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Thread: Punk

  1. #1

    Default Punk

    What does this music mean to you?

    There will be a test later, so pay attention.

  2. #2
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Jump forward a few decades, and it helped create things like this.

  3. #3
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    I used to think punk rock was awesome before I had actually been exposed to music.

    To me, "punk" means a person or musical genre in bad taste, with no standards for quality or sense of decency, coupled with self confidence.

  4. #4


    Gee, that's funny, cuz in a lot of people's minds, it was about rebellion against a corrupt system through mercenary tactics.

    Or, you know, this.

    It was about learning to think for yourself, have your own sense of identity, to be who you are regardless of outside circumstances. It's something I'm very familiar with. Note that at 3:10 in that video, someone tells me to "Go to hell!!"

    But yeah, it's just supposed to be about being an asshole...sure, whatever.

    You know, Pete Townshend and the Sex Pistols were out drinking one night, and they were talking about "we love music, it's a great way to get money and chicks and drugs," and Pete Townshend got pissed off at them, because he felt they'd completely missed the point of what they were doing, and started yelling at them,

    "WHO ARE YOU?"


  5. #5
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spooniest View Post

    You know, Pete Townshend and the Sex Pistols were out drinking one night, and they were talking about "we love music, it's a great way to get money and chicks and drugs," and Pete Townshend got pissed off at them, because he felt they'd completely missed the point of what they were doing, and started yelling at them.[/CENTER]

    The lack of focus, having a message, or really having a cause to be so angry is one of the main reasons bands like the one I linked developed. Some of the older bands missed the original point of the punk movement/mentality and with that, their lyrics and atmosphere just became angsty and anarchistic for no other reason that to rebel for the sake of rebellion. So new, more focused bands arose.

    Ironically, the band I linked is singing about the same "missing the point" issue that was taking place during their time. Somethings just don't change.

  6. #6


    70% of all people are ignorant, and 50% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

  7. #7


    lol i listened to nothing but the dead kennedys for several months as a teen

  8. #8


    I personally was big into The Ramones.

    "Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat
    Beat on the brat
    With a baseball bat
    Oh yeah
    Oh yeah, oh"

  9. #9
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Gee, that's funny, cuz in a lot of people's minds, it was about rebellion against a corrupt system through mercenary tactics.
    Mercenary tactics? What?

    It was about learning to think for yourself, have your own sense of identity, to be who you are regardless of outside circumstances.
    My experience with punk rock tells me it's more about conforming to left wing politics than it is any of those things you mentioned.

    "we love music, it's a great way to get money and chicks and drugs," and Pete Townshend got pissed off at them, because he felt they'd completely missed the point of what they were doing, and started yelling at them
    hahaha I bought a "shirt" (two cheap pieces of fabric stitched together) at a sex pistols concert years ago for $50.

    The sex pistols are hilarious. Almost all of their songs were written by the first bass player, Glenn Matlock, who they kicked out for being too poppy and mainstream and liking the Beatles. They replaced him with Sid Vicious, ceased to produce listenable music, spiraled out of control and then ceased to be a band. It's the most punk rock story ever told.

    I personally was big into The Ramones.
    The Ramones win first prize in the "writing the same song over and over again" contest.

    All of my hate aside, the Dead Kennedys are one of the best bands in all of rock music.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine View Post
    [The Ramones win first prize in the "writing the same song over and over again" contest.

    They were capable of playing more complicated music, they just chose not to. It was intended to be minimalistic.

  11. #11
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    To me, punk is a lot of aggression without really knowing how to make interesting music.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernChaosGod View Post
    To me, punk is a lot of aggression without really knowing how to make interesting music.
    You are probably right about the aggression part, but classifying one kind of music more "interesting" than another isn't really my job.

    I don't know why I got this idea into my head, but I just said to myself "I'll learn it all."

    So that's what I did...I've experimented with just about any western musical style a person can think of, including punk.

    I think this might be why I'm crazy.

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