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  1. #61
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    The whole situation just seems loosely slapped together and I cannot see a reasonable way for it to be executed. I get that this is early and whatever but, um, seriously? Sin is back, despite Yu Yevon being killed, which means that there needs to be a way for a) Yu Yevon to come back or b) Sin to be created anew. If B then why? And why did it take so long?

    Tidus and Yuna calling off their relationship after so much intense desire to find each other at long last ugh it's just, the relationship was crazy but it worked and having them go "oh actually nah" is just preposterous. I can get, maybe, that they grew apart during peace because smurf that is a real phenomena but it's not a concept I think Square Enix could pull off in a thousand years.

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  2. #62


    From what I got from Tumblr, Tidus/ Yuna are not breaking things up, or taking a break, or anything like that.
    Yuna knows that Sin is back and she doesn't want Tidus to know, or for him to panic; so she makes up a lie that she's seeing somebody else, to distract him from Sin's returning.

    This is Yuna, she'll sacrifice anything personal so others can be happy. It's extremely in- character. Also Tidus is hanging out with a friend, who is a girl, so that's why Yuna uses a new love thing as a lie, so it can look like she's easily jealous, and she could be a little bit, and maybe in hopes that Tidus would move on happily, because she could end up sacrificing herself again, and Tidus has already been through alot of crap of all almost loosing her, she wouldn't want that to happen again.

    It's not going to be like a teen drama, Laguna Beach thing, it's just Yunie being Yunie.

  3. #63
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    As long as they don't make it as laughable as FFX-2 was then we're fine. I'd like it a tad more serious like FFX was.

  4. #64
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I don't think they break up - Lulu's line to Tidus about him not knowing Yuna as well as he should makes it pretty damn obvious what is going on.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Elskidor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
    Not sure where they can take the story from X-2, unless it's a prequel following Braska pilgrimage and you play as Jecht, that has some potential.
    This was what I was going to say. If done like this I could get into it for sure, but any other way and I'll be skeptical.
    Everyone says how much they love this idea, but I just don't see the reason for a prequel about another pilgrimage.

    We all already know what happened on Braska's pilgrimage: Braska and Auron find Jecht imprisoned, and despite Auron's reluctance for Jecht to join them, the trio then sets off for Zanarkand, with Jecht learning about Spira, its people, and its customs along the journey, just as Tidus does ten years later. Jecht sacrifices himself for Braska and becomes his final aeon, partly because he doesn't see a way to get back to Dream Zanarkand, effectively leaving him stuck in Spira. Throughout FFX, Braska's pilgrimage is referenced and detailed several times (via all of the Jecht spheres, certain dialog in various points throughout the game, and in the confrontation with Yunalesca) and there weren't really any loose ends that could be tied up by or otherwise merit a whole game dedicated to this arguably futile pilgrimage.

    We've already been on a heartbreaking pilgrimage, and I'd like to do something else in the next FFX installment; maybe something that doesn't involve seeing all the protagonists die at the end. That being said, it would be cool if the aeons could somehow make a reappearance in FFX-3, like if (SPOILER)they could be "called" (as opposed to summoned) in the same way that Sin is, as revealed by the audio drama.

  6. #66
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I don't really like the idea of a prequel either. Tbh Braska's pilgrimage just wasn't interesting enought to me to play a whole game of it. Plus, only 3 characters and I am a lady who likes a lot of playable characters.

  7. #67
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Agreed. I wouldn't be opposed to a prequel pilgrimage but certainly not that one.

  8. #68
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Don't know why I hadn't thought of a different prequel. I would be interested in the story of Seymore and his mother.

  9. #69
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    I wouldn't mind a prequel about Lenne and Shuyin.

    But as interesting as Braska's pilgrimage was, I don't think it'd make a full game. Maybe DLC? But see, it's just a huge sausagefest, so that bores me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  10. #70
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    And still I see nowhere for the story to go except backwards, as if that wasn't already evident with what was revealed for X-3 so far.

