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Thread: Congratulations to Loony BoB and smittenkitten

  1. #76
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Congrats you guys!

  2. #77
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    That's the best one so far. Keep them coming.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  3. #78
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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  4. #79
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    This will literally never get old.

  5. #80
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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  6. #81
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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  8. #83

  9. #84
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Such a brilliant day all round.

    Anyway if anyone cares to hear my thoughts not only on the wedding but on the general EoFF meet itself then read a spoiler! It's a tl;dr of course but hey ho, I am sure a couple of you who have only seen pictures and haven't heard much about the day might enjoy reading it.

    • The day before when we met up initially p much summed up the classic EoFF meet up experience. Walking around for smurfing miles with no real purpose, then wandering back to the flat Daniel got organised and arsing about doing very little of anything. You think it's all fry messages and dry humping, I assure you they never talk about all the walking.
    • As Daniel took Sarah out for a SPECIAL LUNCH, the rest of us (Me, Lev, Pontus, Ashley and Clement) wandered out to a restaurant called The Huxley! It was a pretty awesome steakhouse and I had a steakboard with rare cuts of steak, it was great.
    • We got bored of waiting around for Matt and Shauna to arrive, so we all buggered off 5 minutes before they showed up. Oops.
    • On the morning of the wedding we went over to Daniel's. 5 years ago me and Levian slept in the spare bedroom. I peeked in. There are no beds. There is just a big ol' pile of stuff with a black and white cat head poking out!
    • Disaster struck though, when I got changed we noticed my waistcoat was missing a button and me and Shorty had to bomb it over to the tailor's to get it sorted.
    • We then arrived and sadly I did not get the chance to mingle with the unwashed hordes of EoFFers. Me and Lev were meant to "greet" people. We may have bounced them instead and told many of Daniel's family members to jog on.
    • I'll throw this here, their families are both pretty great. Josh (Daniel's brother, groomsman) is a top bloke and his sister Nikki who I think has posted in this thread is such a livewire and a genuine pleasure to be around. Danielle's brother Jordan is a funny guy too, (he's apparently a member here too) he breaks out in giggles at the slightest provocation.
    • I mentioned to Daniel at least 3 times before the ceremony that I needed the rings and he kept putting me off. Then right as Danielle showed up he remembered and had to send poor Josh running for them.
    • As I'm sure you all saw, Danielle looked amazing as she walked up the aisle... to smurfing Twilight xD A single tear rolled down her cheek at the start but other than that she was her usual bubbly self.
    • I had to sign a legal document confirming the wedding. Everyone called my signature stupid and the celebrant said it looked like a rocking horse.
    • Briefly got to finally speak to some of the EoFFers before being dragged up a mountain with Danielle's sisters. They had a battle with the taxi driver as he didn't seem to know where he was going... I kept out of it.
    • Off to the reception! Me and Pontus, who is one suave and chilled out dude, had a bit of a nightmare getting the projector set up to show Nicky's speech. I say me and Pontus, I just stood about a bit looking serious (also how smurfing serious do I look in all the photos xD jesus christ I smiled a lot I swear) while he and the hotel staff did most of the work
    • Now, I had been given the legal documents by the celebrant who had also produced Daniel's speech. I had put them in my hotel room for safekeeping. Daniel assumes this means I have his speech and I have to go sprinting across the road (I nearly got ran over by a bus!) to get it while Danielle's dad started his speech. I make it back in record time... only for Daniel to have had the speech all along. That mothersmurfer I nearly had a heart attack!
    • Danielle's dad's speech was great. We all learned about how Danielle abused cats, killed a hamster and plucked a mole from the ground and put it in a pram! Daniel's speech was fantastic too and he ended it in song!
    • My own speech, I won't lie, it was out of my usual comfort zone as I don't do a lot of public speaking and I was a bit nervous. I had been working on it all week and I spent ages tweaking and refining. It's like, you have to strike a real balance - I have to rip poor Daniel to pieces but I couldn't go too far, I couldn't be too cruel! And I didn't know how naughty I could make it as I had no idea if kids would be there. But heck, even if you have a good speech, it's nothing if you don't have good delivery, a good sense of timing etc. And after Danielle's dad put in an amazing speech I was like "well smurf xD"

