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Thread: End-Game Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS, obvs)

  1. #1

    Default End-Game Discussion (MASSIVE SPOILERS, obvs)

    Final/ Last chapter thoughts

    (SPOILER) This game was so enjoyable ! So good ! And then they ruin it all by trying to make the game longer, by pulling a different universe trout on you. The different universes don't even look at least one bit different, it's just the same world. The last chapters are basically go and defeat the four crystal fiends again, and again, and again. Never been so upset over something. I might try and end this sometime later when have enough energy to take on the same bosses, at least 3 times I think.

    Though I think that Airy is the main villain, which is fantastic because I've hated her since the beginning and her annoying Navi like, telling you where to go and do next, and then her whining and yelling in later chapters. It's going to be nice to kill her off, if she is the big bad. But the whole do- the-same-bosses-again and again thing.



  2. #2
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    (SPOILER)You can just destroy the crystals and end the game - you just won't get true end. I believe from Ch5 onwards? I'll let Mr Shauna fill you in with further details for this, as I haven't actually played, but he bitched about it for ages at me. He was so mad about how this game ended. xD

  3. #3
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    (SPOILER)You can just destroy the crystals and end the game - you just won't get true end. I believe from Ch5 onwards? I'll let Mr Shauna fill you in with further details for this, as I haven't actually played, but he bitched about it for ages at me. He was so mad about how this game ended. xD
    End Game Spoilers This is about right. I did bitch and argue.

    I never noticed you could break the crystals during chapters 5-7 and eventually by chapter 8 I was so done with re-fighting the bosses that i grinded to level 99 in the earth temple, maxed out all the jobs and blitzed the game. Breaking the crystals leads you straight to the final dungeon, and I was so happy to see if after the 3rd Cycle. After reading up online this wasn't true ending, I grit my teeth and jumped back into get true ending. Extended the game by another 3 hours.

    Also when you find out the truth, the game's subtitle changes at the title screen from "Where the Fairy Flies". Have a look out for it.

  4. #4
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Skyblade made a fair point - continue your discussion of not-first-impressions here.

  5. #5


    (SPOILER) So how many re- do's do you have to suffer through if you want to see the true ending ?? It sounds like alot, if Shauna went to level 99 :/

    Yes can understand so much the anger and frustration about this game. Is the ending worth it ? You can spoil that for me, I don't care too much anymore.

  6. #6
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    (SPOILER) So how many re- do's do you have to suffer through if you want to see the true ending ?? It sounds like alot, if Shauna went to level 99 :/

    Yes can understand so much the anger and frustration about this game. Is the ending worth it ? You can spoil that for me, I don't care too much anymore.
    #Everything in this thread is spoilahs!Breakdown is basically you re-do the crystals a grand total of 5 times. That's 20x boss battles and 20x Airy giving you the words of encouragement when you awaken the crystals. The ending occurs when you either break a crystal, or awaken them for the 20th time. At which point Airy turns out to be and evil millennium old demon hell bent on world destruction. He subtitle changes from "Where the fairy flies" to "Airy Lies" which I thought was actually amazing.

    Ending has you fight Airy and her 2 or three forms before she cries out for her master whom I think is called Beelzebub. However the game ends there. True ending is where you fight Airy, and then the 5 forms of Beelzebub before saving da world. This then triggers the story related to fighting end boss, as well as a Gyro scoped controlled cut scene leading into the sequel "Bravely Second".

    Pro Tip - The final Job class is available in chapter 6, during the 3rd loop called the conjourer. At level 13 the conjourer learns the ability obliterate which defeat any enemies 20 levels below you instantly. It is a grinding godsend as i just ran around mashing a for a while until I maxed all the jobs. Was watching anime or something at the time, didn't even pay much attention to the game while it gave me free points.

  7. #7

    Default A thread for those of us who have beaten the game (PS: I don't like the ending. :p)

    And I'll put this here so someone doesn't see a spoiler by mistake when scrolling over the thread title.

    So, I beat the game a while ago, and I must say, what the serious smurf? There was so much wrong with this.

