Alright, we're almost ready to get started! First, let's go over the rules and how this is going to work:

Rules and stuff (revised by popular demand)
There will be 12 rounds (more if there is good enough participation and I receive late picture entries).

Each round, I will post up a picture of a certain location. You try to guess the location.

Try to guess the town and where it is. Example: Ottawa, Ontario. Or Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. You don't need to be more specific than that.

You will be given points equal to the distance of your guess from the actual location.

This is like golf: the lower your score, the better.

In the interest of not having this take forever, participants will have 48 hours from the time I post up the picture to guess.

You can edit your post to change your answer, but do it before I see it. The first answer I see by you is the answer I'm scoring.

Once all of the guesses have been submitted, your scores will be given, and the next round will be posted. The sooner everyone answers, the sooner the next round will begin.

If you miss the 48 hour deadline twice in a row, you will have 24 hours to submit a guess.

If you miss the deadline 3 times in a row, you will be disqualified.

If you don't want to continue playing, let me know, and I will disqualify you. That way, the other players won't have to wait around for nothing.

For each missed round, you will be penalized points equal to the highest scoring guess (the worst guess) + 250. Remember, points are bad.

You will also be penalized if:

You join late. If you decide that you want to participate and you didn't sign up, you will be given a score of + 250 for every missed round. This is to be fair to those who took advantage of the sign up phase.

Late entries will not be accepted past round 3.

You guess the location of photos you submitted correctly. In the spirit of play, you can submit a wrong answer to throw off the competition. If you correctly guess your own location it will result in a penalty of +100 000 points.

This post will be updated with a scoreboard going from best score (lowest amount of points) to worst score (highest amount of points).


*If you would rather submit answers via PM fee free.


Endless - 0
Denmark - 72
sharkythesharkdogg - 990
Yerushalmi - 2405
Inferno - 5857
Pantz - 9611
Formalhaut - 13959
Raistlin - 20290
Cim - 20354
Vivi22 - 21927