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Thread: EoFF Plays LR:FFXIII - Yusnaan Storyline Complete? Discuss it here!

  1. #1
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Default EoFF Plays LR:FFXIII - Yusnaan Storyline Complete? Discuss it here!

    Post about the main Yusnaan storyline in this thread.

    This thread contains unmarked spoilers regarding the Yusnaan storyline. Read at your own risk! Spoilers not related to the Yusnaan storyline will still need to be marked. For information on spoilers and how to use them, please see this thread.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #2
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Snow still has the best voice in the series. Shame he's so miserable in this storyline, though. Ruins him, I love the goofy nature he had in the original. Loved it when Light smacked him around the ears, though. xD
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  3. #3
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    You have XII in the title instead of XIII. I am disappoint.

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Oops. Fixed! Thanks for letting me know.
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  5. #5
    radicaledward124's Avatar
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    I did like seeing Snow again and running around the city trying to fight or not fight the guards was fun, then that Dress! wow! Plus a big boom. It was loads of fun to watch that cut scene.

    So this is love and See you space cowboy were made for me.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    As with Luxerion, I really liked the setting of Yusnaan - the party city, with bright colours and fireworks marking the hour. Also liked the random little FF tunes belted out by the street performers like Battle on the Big Bridge and Final Fantasy. (Yes, I know in Luxerion they also do whatever the hell song Serah likes, I like the nostalgia factor of these ok ) and I also liked that they explained the Fal'Cie making all the resources for the world, making it the industrial capital. That was a good bit of world building.

    However, the Yusnaan sequence was really really forced. "We want Lightning to wear a dress and be on stage and we also want her to fight in an arena... how can we tie this to the plot of breaking into the palace to see Snow?" The Sneaking In Special was utterly pointless too. It seemed like a big deal was made about how hard it was to get into the Augur's Quarter, and then Lightning fell down a hole and just found a pass to get in and out anyway, making the sneaking utterly pointless.

    I'm also very bored of Colosseums and fighting arenas in RPGs. Boring. It's been done to death a thousand times. I think the only one I really liked was Kingdom Hearts. It's the same every time - YOU'RE A BABY DWEEB YOU'LL NEVER BEAT THESE troutTY MONSTERS... oh wait you're awesome have my babies wonderful hero. smurfing hell. What kind of a prize is a purple smurfing dress anyway? I mean look, I like purple dresses too but when it's a fighting contest for big strong tough types, what smurfing need do they have for a dress? Why would they care? xD

    I wouldn't mind arenas if it was an actual tournament against actual characters instead of you being the only person fighting and all you have to fight are monsters. And hell then add some intrigue - maybe the prize money is 5,000 gil but shady dude will give you 10,000 if you take a dive. Maybe there's title belts like pro wrestling and all the associated drama that comes with them. Worst of all was the owner saying "I'll make sure you get a good burial" when I'm about to fight Gremlins. smurfing Gremlins. Are you actually taking the piss? They die in one hit. One smurfing hit. What. WHAT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Snow still has the best voice in the series.
    Yep, love Troy Baker. In Saints 3 and 4 there's a grubby cockney voice option but I took Troy over that because he is just a beast.
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Shame he's so miserable in this storyline, though. Ruins him, I love the goofy nature he had in the original.
    Disagreed strongly on that. I don't think he was all miserable but the misery he did feel was good character development. Having to hold things together for 500 years despite your heart being broken is an enormous burden and it's amazing how strong Snow actually managed to be. He is still the same old goof and makes his usual quips once you stop him turning into a C'ieth.

    As with the scene I referred to in my post about Luxerion, again the confrontation with the boss brought out the best in Lightning. She actually seems like she has a personality! For someone who supposedly has had her emotions removed she sure seemed to get pretty emotional. I enjoyed the Snow storyline in and of itself immensely. last word, smurfing have to sneak in at 3 AM? I had to Chronostasis 5 or 6 times to get to smurfing Snow before 6 Whose idea was that

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    I agree with pretty much everything Psychotic said here, at least with regards to Snow. The other stuff did feel a bit forced, but I didn't mind that so much for some reason. The way Snow was actually felt like a natural bit of development for him and the scenes with him are probably the strongest in the game for me so far.

    It is also funny how emotional and how much of a personality Lightning seems to have in this game. I shouldn't really expect any less from Square considering we had the Nobodies in Kingdom Hearts who supposedly couldn't feel emotion yet were pretty smurfing emotional.

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I didn't really care about how forced Lightning's drama cutscene was because I felt it was one of the best cutscenes in the game, and it's not like forced situations aren't common (and in VI's opera scene, highly regarded by the masses) to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is the Queen of Forced Situations (Uncharted is King).

    I didn't say I disliked Snow's development but that I felt it was a shame, because I miss the ol' goofy Snow. Sure, sometimes that kind of character development is good, but it's still a shame that he found himself in such a situation.

    I think it's amusing that Lightning's emotions are gone and how she seems so astonished at "not caring" at certain points because the fact that she is pointing it out in such a way shows that on some level she does care. She at one point says she wasn't confused, and I kind of went "Huh? You're confused about not being confused? What the--" I think Lightning has about as much emotion as she's ever had, which is not much at all (on the outside). She's cold, but she always had emotions and they're blatantly there regardless of what the writers want to have us believe.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I think it's amusing that Lightning's emotions are gone and how she seems so astonished at "not caring" at certain points because the fact that she is pointing it out in such a way shows that on some level she does care.
    That is very weird actually. While Lightning does want to feel something she somehow just can't but her original voice actor expresses her more emotional than in the Western version. Her "I ... I can't do that!" reaction is funnier in the original as some kind of surprise is really noticable as it is exactly what Lightning is like in that situation.