    Firstly, i got both endings, the one where you blow up a crystal and just defeat Airy and what not, and the one where you link all the worlds, defeat Airy, and then take on her master Ouroborus.

    To start with, this was a serious waste of having multiple worlds. Essentially every world you come across is almost 100% Identical, save for a few minor variations here and there, nothing of consequence.

    Secondly, how do the Derossa and Sage Yulyana of the worlds you go to later know anything? The ones in your world know because the Agnes of the previous world appeared their with 'the evil one' airy, and told them of what happened. That hasn't happened in these worlds. There should be know portrait of an angel, unless somehow she crash landed in ALL worlds, which doesn't seem to make much sense.

    Thirdly, every DeRossa and every Sage in every world experienced the exact same events, came to the exact same conclusions, and formulated the exact same plan, and somehow knew that the others of all other worlds had also formulated the exact same plan? smurfing really? Even if you ignore the nonsense of the additional worlds knowing about Airy and these things and everything, this is some trout pulled straight out of the ass.

    Fourth up, how did they even know about Ouroborus? Did Airy sit down and explain, in detail, everything about her master before leaving previous worlds? How did Agnes know any of this to be able to tell DeRossa and Yulyana enough about Ouroborus to even formulate this plan?

    I could go on, but this whole ended was just a cluster smurf.

    Edit: Just as an aside to that, at what point did you guess Airy was the villain? That was my first thought when Olivia, the water vestal, didn't seem to know what a Cryst-Fairy was.
    Last edited by NeoCracker; 02-21-2014 at 12:33 PM.

  8. #8
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Son of a...

    I came into this thread thinking I was in the Lightning Returns forum. I was so hoping to go unspoiled. This is what I get for browsing half asleep.

    That said, it basically confirms my worst fear about the game, one that has been steadily growing the longer I played it. Since this is a Square game, I've been worried the whole game that the anti-Crystalists would turn out to be on the right side, while you are the villains of the piece. Why, Square?

  9. #9
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I will just merge this thread with the existing End-Game discussion thread.

  10. #10


    Wow, how did I not notice this thread? XD

  11. #11
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Ovelooked this thread, ruined everything for Skyblade; all in a day's work.

  12. #12

  13. #13


    To add on to problems I have with the game, the Eternian generals you fight are a little... TOO evil.

    I mean I understand being ruthless, but we have a White Mage who is a smurfing sadist, a Monk who likes to break peoples faces for fun, Salve-Maker Qada who pulls a Kefka and poisons everyone, and using a mine full of children as human shields has been a common military practice for months.

    Especially that last one. I mean seriously, what the smurf? These are the guys who are 'right?'. They pushed it way to damn far and expected us to believe they were fighting in the right at the end there.

  14. #14
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Were we playing the same game? The one I'm playing goes out of its way to show that neither side is right, that they both have virtues and faults, and only Airy is truly evil. Also, the boss battles in the other worlds really flesh out the characters of the Eternian generals. The only one who remains a complete sociopath is Qada.

  15. #15


    ...Yeah, regardless of World, that White Mage was a freakin' Sociopath. And that Monk was violent as smurf.

    And Vincent was relentlassly vicious as well, even if he at least had a back story that made sense with that.

    Also, 'Right' may not be the best word there. They are fighting for a good and noble cause, yet it's hard to sympathize with them when they employ people like Qada, Vincent, the White Mage and Monk (I can't remember their names for the life of me), and even the Black Mage guy, whose torching civilian homes.

    And even if there were not that many, they got away with using children as a human shield for months Yes I harp on that because it is smurfing horrifying. And this was carried out under Kamiizumi, a guy who seems very reasonable, level headed, and has a strong drive to not do horrid trout. It doesn't seem likely he simply didn't know about it, so even if he himself isn't that bad a guy, he let that happen.

    I only get the impression a few of them are actually fighting for the greater good. Being The Templar himself, Einheria, Kamiizumi, and Alternis Dim. Half the rest are just assholes, the rest are there for purely selfish reasons.

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