Aaah, I completely forgot that Harry Potter Kid specifically thanked Daryl for bringing back a deer and talked about eating it or something. And then there's Violet. Between those two things, it definitely has to be some sort of mutated animal contagion of the virus. But if Daryl brought that deer back, other people must have eaten it, too. I've definitely wondered why the walker virus doesn't seem to affect animals or turn animals the way it does humans. Maybe it's adapting! And maybe that's how all hell breaks loose next episode - everyone who ate the deer turns and Harry Potter Kid was just to show the start of it.

Buuut I just read something about the water, too -

Quote Originally Posted by someone on tumblr, idk
Okay, the amount of times they showed shots of water in last night’s episode literally made me say, “there’s something wrong with the water.” Patrick, the kid who died in the shower at the end was bleeding from the eyes. Bleeding from the eyes is a symptom of Ebola, a virus contracted through contaminated water.
Now that I think about it, they did specifically show water a few times - definitely with that barrel and some other things, as well as focusing up on the water from the shower quite a bit. But Harry Potter Kid was sick before he got in the shower, so I am still stuck on the animal thing.

We don't have all the pertinent information!