Fantasy VI. It would be better with color, but that's just my opinion.


Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Lightning returns in another one of Square Enix's upcoming games. She's in her outfit from the game in this piece. I do like the coloring job in this art.

Eggabeg @ DA

Manly Vincent

Pretty amazing portrait of Vincent!

Endette @ DA

Lightning, why is your weapon so crooked?

A question not asked quite often, yet one that should be answered. Does anyone know why? It's been bothering me because of this!

ZilerWolf @ DA


Wow! I love the amazing work ZilerWolf did with this picture of Jecht. Amazing details all around!

chibiGaaLee @ DA


Apparently we've got more Lightning fanart featured in this showcase than we do Noctis and Sora. But that's okay, this one is still pretty neat.

Hirodemon @ DA


Thus we end our showcase with another fanart of Noctis. I do like this one, tbh. The shading looks very nice, and the detail with his hair is fantastic! I do hope to see more Noctis in the coming weeks!