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Thread: Annoying

  1. #1
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    Default Annoying

    what small habbits about your surrounding annoy you?

    My mother always talks very soft to herself when she's on the ipad. and then all of the sudden she will be like '' what the hell is going on Now? '' when something goes wrong.

    my dad always leaves the door open behind him.. ow god, the draft!

    my sister is hardly home and when she is home she can do nothing but complain.. for the love of god cant you just stay away? and she has a hard time putting the lights off :l

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    Anyone telling me something or telling me to do something more than once in the span of a short time bothers me greatly.

  3. #3
    Just Do It kotora's Avatar
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    I can't stand the majority of backpackers I run into. Little twats who think everything is either 'amazing' or 'inspiring', which is just backpacker-talk for 'nice view' and 'oh look, a poor person working hard'.

    And then they go home and think they know the world and think it's all love and sunshine because they got offered tea everywhere they went
    This twenty-year-old boy was distinguished from childhood by strange qualities, a dreamer and an eccentric. A girl fell in love with him, and he went and sold her to a brothel...

  4. #4
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I would be the kind of traveler kotora wants to punch in the face.

  5. #5
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Still shaking my head at this person.

    Step 1) Brings their vehicle here, not knowing what's wrong, wanting me to fix it.

    Step 2) Listens to my explanation of what is wrong, and disagrees with me because either they don't like the price, or they already read on Dr. Google what was wrong.

    Step 3) Insists on fixing it their way. At this point I explain I'm no longer their auto tech, I'm the guy they have bolting parts on for them, i.e., not responsible.

    Step 4) Fuss at me anyway when it doesn't work, and hint around that they shouldn't have to pay, or deserve a refund/discount.

  6. #6
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Aww man, I have loads but the main ones are

    - People who eat with their mouth open
    - Bad spelling and grammar
    - People who believe that soup is a drink

  7. #7
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    ppl who have to talk in the middle of the road or exit.
    it anoyed the poop out of me in highschool. there was 1 exit gate for the bike's and there would always be a group standing in the middle of that exit.

    forgot my biggest one:
    kids on bike's, playing music through the speakers of theire phone :l
    get some earbuds for the loev of god! we dnt want to hear yr music

  8. #8
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    People. Just people. All of them.

  9. #9
    Cloudane's Avatar
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    How long a list do you want haha

    People at work who are always in a massive rush. And so they will

    a) Pester me to do anything they want "ASAP" no matter how urgent it really is in the grand scheme of things, and want me to prioritise them over everyone else and

    b) Do things so fast that it takes them longer. I sat and watched one of the culprits last week in a meeting - she is one of these who has to be talking and doing everything at 10 million miles per hour so she can be all showy with "look how busy I am and how much of a sense of urgency I have omgomgnotimetoputspacesbetweenwordsbusybusybusyletsgo!!"
    The end result was that she kept mistyping and misclicking every couple of seconds and having to re-do things, and losing windows this way and that. So in the end it took longer than if she'd just slowed down and calmly showed what she wanted doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana View Post
    My mother always talks very soft to herself when she's on the ipad. and then all of the sudden she will be like '' what the hell is going on Now? '' when something goes wrong.
    Haha, my mum does exactly that as well, but mostly on the desktop. She rarely directly asks for help, and also chunters away constantly (when nothing's wrong, she just has a habit of talking to herself a lot) to the point you end up sort of tuning it out. Sometimes I may notice the slightly louder "what's going on here?", but more often than not I'll not notice until it's escalated to a loud and hinty "SIGH..."

  10. #10
    *permanently smitten*
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    1) Someone emailing you, and then calling five minutes later to say "Did you get my email?". Whenever I've worked in offices, this was the norm and I hated it.

    2) People hovering around or reaching over me, without even bothering to say, "Excuse me"

    3) People who take ten minutes to say something that should only take one sentence, or people who drag out phone conversations way too long after I've already said "Okay, I have to go now" or "Well, bye, I have to to go" repeatedly

    4) People who start a sentence with "I'm wondering if you can help me" or "Can I ask you a question?" or begin to leave a voicemail by stating the date and time

    5) People who say "We should hang out soon!" and then don't respond to your specific invitations to hang out

    Ugh, people are so redundant and inefficient, maybe I won't leave the house today. Then again, I'm just tired of pandering to self-absorbed people in general. #NoTimewasters2014

  11. #11
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    People who assume I say aboot and eh because I'm Canadian. It gets really annoying. Especially when they start out by laughing and they're like "Hey, *chucklechuckle* say about." And I say about and they look disappointed because they can't laugh at me. It upsets me. Especially since I live in South Carolina and most people here have a very thick accent an mine is pretty mild. I've heard people around here say eh more than I do, I've never heard anyone personally to say aboot, and we call our bacon bacon and our ham ham.

    I don't mind friends or whatever joking around with me but when it's people I don't even know who are basically just trying to make fun of me, it is very annoying.
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 01-06-2014 at 07:26 PM.

  12. #12
    *permanently smitten*
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    Oh my god

    1) Any time someone asks me to "say something" in my "accent"

    2) Any time someone asks me totally bizarre and exoticized questions like "What kind of crops do you grow in your country?", "What is it like in your small country?", "What kinds of food do they eat there?" or even "Does everyone walk like you in your country?"

    3) Any time someone asks me "So what are you?" or "What tribe are you from?"

    4) When someone asks where I am from and after I reply they say "Oh! I know someone from/have been to/my family has been to Australia!", or "OH MAN I LOVE LOTR!" or "OMG I love Flight of the Conchords!"

    5) Any time someone from back home says "You sound American now"

    6) When people who read my writing complain about my using "foreign words"

    7) Basically any time people at my workplace act like it's superior and cutting edge simply for being American, when they are actually streets behind developments I helped implement at my former workplace seven years ago

    8) Any time someone acts like their taste in or consumption of media somehow correlates to how good a person they are

    9) Any time someone berates someone else for not having encountered some kind of media before - sorry, I just haven't had time to read every book and watch every film ever made

    10) People who like to bore the rest of us with constant updates about what they are eating or how much they are exercising. I just brushed my teeth and took my vitamins, do you want me to instagram that, too?

    It's Monday. I'm pissed off. Look out, idiots.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calliope View Post
    1) Someone emailing you, and then calling five minutes later to say "Did you get my email?". Whenever I've worked in offices, this was the norm and I hated it.
    This happens here as well, or there's one here who will often send a follow-up email maybe half an hour later saying "sorry to push, but please can you answer this?"

    dghffhfdfsdjkfsd EMAIL IS NOT IM... if it's that urgent you're going to get tetchy if you don't get an answer straight away then pick up the phone, or walk across the office and talk to me!

    Quote Originally Posted by Calliope View Post
    3) Any time someone asks me "So what are you?" or "What tribe are you from?

  14. #14
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana View Post
    kids on bike's, playing music through the speakers of theire phone :l
    get some earbuds for the loev of god! we dnt want to hear yr music
    Earbuds can be dangerous as they might not hear cars. But yea it doesnt need to be so loud

    Quote Originally Posted by Calliope View Post
    2) People hovering around or reaching over me, without even bothering to say, "Excuse me"
    I do this because I dont want to rush whoever it is im hovering around to access whatever theyre blocking. (I will say excuse me if i need to reach over though)
    Last edited by blackmage_nuke; 01-07-2014 at 02:01 PM.
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  15. #15


    - People who talk over movies I haven't seen before.

    - Generally people's tendency to babble and reiterate things that they've already said for no reason than to be hearing air escaping from their own mouth.

    - Bulltroutters.

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