
I've grown up - like most other people have - that milk, from a cow, helps prevent Osteoporosis and is a good source of Calcium.

But then, while having a debate with someone about whether or not having a glass of wine while being pregnant is ok, they brought up this point. And I'd never thought of it like this before..

She said: I bet you're going to defend the practice of drinking Cow's Milk, aren't you?

Well. I don't really drink milk period and if I -do-, it's soy milk (which is also a rarity). I'm just not a fan of milk at all. I try not to give it to my daughter (I give her water or severely watered-down all natural juices instead), but in some cases, it just can't be helped. And yes, I told her this.

But anyway, she said: "Think about it... We are the only mammals that willingly drink milk that comes from another animal. Others will do it if it's a life or death situation" (like a cat who nurses newborn puppies or a mama goat that gets milked to feed the baby lamb whose mother wouldn't nurse it).

I haven't done -too- much research, but what I have read says that drinking Cow's milk actually accelerates Osteoporosis as opposed to fighting it off. I can pull up websites if needed, but I just wanted to throw this out there and see what happens.
