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  1. #106


    In my defense, me not having any better solutions is precisely why I don't have your job, which leaves me to question your position, but that's for another thread entirely!

  2. #107
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I have my job precisely because I solve problems like that.

  3. #108
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Oh I definitely had it coming. I don't remember exactly why either. I mean, I know a bunch of things that I did that caused some karmic retribution, but I don't know which is which. Honestly, that was one of the cleverest things ever and in hindsight I am enjoying it far more than I did at the time. Bravo sir, bravo.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
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  4. #109
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    Ok, read through all the posts in here ^^' I'm surprised I got some nominations, thanks to all the people who voted for me. But yes, I did hesitate for some time before I gathered my courage to actually type my reply here. I'm sorry to the people who are tad 'upset' that people from the ls and fc Fat Chocobo's got nominated and rarely appear in here. Tbf, most of us are online in FFXIV all the time so to us ls people the nominations make sense.

    I do understand that you guys are 'who the hell is Valerna', I don't know most of the EoFF-ers either. But yes, we voted too and we voted for the members we knew (some more active here then others). So please don't be miffed at us, doesn't give a very welcoming vibe to the FFXIV-ers at all (I don't feel welcome like that).

  5. #110
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    .... Or the time. Or focus (ADHD FTW!) ..

    I don't rly have problems with XIVers coming in and voting, but it only makes sense that -some- attempt is made to come in and get to know us- either here in the forums or in chat, like Jinx said.

    And as far as actually voting for an XIVer, how can I do that if I don't know you? You didn't take time to come around the forums other than to say hi in Wonder Square. And I don't just mean -you- personally. I mean it in general. Lol

    either way, this is supposed to be fun. Not people getting mad abt stuff like this. XD

  6. #111
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Going to follow the same vibe as Jiro and others.

    As someone who is active on both Fat Chocobos and the forum, I do not see the problem with Fat Chocobo-ers getting nominations. It is not different when staff and previous Award hosts tried to make the "lower forum" (i.e. the FF fora) feel more included by pushing us to nominate, vote and post more in those sections! I do not think people realize the degree to which BoB actually wants both groups to get along and how much he nagged (and totally blackmailed me) us in Fat Chocobos to nominate. It is true that while those who do not frequent the forum as much as others will not know more members and will likely vote for those in Fat Chocobos. Just like when #eoff chatters are pushed to nominate too! Or when the same push is done on the lower forum!

    Now if you see FFXIVers getting nominated as a problem, you should have nominated people if you didn't. Otherwise, it actually shows that the Fat Chocobo members made more of an effort to nominate than the "regular forum" members. Moreover, such attitudes are really counter-productive to getting them to be more active in the forum! If I was from the LS/FC and was asked to post more and saw this I would be disinclined to post here. It does not make newbies feel very welcomed. If you want to say "Well they always just stay chatting in their game!" You guys are more than welcome to buy the fricken game and join (Pretty huge push on BoB's part to get EoFFers to join, FYI). Moreover, if you do not want to buy the game, there is always the Facebook group and stuff that you can join and see what we are all about.

    In the end, it is a two way street. You cannot merely expect the LS members to get to know you, if you make no effort to know them or even welcome them. I see Fat Chocobo members trying to make posts and join in the larger community but which some of the remarks made in this thread, it is no very welcoming. Actually, the Fat Chocobo members made me feel more welcomed into their Linkshell and Free Company than most forum posters have done to make them feel welcome. There are some really cool people on there and if you don't want to get to know them then it is your lost.

  7. #112
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I'm sorry you feel unwelcome Valerna and I'm sure it can't be easy entering into a discussion where you feel like an outsider so I really respect you for speaking up.

    I don't think there's any emmity at you folk at all. I think it came as a surprise to most people that there's a mini community out there that they knew nothing about. I think it's more shock and confusion you're seeing rather than dislike.

    If I'd known about you I might very well have voted for you... And indeed maybe the reverse is true too. To that end I would like to extend the hand of friendship to you or anyone else from ARR, the forums or wherever. Feel free to send me a PM anytime if you'd like to hear the ramblings of a madman like me

  8. #113
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    As I had mentioned, there is more than just playing the game to get to know Fat Chocobo members. There is the FFXIV forum, the Facebook group, and the long-on-going spam conversation in Facebook chat. The last two are open to anyone, and if you want to join an invite can be sent your way. Moreover, I know people who do not have the game but do actively try and participate in them.

