Sup. Welcome to the 2013 Spring Screen Name Contest. I am your esteemed host Ouch! Agent Proto Jiro. Quite an honour to be back here running this delightful event.

Twenty five names sit at the top, champions in a league of their own. Which name will triumph and join these heroes at the pinnacle?

This tournament sees 128 names duke it out for the coveted Hall of Fame position. If your name is missing, it isn't my fault; blame yourselves, or God. But seriously, if you don't end up seeing your name included, that doesn't mean I don't like your name. Promise.

Before I get this tournament started, let's get some hype going. Rules will be explained at the start of the first round, so look forward to that. We'll start in a few hours. Each round will last 48 hours before results are announced.

Now for the UnOfficial Screen Name Hall of Fame - named in honour of the All Stars Screen Name champion - in alphabetical order:

The o_O Hall of Fame

Big Ogre Umaro
boris no no
Crunchy Beverage
Death by Moogles
Del Murder
I'm my own MILF
I Took the Red Pill
Kawaii Ryûkishi
Meat Puppet
Melted Snowman
Mr Twisticles
mystic ice cube
Pant Leg Eater From The Bad World
Rad Bromance
Rydia of Mist