Del Murder was an admin elsewhere before he was an admin here. This is because, at my beloved Aiyon forums, I wanted to admin the one person I felt most right for the role that wasn't already an admin elsewhere. Someone with the right temperment, wit and a responsible nature. I also had the intention of giving him the admin experience I felt would benefit him for a future role as admin at EoFF. From those days to these ones, I feel little has changed in this. Even if he and I have often differed on some things, we agreed on far more important things (like name change policy).

I genuinely hoped that his talk of retiring on April Fools Day was actually going to lead to him saying "April Fools! I'm staying!" all along, and part of me is still holding out that because I've made that clear on regular occasions, he's just waiting a few more days to do so... it wouldn't be the first time a prank has gone beyond 1st April.

But, sadly, as far as I can tell this seems to be his legit decision. Apparently taking care of babies is some big deal worthy of all his time. Apparently that's more important than EoFF. Apparently he doesn't appreciate this place enough. Apparently my messages expressing hope that he stays, my private staff snuggles and my inevitable abuse of power are not reasons for him to stick around to help Psy keep me in check. Apparently, despite my loving nature, I should "stop calling him". Apparently he's already moved on. With this said, I hope that you can all join me in expressing how much you want to have Del Murder's babies. I am confident that while he may express his uncomfort at the idea of smurfing you all, he will secretly want to stick around just that little bit longer.

Murd's a great guy and I have on many occasions found him to be the calm persona both staff and myself need to have around. He offers good counsel to myself when it's requested or he feels it's required (either way it's always welcome). He also offered a good sense of direction for all of staff. He would even get himself involved with site discussions and try to help them as well as the forums staff, without crossing any lines. In short, he simply cared about EoFF. I hope someday I get to meet him in person, even if he has to hold up a picture of a poorly drawn smiley face over his actual face so that I don't actually find out what he looks like. I hope Miriel has created little tiny smiley faces for the babies! Anyway, I am fairly sure that I speak for the staff as a whole when I say that we'll miss him in the staff forum and that we wish he and Hannah all the best with their newly crafted minions.

While I'm at it: Shlup was an admin here before she was an admin here, and that was not my doing at all. But she's apparently somewhat shy and wants a low key departure, so I'll leave it at this: She's lovelier than the vast majority of you will ever know, and that's a shame. I look forward to hanging out with her again someday, and will make a concerted effort to do so eventually.