    To be honest, I do not know everyone in the LS and I am one of the leaders. But those that did get nominated are among the most active both on the LS and on EoFF. I think only two names that were nominated were not that active. Two names in the 50 categories to be nominated in and if I recall correctly they were nominated once each. So I honestly do not see what the big deal is. Moreover, the fact that they did make it to the voting round does show that the Fat Chocobo members proportionally made more of an effort than just forum members. So if you want to complain, complain to your fellow forum members.

    If you had a bad experience in the LS, I am sorry but it was also during Beta too. Rudeness hasn't be accepted and if someone is rude, then you should have told one of the LS leaders. That's what we're there for. Heck, I didn't even play on the same server during Phase 3 as the LS. But I was more than welcomed when I did play with them and even between Beta phases I got to know the other LS members. I can think of at least a dozen people, many of which barely post here, who will help out newbies and do content with them despite having done it a hundred times. Myself included. Frankly, your single bad experience during Beta seems like the except than the rule to the LS and FC I know. Moreover, I doubt anyone not in the LS or FC realize how much push there is for everyone to get along.

  9. #114
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I always thought TonyUK was a reference to my safehouse in London that I purchased in the event of a collapse of the American government (that I may or may not have caused).

    Did AP post the total nominations stats?

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  10. #115


    For what it's worth I am in no way involved with absolutely any of the avenues involved with the FF XIV stuff, and I may not ever be involved with any of it, unless I do decide to get FF XIV. That said, I welcome their involvement with open arms. Just means EoFF has a community that reaches in to a few more places is all.

  11. #116
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    I also was very surprised at my nominations, I honestly didnt expect it as I'm not a frequent forum visitor because I have simply almost no time. I have hardly time to play FFXIV (now I'm afking on FF to write this post ) and even less time to read on the forums. When I finally make my way to the forum, I normally just read up on posts, which takes already a lot of time..and then there's nothing left to type a response

    I found it really hard to find my way into the forum, despite the very warm welcomes. I think it might be a "deterrence" for newbies because the community is so strong, the topics change really fast and everyone knows each other for a long time...same as it is with our Fat Chocobos community. It seems like there's a river between our two communities and that is a bit sad. But I think it is very well possible to combine Eoff and FCs, as Jinx has shown with her joining the FB chat.

    I can understand the disappointment when people are nominated who don't participate a lot, but think about it: the nominations made me try to participate more again. So that's a nice side effect of the Ciddies, isn't it?
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  12. #117
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    I didn't think the nomination stats were posted until after voting closed.
    Got it in one!

    TonyUK is everything TonyUS (Murd) is not. xD
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  13. #118
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I really hope the FC folks can understand our confusion and questioning here. We all want you here very much and would like you to post more. We want you to be a part of our community! There is whole world of forums here with different friendships and interests. All you have to do is be a little active and you will notice people responding around here.

    Please don't take our confusion at the situations as unwelcoming, because that is not the case at all.

  14. #119
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Dude. Raine...

    It took me awhile to kind of find my footing here and get in where I fit in. I've been here like wut... 8 months (holy canoli has it already been 8 months!? Waaaauuuuuu)? And as far as I've come along, I still don't think I'm -quite- there yet. Just because like you said, everyone's already been knowing each other for awhile and gone to meet ups and all that junk. You just have to stick with it and be more active in the forums. It doesn't necessarily matter if you can't keep up with what's going on.. And there's no need to read every single thing. Just pick a thread that seems interesting, read through the OP, post your response. Maybe look through other replies after. Much quicker that way.

  15. #120
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    Dude. Noxi...

    I wasn't complaining. I know it's my "fault" for not participating more. I just tried to find explanations not only for me, but maybe also for others. For me, it's simply lack of time. For others, it might be hard to find their way in. Just giving an idea, to raise understanding on both sides. I understand your confusions. I don't think any of the FC members expected a nomination, but for my part, I was positively surprised. If the crossnominations are that much of a problem, the next time it should be seperated probably?
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