Well i was on an enforced date and halfway througfh the night I was told 'You're the strong silent type aren't you'. That happens a lot in varying ways and tonightt I decided to ask how she came to that conclusion and was told it was because I didn't speak much but also didn't seem nervous or insecure about it I googled it to get more info and apparently I'm very out of fashion and will struggle to hold down a relationship with a modern woman. Awesome. However I couldn't argue as I guess that probably is the way I am. I don't speak much, not through shyness or that I don't feel confident, I really do I just don't need to fill air with noise all the time and don't think you need to talk about every problem.


Anyway do you often get 'told' by people what kind of person you are? It's annoying isn'ty it? Even when they're right, you deny it unless it's flattering. Does they perceptions of you often differ from how you view yourself? Hinting at self awareness issues?