So, everyone knows... My mom passed away last week. And not just for that reason, the EoFF meetup that was supposed to happen yesterday didn't happen.

BUT... I'll be in New York probably Mid/Later January.. Definitely in time for me to be there for my birthday - which is the 30th.

I don't expect to plan a meetup exactly on my bday 'cuz it's a weekday and that sucks, but Jinx & Denmark said they'd most likely be able to get to NYC around that time.

Anyone who wants to go is invited! *coughBERT&SHINYcough* ....

Of course we don't have set plans just yet, but I would love it if we could all chip in on a crappy room somewhere and get mega drunk... and stuff. ^_~ (that also doesn't have to happen. I fly by the seat of my pants, sooo...)...

But whatever. Point is. January NYC EoFF meetup. Let's make it happen!!