Freaking Michonne smiling is like seeing a goddamned white stag walking on its hind legs. I am wondering if the writers got the message about everyone disliking her somber and spiteful attitude during the last season. She smiled a whole bunch and even laughed and joked this season! Great beginning of the season for her character. I was dreading seeing her on screen.

Rantz and I watched this together and something was totally not right about that woman Rick found in the forest. He speculated she had been eating meat that the walkers were eating and that's why she looked so deathly sick and barely human. It provides an explanation as for why she went for that deer that walkers had clearly gotten to first. Something was definitely wrong with her. When they got back to her little campsite, we thought she just had an "imaginary husband" or that she was going to cannibalize him, but NO THERE WAS A BAG ON THE FLOOR ABOUT BODY-LENGTH and yep, zombie husband was definitely in there. Why Rick didn't lop both their heads off is beyond me; seems like asking for trouble.

I am suspecting that the virus is mutating and that is what affected Violet The Pig and Harry Potter Kid (lol foa we thought he looked like a Harry Potter/Malfoy combo xD). And then I am thinking of some super wild conspiracy speculations, that the governor maybe is behind something of feeding walker meat to the pigs and the humans consume the pigs and thus get sick like Harry Potter Kid. How the Governor would be involved, though, I don't know. They seem to have a pretty populated place and I am sure it is patrolled frequently.

Seems like an okay start. I'm not hating it, but like with the past seasons, I am wondering where it can go and what new spin they can put on this series to keep it from getting boring. Maybe that's what they are hoping to do with a mutated virus. In the sneak peek for next week's episode, Carol says, "There aren't many of us left." I don't know if she's referring to non-walkers or if she's referring to their group with all the newcomers after the Harry Potter Kid unleashes hell as a walker.

Looking forward to next week!

edit: Bored of Maggie and Glenn. One of them will end up dying this season.