      Anyyyyyyway - it went over amazingly, the EoFF and Kiwi crew in particular were in an uproar of laughter. Afterwards so many people came up to me and told me it was brilliant. Daniel also told me how many people had told him that and him I had knocked it out of the park. Honestly it was such a boost to hear all of that and I am so pleased about the reaction.
    • Nicky's speech was amazing and I'm not going to spoil it as I think it could be posted!
    • The meal was pretty good. I was sitting next to Danielle and she seemed to enjoy that and the drinks a whole lot! I kept popping over to the EoFF table.
    • Then came the first dance. And then out of nowhere I was randomly told I would have to do a formal dance with Danielle's sister, the maid of honour. I am sure Bubba and Pontus could tell you how funny my horrified reaction to this was! I begged them to tell me how to dance like that (I dance well to cheesy 80's pop and also any rock, but not slow dancing!) but Bubba just grinned and said he was going to enjoy this. At the time I was moderately narked, because I genuinely expected him to teach me how to slow formal dance in 30 seconds and he let me down Honestly Danielle's sister is a beautiful woman and as you all know, I am a bit of an ugly twat so I felt bad for her! It didn't go anywhere near as bad as I thought though
    • Yes we all danced like idiots to random songs. There was a live band that we thought would never stop! (they stopped eventually - they were very good - even Bubba approved!) My own personal highlights include dancing with Sarah to the Killers of which I think you will see many photos soon - Bubba for some reason smurfing loved our dance and shook my hand after it xD Top bloke. I also enjoyed dancing with my dear pal Ashley who is, as I type this, sitting less than 3 foot from me. She is holding her chin. I looked at her and now she is scared. "What are you giving me that face for?" hahaha. But special highlight was Matt (Mr. Shauna) going smurfing hog wild to Queen, what a hero.
    • After losing our hearing from the music and screaming at each other to be heard, Me, Ashley, Lev and Pontus set up shop on a couch outside. One by one, other EoFFers wandered past, noticed and joined us, and then random siblings of the Townses, until we had the best area in the whole wedding. That was such a brilliant time, all of us together spouting utter random bollocks about every subject on earth. Shout out to handicap ghost! It then wound down and we all went off to bed.
    • The next day was great, we all ended up meeting in a McDonald's in a basement of a mall. Yes, fry messages were made... and worse things besides. It was the first time I'd really got to spend with some people and I just want to say Matt is an absolute smurfing psychopath, I absolutely adore him and his comedy. I thought he and I bounced off each other well and, well, Shauna, I am going to murder you in order to make him mine. Just a heads up Mind you, I love the way your dry and calculated wit contrasts with his bombastic and manic style, it's fantastic!
    • Danielle and Daniel turned up and as usual that mothersmurfer Towns made us climb a mountain. And he says "oh it's lovely weather" and as soon as he said that trout a god damn hurricane hit. You will see photos of us up this hill soon looking ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE. GOD DAMN YOU DANIEL TOWNS!
    • We bid the Shaunas farewell and headed back to the flat in two taxis. In our taxi (aka the best taxi) was me, Lev, the Townses and Ashley, and Danielle started barking like a dog. So we concocted a plan that she would walk into the room, bark like a dog for no apparent reason at everyone, then sit down nonchalantly like nothing had ever happened. She stumbled into the room, giggling, laughed for three minutes straight, did a bark-laugh hybrid and then stumbled down. Honestly though I remember meeting Danielle 5 years ago and she was so smurfing brilliant then, endless entertainment, and it has not changed. She is utterly bonkers and it's amazing. From randomly shouting out Pokemon noises to telling everyone how she clapped and cheered with excitement as some poor woman on a tv show had her eyes cut out and had to crawl... fantastic.
    • The gang purchased huge volumes of alcohol... say no more. And a random shout out to Marion who I have not mentioned yet. She is an absolute sweetheart! Anyway we played some loser stays on Tekken and ripped into troutty movies on TV. Good times. Oh and I think there is a video of us singing along to songs from Shrek.
    • Me and Ashley sung the chorus to this majestic song endlessly (it is our house song) and pissed everyone off xD
    • Had fun with Lev and Ashley shouting out obscenities from the Buffy swearing keyboard (google it, not posting it).
    • As Pontus looked on approvingly and Sarah disapprovingly, the three of us then tried to pick up local gay guys on Levian's grindr app. Pick up lines such as "I am the pickled egg emperor" and shouting insults such as "ham sandwich. racist" were very juvenile but were howling with laughter at some of the responses.
    • Another shout out to Sarah who I roomed with. As we were looking out the window of our room we saw some dude dressed like smurfing Neo from the Matrix wandering about xD THEN we saw some woman walking around in a god damn bright red Harry Potter cape - complete with hood - like it aint no thang. Had a great time staying up late and singing random songs from my iPod. We rule.
    • When me and Sarah arrived at the flat today, we had a nice surprise. See, I have been encouraging window pranks all the time. Like, when Clement arrived I stood at the window, smiled and waved a giant knife at him. This is the first time he has seen me in 7 years. Anyway, they all got their revenge on me (and poor Sarah - you will see her reaction photos soon!) by having the entire lot of that shower of bastards standing at each window waving and wearing various utensils. Utter nutjobs, the lot of them!
    • Also I just got back and all the messages I've had are about how bald I am. smurf all of you, I bloody well know xD I referenced it in my speech and got a huge laugh, so I'm more than adequate at publically humiliating myself without you arseholes joining in!

  10. #85
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Such a brilliant day all round.

    Anyway if anyone cares to hear my thoughts not only on the wedding but on the general EoFF meet itself then read a spoiler! It's a tl;dr of course but hey ho, I am sure a couple of you who have only seen pictures and haven't heard much about the day might enjoy reading it.
    I enjoyed reading through these highlights as much as I did looking through the pictures. Thanks for the recap! Brilliant time!
    Figaro Castle

  11. #86
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    "But special highlight was Matt (Mr. Shauna) going smurfing hog wild to Queen, what a hero."

    "I just want to say Matt is an absolute smurfing psychopath, I absolutely adore him and his comedy. I thought he and I bounced off each other well and, well, Shauna, I am going to murder you in order to make him mine. Just a heads up Mind you, I love the way your dry and calculated wit contrasts with his bombastic and manic style, it's fantastic!"

    Clearly I left some sort of impression.

    To be fair though, I am Nuts.

  12. #87
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Great highlights, Psycho. I want to see the text of your speech and also Nicky's video.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  13. #88
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I can't stop.


  14. #89
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    Fantastic summary, Paul. I want to do a summary of my own but right now my brain is rather broken from it all... specifically and especially Mr. Shauna.

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  15. #90
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Aww man I'm gaining a bad reputation here!

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