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Thread: EoFF Mafia: Everlasting Love Edition!!!

  1. #1
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Cylon Basestar
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    Default EoFF Mafia: Everlasting Love Edition!!! (DAY 2)

    (Disclaimer: It is Katamari Mafia! This game, however, is named after a song from one of the soundtracks. Yes, I suck, but shut up.)

    It is Spring Break time, and the Prince of All Cosmos is taking a well-deserved rest with a large slice of his Cousins! He is renting out an entire neighborhood of cabins out in the woods so young people can be young people who do young people things! Oh my, Prince! All things are looking good! That is, unless you notice some of the Prince's Cousins are the jealous sort and are plotting to get closer in line to the killing the Prince!

    Yes, my friends, it is true; just last NIGHT, the Prince was found smooshed underneath a deadly katamari! Who did this!? How does a katamari kill?! What other questions can I ask here to lead you on!? His remaining kin gather around the corpse and solemnly vow they will find the killers, katamari or no katamari. The Cousins set up a ballot box, and promise to lynch their brethren until no traitor remains.

    This is EoFF Mafia: Everlasting Love Edition!!!

    You have twenty-six (26) hours for DAY 1!

    The Long List of Rules:
    Like, twenty rules, but they are paragraphs each. You will never not break a rule at this rate.
    01. Players, check your messages soon; I am sending out Mognotes (coining this now) now and will post again to state when all of them have been sent out.

    02. Please, please, please, only talk in the appropriate gameplay thread as your characters. If there is a commentary thread, that is a real thread for real peoples. Do not think you are peoples, [M] Whoever (though it is cute).

    03. Your real people accounts need to not post in the game thread (it is not cute). Maybe think about using a different profile or browser to post if it helps you keep things straight.

    04. Players, please post using your play accounts in the game thread to confirm that you all got your messages and that you are playing. This will all be part of a lovely start of DAY 1, and hopefully you show up (else you are dead).

    05. Related to that, players must post once per DAY in the game thread. Players whom refrain from this are killed that NIGHT, and leave everyone poorer for the experience. This is the minimum level of activty allowed.

    06. Players, play to win for your characters. If it says you are Town, you are Town. If you are Mafia, then you are Mafia. Cult, Cult. Dragonborn, Dragonborn. Do not play for the other team (Mafia games are bastions of intolerance).

    07. No editing or deletion of posts, ever. You will die. If you accidentally post as a real people instead of a game people, please leave it there. It happens; besides, you die if you delete it.

    08. Players, do not copypasta anything into the game thread from private communications, like Mognotes, QuickTopic posts, and anything which is not public game record. Paraphrase as much as you like, but your words are yours, and no one else's.

    09. Do not talk about the game outside of the game thread until the game is completed unless it is in the provided QuickTopic graveyard. Your intimate game knowledge can ruin things and spoil the game. Players: you have Spiderman responsibilities.

    10. We do not do hidden messages, please. This game is not about that.

    11. Players, you are your characters when playing, not yourself. So no out-of-game vendettas, promises to specifically screw over Jiro, even if he is on your side, and yadda yadda yadda.

    12. Each DAY will last twenty-four (24) hours. Each NIGHT will last eighteen (18) hours.

    13. You may submit any DAY actions in during the DAY, and can even send in any non-NIGHT KILL NIGHT actions in previous to the NIGHT. However, if you fail to meet a submission deadline, it is assumed your character sits around and does no action.

    14. When the twenty-four (24) hours are up, all votes are considered final up to that point and nothing after that period contributes anything to the DAY's results. The game thread will be locked for the duration of the NIGHT and opened upon the next DAY. Voting and lynching are better covered below.

    15. Use ##VOTE: Name to vote, and ##UNVOTE to rescind your last vote. Votes and un-votes must be placed on different lines. Voting for another person before un-voting your previous target does not count. Please mark these votes and unvotes with the hashtags and bold them, else I may miss them and/or ignore them.

    16. Lynching occurs either when a) a majority vote is reached (number of players, divided by two, plus one, rounded down) or b) the DAY has ended. In the former case, the player is lynched and the DAY continues until NIGHT falls. In the latter case, the player with the most votes is lynched, and NIGHT has already fallen. In case of ties, the person with the oldest vote, time-wise, is our dead person.

    17. All living players may continue to comment in the twilight between the closing of votes, the lynching, and the locking of the thread for the NIGHT. The dead person is expected to stay dead once flavor is up and he is announced dead.

    18. If you need something from me, you got to get my attention. I notice bold text more likely than not, but you can also Mognet me.

    19. I may renege on these rules at any point in time as I deem necessary, but probably will not. Please do not think outside the box and violate something for which I have not laid counter-measures. UYFB, as always.

    20. Death. Similar to Bleys's last game, this game shall utilize a QuickTopic thread for dead players to group-mope. This will allow the dead to talk to one another and trade information to which the living are not privy, like investigation results or doctor protections that they did not get to share with their fellow living players. Non-players who wish to join this conversation may Mognet me for the link, but are then constricted by the long list of rules above, as if they were really dead players. You got secret intel that you cannot share out of the graveyard, yo.

    The Players (22):

    Living (5):

    Dead (17):
    Colombo, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Daisy, a Love-Bro, killed NIGHT 1
    Dipp, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 2
    Foomin, a Mafia Puppeteer, killed NIGHT 1
    Honey, a Mafia Caseman, killed DAY 1
    Ichigo, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Jungle, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 3
    L'amour, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Lucha, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Miki, a Confused Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Nickel, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Nik, a Vanilla Townie, killed DAY 3
    Nutsuo, a Vanilla Townie, killed NIGHT 1
    Odeko, a Love-Bro, killed NIGHT 1
    Ryu, a Town Doctor, killed DAY 2
    Signolo, a Town Copper, killed NIGHT 2
    Twinkle, a Mafia Handpuppet, killed NIGHT 1

    You have twenty-five (25) hours for DAY 1!
    Last edited by [M] Mom – Host; 04-03-2014 at 10:07 AM.

  2. #2
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    All Mognet Messages are sent (I think)! So make sure you have gotten your messages, log in, and make sure your alts have gotten their Role messages! It is very Inception-esque! If anyone has an ugly leftover avatar from a previous Mafia game (yes, Jiro, they gave me recycled accounts when I asked for new ones, sorry), then I suppose we will see shortly! Send me a Mognote with any issues, but I am already drinking because I did not know how stressful organizing one of these things is (maybe I knew and avoided it)!

  3. #3
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    rip prince

  4. #4
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    ba baaaaaaaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba chichoauodfudafubaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. #5
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Hey, everyone. Let's do this.

  6. #6


    Goodnight Sweet Price.

    Also this is entirely the best Katamari song

  7. #7


    Na, Na na na na na na na, na na na na na~

  8. #8
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    i just want to roll trout up in a ball guys

    so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard

  9. #9
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    miso's head is literally a bowl of miso

    wat is up with that

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    what can i say? i am delicious, marcy

  12. #12
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    they hatin' him

    to death

  13. #13
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    guys, if you could roll anything, what would you roll?

  14. #14
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Miso View Post
    guys, if you could roll anything, what would you roll?
    I'd roll you on out of here


  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Miso View Post
    guys, if you could roll anything, what would you roll?
    I would Sausage Roll

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