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Thread: Fynn's doodles

  1. #76
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    So I did an updated group shot of the "Path to Eden" characters. Redesigned some characters and changed some names, on top of adding the two missing protagonists. Oh, and also, I did this in that cutesy style I like to do sometimes

    For all those interested, the story itself can now be viewed in Timber Maniacs HQ

  2. #77
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Focused on four Eden characters during class yesterday. What do you think? I feel that I may be getting better at line weighting.

  3. #78
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I did some doodles of my halforc character, Victor. The more I draw him, the more I like him. He's definitely one of my favorite designs from the ones I draw. This designed has changed substantially over the years, so you guys can't really see the progress that I made with him. So, he is a halforc who is a barbarian, but also has a very meek and sweet personality, so the main problem was making him look both really fierce and ridiculously adorable at the same time. Regardless of my skills, I really hope that comes through quite well. I'm satisfied with how his face looks, but I'm still open to suggestions on how to change it Now, his huge body is another thing... Any tips on drawing big guys? He always turns out pretty weird looking whenever I try to do a full-body pic

    EDIT: Noticed that some of these close-ups are a bit too blurry on the PC, so here are some clearer shots.

  4. #79
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    I just want to say that I really like how you have a wide variety of characters from your doodles. Very expressive as well. Keep at it!

  5. #80

  6. #81
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    One of the most amazing gifts I got for Christmas this year was a set of 24 alcohol-based markers and 72 color pencils, and they're both really good quality! And since I am the very definition of an eager beaver, instead of trying to learn coloring step-by-step, like I should, I went all out and tried out starlet's wonderful tutorial on coloring with not markers and pencils (see here).

    What do you guys think? I realize there's still a lot of work ahead, but I think this went quite well for a coloring exercise. Any feedback and tips are welcome!

  7. #82
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    The coloring looks great Fynn!

  8. #83


    That's some awesome colouring and shading!

  9. #84


    Your characters are really expressive! I also love the colouring as well! Awesome stuff!

  10. #85
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    I adore the colouring! Great job!

    Str8 Pimpin'

  11. #86
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    The coloring is beautiful.

  12. #87
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Exams are coming up, AGAIN, so naturally, I doodle constantly. This time I was drawing characters from my light story called Crosswords, which you can read here, if you're so inclined (people tell me it's amusing, but I don't trust them. That ToriJ is pretty crazy). So here's some doodlings.

    Here's four characters, chibi-fied:

    Here's some eyes:

    More cutesy little mugs:

    Here's Ian. I'm pretty sure he's drunk on the first pic:

    And some Freddie. I'm actually gonna do a thing using Freddie today!

    Since a lot of you guys told me that you consider my style really cute, I'm gonna give you a little tutorial on how I doodle a more cartoonish version of his face.

    Just so you proper artists don't get a heart attack, I mean that this is just the way I doodle on things. If I were to draw a proper drawing, Id start with a sketch, like a normal person. That said, here's how it works usually!

    I start off by drawing the jaw outline and the ears. I use my regular fountain pen, nothing fancy. I love it because you can draw lines that are really thick, but also very smooth with it. Alright, so Mr. Federico Vargas has quite a broad jaw. When going for more cartoony styles, I really like to exaggerate how much wider his face is on the lower part. I also try to avoid curvy lines in this case - a jagged look is what I want here. His ears should be pretty big - he's always had them and has developed quite a complex because of them. Ian finds them charming, however

    Next up, I add some little details to the ears and draw the eyes and eyebrows. Freddie's parents both come from Argentina, so, like a lot of people there, he has black hair and quite small, dark brown eyes. I give him really thick eyebrows, so he looks a bit intimidating, kinda like he's always pissed at something, even though he's actually a pretty sweet guy (who is also a terrible pottymouth).

    Now, I move on to the nose. Freddie's got a big, wide nose, so I add a couple more lines to the base, so it's perfectly visible later on when I add the beard. After that, I add the lips. I want him to have this kind of cocky smirk. I draw them as one line, usually separated in the middle, and then I add the lower lip, which can usually be skipped, but it turns out really helpful when drawing bearded characters.

