I can't sleep so I figured I might as well start this. I dunno how often I'll update but I know it is an expensive game, so I will share it's joy with you all!

I will post screencaps of all of the dialogue decisions that happen in game. My answers will be the highlighted option. It will be very screenshot-centric because I didn't spend 2 hours waiting to be able to take screenshots for nothing!

Here we go


Start up screen. Pretty standard. I name our Hero, Riou.

The game starts with a blonde boy named Jowy coming down past a bunch of tents and enters one. He sees our hero Riou and comments that he has already changed out of his uniform. He understands, because they are both excited to get back home. Jowy comments on a girl named Nanami, saying ever since her grandfather died, Riou is all she has. At this point, Jowy asks if we want to go to bed yet.


We walk around the campsites until we arrive at one where a blonde man scolds us for being out of uniform and tells us to get back to bed. There are a few other people we talk to who give us some good information. We are a part of the Youth Brigade and we are finally getting to go home because there is currently a peace agreement being signed. Fun times were had by all. End game. No really, we just head back to our tent.


So we head back and I get asked the same question as above, but I choose the second option this time.


Ah, a good nights rest. Nothing bad ever happens when video game characters sleep!


OHMIGOSH WHAT?!!? Unheard of!


I think it might be a surprise attack by the City-State! They may broken the peace agreement! You can tell he is serious by the various exclamation points.


Sounds like a plan, Stan.


This is an optional speak, but it is touching, so I included it.

So instead of heading East, we head West because... uhm... that is where the game let us go, I guess. Jowy promptly tries to climb up the cliff.


It's like there's a reason he said to go East!


East, I messed up, I got it.

Captain Rowd is suddenly followed by some soldiers. Jowy asks if they're reinforcements, but then we hear a voice basically telling us we are idiots for not knowing East from West. Who is this stranger? Rowd identifies him as Prince Luca.


This is suspicious. I don't like his face.


Yeah, really.


Oh, okay, I feel so much better now. As long as I've helped your career I can feel better about the fact that my Captain is going to murder me. All is well!

This of course leads to a fight, because seriously that is some crap right there. After a few hits the soldiers go down.


Rowd is a stand up fellow.

How do we get out of this one?


Whatever, you and your logic and your thinking. I guess we will have to jump for it!

Jowy then proceeds to slash a tree.


Riou slashes over Jowy's slash, making an X on the tree. A promise between friends.


That's our introduction! Hope you enjoyed it and I will see you next time!