    That said, the more I think about it, the less I see this actually happening. Last time I checked there was more demand from the fanbase for Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III and a FFVII remake than anything added to X. I doubt they're going to get enough vocal support overall unless there's something I'm missing, and Yevon forbid they put XV and KH3 on hold for this.

  11. #71
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    I mean if there was a prequel, I'd be more interested in the original Bevelle/Zanarkand war that started it all.

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    I mean if there was a prequel, I'd be more interested in the original Bevelle/Zanarkand war that started it all.
    This! Also, I want to know why summoners like Lenne existed in Zanarkand before the time of Sin, when summoners' only objective is to summon specifically to beat Sin, as Yevon states. What were they summoning for? What were they summoning, still fayths?

  13. #73
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Just because a world has rich lore doesn't mean you can necessarily churn out multiple compelling stories situated in it. The lore gives context and lends to the initial piece -- simply playing through Braska's pilgrimage is pointless because a) we know what happens are the pivotal moments and b) there is thematically nothing new on offer that Yuna's pilgrimage didn't already cover (esp. because of the inclusion of the Jecht spheres).

    If Yuna and Tidus are still a thing and Yuna is trying to protect him by going off on her own to defeat Sin 2.0 then that's even worse of a plot thread. Yuna tried keeping Tidus out of the loop once; he overturned however many decades of tradition and destroyed a world spanning religious institution to save her. Yuna thinking she can actually protect him is completely misguided -- even her naive self from the original game couldn't make that mistake twice. So having her regress into thinking she can just shoulder it all and have people be content with that is utterly smurfing abysmal.

    The idea that ordinary citizens would call on her and "force" her to be their hero again is good though. Like, the crushing burden of being the hero; when dangers threatens, the weak rely on the strong regardless of how much the strong actually have left to give. That's like, totally Batman and trout. I can see a strong theme of Yuna struggling with saving the world over and over but whether or not Square Enix can do that without making her a whiny kid who is then talked into being a hero again by some smurfing stupid monologue or something...

    Final Fantasy X-3 as a concept does not bother me that much. It's just that I have little faith in Square Enix's ability to create a nuanced story to build on the rising stakes and rising tensions created in the past two games. Where do you go from there? And from what little I've gleaned, the plot seems shaky and fan fictiony/fan servicey at best. I'm not writing it off, but like most contemporary Final Fantasy titles, I haven't got the highest of expectations.

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  14. #74
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    This sounds laughably bad.

    there was a picture here

  15. #75
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    Only joined this discussion but I'll give my opinions.

    First of all, the idea of a prequel seems a bit pointless to me. We already know what happens in the end, and unless there is more characters added into the story I can't imagine how they will do a FF themed game with three men on a gloomy trail to inevitable doom. Even with this aside, it doesn't excite me. I like the female input in games and even the romantic aspect when things are done right.

    I don't think it will materialize though. It's a gamble, and I'm sure SE are not prepared to waste a bunch of money on something the audience sort-of already knows what happens.

    I'd be delighted for FFX-3 to happen for many reasons. The main ones I'll share:

    1. I get to revisit what was such a beautiful world in Spira, and the characters that inhibit it. I enjoyed all the main characters (including Tidus) and it would be nice to see how things have evolved with them and the world around over the past few years. Not to mention we can see this in beautiful detail on the PS4!

    2. At the end of FFX I was looking forward to see what would happen between Yuna & Tidus but instead we were given a subplot for the entire game and a cutscene at the end with them holding hands. It was a let down. I'd like to see how things pan out with them for real this time.

    3. Recent SE games haven't been up to scratch lately. I don't even care if people think they are doing this for an earner as long as they treat this with care. This game means a lot to people clearly. Also, I hope the gameplay is somewhat simillar to its PS2 counterparts and not some action-rpg gameplay that I hate (FFXV ). I'd love something like FFXII's.

    So yeah, definitely up for this. I just pray that they do a good job!

    Str8 Pimpin'

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