    Time for the hair outline! I wanted to give him kind of a fauxhawk, so there's no hair on his face. I start by drawing the forehead line, and then move on to the general outline using slightly curved, bold lines.

    Now seems like a good time to draw the neck! In general, Freddie's pretty athletic, but he's not heavy, so while his neck will be rather narrow, I always draw him with pretty visible neck muscles. Also, his voice is a bit on the deep side, so I try to make his Adam's apple a bit more prominent.

    Now is the time to get started on the beard! Freddie's beard is much thicker than Ian's so I want to draw the individual lines closer together. And yes, I draw individual lines - I find that it later looks more natural and fuzzy than if I'd draw an outline first and then just full it in. Freddie's beard goes all the way up to his cheeks (for a fuzzier effect, I also make sure to go out of the jawline I drew at the beginning), and then just a bit above the left cheek there's about three stray hairs. I then proceed to simply fill out his hair with black along with any patches of white on the beard that I consider off-looking.

    Now, all that's left is some finishing touches! Freddie wears glasses sometimes, but only when he works, so I'm drawing him without glasses today. He usually wears black t-shirts. He always has a chain with a cross on it around his neck, but you usually can't see it. I'm gonna add the t-shirt, just so he doesn't look naked

    Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know if you ever want more of these

  13. #88
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Wow that's so cool

  14. #89
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I love your style. teach me more of your wayyyssss

  15. #90
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Since the last tutorial proved pretty popular, I'll do another one! This time I'll do an Ian doodle and show you some more things I do with the fountain pen.

    As with Freddie, I'm starting with the face outline. Unlike Freddie for whose jaw was wide and angular, Ian is pretty chubby, so I'm using more curved lines, so that the face looks fuller and rounder.

    Now come the eyes. Ian has a pair of large, baby blue eyes, although the thick glasses he wears usually distort them a bit. I draw the eyes in such a way that they make him seem really kind - Ian's just a really warm kind of guy. I don't fill them out - I just draw the irises and a tiny hint of a pupil within. I then add the eyebrows. Ian's aren's as thick, but they're pretty fuzzy looking. To achieve that effect, I use plenty of short jagged lines. They're quite high up, to make Ian look that much more approachable. I'll add thin hair lines later on.

    Now come the glasses! Thick, rectangular, solid-looking glasses, just to make him look a bit nerdy. They really add a lot to the expressiveness of his face.

    Next up - the nose and lips. Like I mentioned before, I want Ian to look kind and warm, dare I say cute? So, in order to achieve that, I use a lot of smooth, curvy lines. His big round potato nose is a perfect example of that. Add to that a wide, welcoming smile, and you got yourself a face.

    Now it's time for the hair. Ian takes real good care of his hair, so they're pretty stylized. I doubt you'd see someone with hair like that in real life For now I'll just draw the bangs and move on to the top part later.

    Now it's beardy time. The steps are identical to how I did Freddie's, but even though both have thick, full beards, there's a notable difference between them. Freddie's was shorter and thicker, thus I used very small pen strokes to achieve that brittle effect. Ian's beard is more... I wanna say 'fluffy', and I guess that sums it up. The hair is just a tiny bit sparser and longer, and you can tell it's soft to the touch. So, for Ian, I use fewer pen strokes, but make sure they're longer.

    Time for the shirt and neck! Since Ian is much less athletic than Freddie, his neck muscles will be much less prominent, though I still try to keep his neck quite wide, since he's pretty chubby. He wears a plaid button-up shirt with a t-shirt under that. When designing him, at some point I decided to give him these wooden beads, just to give a little hipster twist to his look

    Finishing up the top of the hair. Ian's hair is mid-length and pretty wavy. Also, part of it is slicked back, parting it into kind of three smaller sections. I leave the lowest part for last so that I can make sure the hair and shirt collar align just the way I want them to.

    Now here's the new bit! I need to add some thin lines for the hair and the plaid pattern. How do I do that? Well, I just flip the pen around, drawing with the other end of the tip. It's weird and I don't recommend it for more serious projects, but it does the trick for simple doodles

    So, to finish the drawing up, I add the lines to the hair and the plaid pattern (which is a nightmare to draw, so I'm gonna half-ass it this time. I'll save my strength for a proper drawing), and here he is! Ian McCoy in doodle form.

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