    I love the Crescent Moon dress. With it she has some feminine clothes so we can see how she looks like in them and I like that she sits on her Chocobo differently while wearing it.

    The Coliseum is no problem for me. Cloud needed to fight in the Battle Square, too.

    The thing about Lightning's emotions is, as mentioned, they are here but Lightning is just a character who does not share too many feelings with others. You can see her, most of the time in a more angry situation or something like this, which is also an emotion but it is just how she had to become when she became Lightning. This will be handled, however ...*cough*

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Arena DLC is pretty much assured, I imagine. Because yeah, it was horrible. I would at least expect some ultra-monster to be in there or to fight through five or six battles non-stop like you did in VII. Instead you do one fight against relatively easy used-to-be-a-boss opposition at best, piece of cake cannon fodder at worst.

    Maybe harder fights unlock near the end of the game, but when you only have so many days to do everything I don't think people should be expected to check the arena on that regular a basis unless it has a full week's schedule to hand.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Arena DLC is pretty much assured, I imagine. Because yeah, it was horrible. I would at least expect some ultra-monster to be in there or to fight through five or six battles non-stop like you did in VII. Instead you do one fight against relatively easy used-to-be-a-boss opposition at best, piece of cake cannon fodder at worst.

    Maybe harder fights unlock near the end of the game, but when you only have so many days to do everything I don't think people should be expected to check the arena on that regular a basis unless it has a full week's schedule to hand.
    Well the Arena is not the super battle place. The Ultimate Lair is and Aeronite also exists. But that is all too easy with Artemis Arrows.

  12. #12
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I didn't really care about how forced Lightning's drama cutscene was because I felt it was one of the best cutscenes in the game, and it's not like forced situations aren't common (and in VI's opera scene, highly regarded by the masses) to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is the Queen of Forced Situations (Uncharted is King).
    Yeah I get that, but even on the scale of how forced things were this was another level. Like it's FFX-2 and we want Yuna to sing a Thousand Words. There's a lot of fighting in the world... so let's hold a concert to make everyone unite over a shared experience and be friends! Cool, okay, that is a little bit lame but I can understand the logic behind this. I need to get Snow.... I must wear this dress and fly around while fireworks go off and that'll mean I can get inside because explosions! ...huh? I wasn't even quite sure why I was doing it or how it was linked. So forcedness isn't necessarily bad, but to clarify my point I think they could've come up with a slightly better reason that made a little more sense. The cutscene itself was alright. I'd heard a lot about this beforehand and I don't think it lived up to its reputation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post

    I didn't say I disliked Snow's development but that I felt it was a shame, because I miss the ol' goofy Snow. Sure, sometimes that kind of character development is good, but it's still a shame that he found himself in such a situation.
    Did you not hear the stuff he was spouting once Lightning brought him back? Haha, full on goofy Snow. He has about 6 or 7 lines when you talk to him as an NPC too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth View Post
    The Coliseum is no problem for me. Cloud needed to fight in the Battle Square, too.
    I'm not going to make the argument that they should be more original and not copy things from older games as most ideas have been done to death. That said, as BoB pointed out, the FFVII Arena was a lot better because of the handicaps, the non-stop battles, and because it was a different type of gameplay as you played as just Cloud (as opposed to the whole party) although I appreciate that wouldn't make a difference in LR. To copy things from a 17 year old game is not imaginative but whatever, fine, but to do it to a lower standard is just sloppy.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I'm not going to make the argument that they should be more original and not copy things from older games as most ideas have been done to death. That said, as BoB pointed out, the FFVII Arena was a lot better because of the handicaps, the non-stop battles, and because it was a different type of gameplay as you played as just Cloud (as opposed to the whole party) although I appreciate that wouldn't make a difference in LR. To copy things from a 17 year old game is not imaginative but whatever, fine, but to do it to a lower standard is just sloppy.
    I have no problem with a company using places again, especially when it is just a place to fight enemies. The Coliseum is not very important but cool enough with the Victory Fanfare so I like it and The Last Hunter is used in the Coliseum.

  14. #14
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I wasn't even quite sure why I was doing it or how it was linked.
    There was no other way in - the walls were too high and security was too alert. The only way in was over the walls, and to get over the walls required some interesting method. For me, it was pretty much on par with absurdness to dressing up like a girl to get to see Don Corneo, the VI opera scene, hell, even chocobo racing to get out of a prison is stupid. Don't get me started with snowboarding (the boarding itself, sure. The minigame? No sense whatsoever). This is nothing out of the ordinary at all.
    Did you not hear the stuff he was spouting once Lightning brought him back? Haha, full on goofy Snow. He has about 6 or 7 lines when you talk to him as an NPC too.
    Yeah, I did, but it's not enough for a Snow fan like me. He was probably my favourite character in XIII, in retrospect.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    There was no other way in - the walls were too high ...
    To be more precise, this is just one of the Dragon Ball Z "we can destroy planets but cannot break a steel door" moments. If you want a story to work a certain way you must ignore some things.

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