Yes, EoFF, I am a Power Rangers fan!

It was one of the many, many shows I grew up watching as a kid. Many of you know me as ToriJ, but the name on my birth certificate spells out Thomas, and back then they used to call me Tommy. And who else was named Tommy? The mother smurfing Green Ranger! He had it all, the martial arts skills that rivaled Jason, the coolest Power Ranger costume, the gold shield, the best weapon, the best Zord, the girl, then he became the leader and got the girl a second time around. I lived through this man so hard as a kid it's not even funny.

So you bet when I heard there was going to be a Power Rangers movie I was excited. A ton of kids were excited. We were very excitable. I remember watching a program they had just to talk about the movie. Then I saw the movie and thought it was the greatest thing ever and then I played the game. Seen it, been there, bought the video game

And looking back... eh, it suffers from being a movie based off a TV show if that makes sense. It's short and they went flat out crazy with finally having a big movie budget. Gave the rangers a bunch of devices just because they could, messed with the uniforms and the CGI Zords were terrible. Then again if I remember right CGI in general back in those days were pretty terrible. Heh, back in those days... ........

Talk about Power Rangers!