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Thread: People Telling You Who You Are

  1. #31


    I get label "serious" as in "quiet" a lot by relatives who have seen me grow up. I suspect behind my back they attach other, less gracious labels to me. I don't bother much with labels others attach to me, can't imagine what others must label me with either online or off.

  2. #32


    i have never really had this happen to me yet but this IS one of the things that really annoys me about people in general >>

    why can not people just like other people for who they are? It is like people expect other people to be like them or they have to shape them in some way. Now I know my parents probably annoy each other but they accept each other for who they are. If people were not unique the world would be boring >< I get that this might be a thread bump but does any one else feel the same way?

  3. #33
    Fei Gone Wrong Polnareff's Avatar
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    My favorite one is getting labeled as "retarded" because of my speech impediment (I have a lisp and I slur certain words). The look on these peoples' faces when they find out that my IQ is above average are a sight to behold. And people wonder why I don't actively try to make friends.

    Besides that, I used to get labeled as being a generally decent guy, but it was never really a compliment. Now I don't know what the hell I get labeled as, and don't care, as long as it's not something that doesn't fit me.
    Xenogears is the tragic story of how your whole life can take a crappy turn, just because you happened to see a lady in a wedding dress before her wedding.

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    This boy is crackin' up, this boy has broke down

  4. #34
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    How can somebody tell me who I am? I don't even smurfing know who I am.

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  5. #35
    Fluttershy Recognized Member Ashi's Avatar
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    That's actually really annoying! I hate that. Normally the only people I know that do that are the ones who are, erm, kind of "lacking in maturity" to put it in better words.

    I previously worked at a really high stress job. Sometimes even at night I'd remember one of my tasks and spontaneously wake up thinking about it. Thankfully as I got used to being there that happened less and less. But I once mentioned it to a colleague she said, "oh so you're the type that thinks a lot huh,"

    Thinks a lot. Hmm. I don't know. Am I? My family members believe I actually don't think at all, especially when making a commitment. I personally find that I think enough...I don't overthink, and I certainly do think before making decisions even if it's not apparent to others. I don't even know the point of making comments like that. "I figured you out", okay so you believe you did. Then what? Do you have a task for me that requires a deep thinker? Do you have everyone's names in categories in your head, "thinker", "non-thinker"?

    But who knows. Maybe I also do that to an extent. I don't know.

    Another co-worker, who is apparently a Sagittarius, asked when my birthday was. When she found out that I also was a fellow Sagittarius she made a comment about how "you couldn't possibly be a Sagittarius! they are stylish people!".

    Well, excuse me? Maybe I don't follow the latest trends in terms of style, but I actually enjoy dressing up and do have a distinctive style that I was really known for between my friends. It wasn't "trendy", "fashionable" or "outrageous", but I liked it and enjoyed it. For a person to tell me that to be of a certain starsign I had to look/dress in a specific way...that was actually crazy to me. And it wasn't that I was offended by not being what "she" thought is "stylish", because obviously it is difficult to agree on such subjective things, but that I had to be that "specific stylish" to have the birthdate that I do (which makes NO sense to me whatsoever).

    An "ex-friend" also seemed to constantly be trying to "figure me out" by putting me in a category of a certain kind of people and then trying to make it so that she was superior to those people. She thought she was being discreet about it but overtime it just made me sick. It was so obvious that she was making comparisons and then putting down whatever thing she believed me to be, whether it was being an outgoing person or a talkative one. It was just too much.

    Oops! I seem to have rambled on!

  6. #36
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Completely forgot, but the most common thing people think I am is white. Upon meeting me for the first time my boyfriend thought I was a white girl. Many people tend to assume this or that I'm Hispanic. This is pretty funny to me although it stills puzzles me why this is even a thing.

  7. #37
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    im a very silent type.
    especialy with ppl i dont really know.
    i can start a conversation with ppl i dont know, and with ppl i know very well becaus it comes natural.
    but with neutral people i just completely shut down...
    like with my (previous) boss. it was pretty much dead silence all the time becaus i have no idea what to talk about to him.

    besides that i always find it difficult to keep an conversation going

  8. #38
    Microwaving canned bread TrollHunter's Avatar
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    Typically I get called "awkward". Be it for my lack of talking, my weird sense of humor, or just any other number of things.
    It's pretty obnoxious because even good friends of mine would call me this.

  9. #39


    The matrix can't tell you who you are.

  10. #40
    can we sleep now? drotato's Avatar
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    Surprisingly... No. I think I'm way too random and um... Weird for people to figure out that quickly. @. @

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