Do you like the board game Clue? Or Cluedo for our not North American friends? Then get excited because we are now beginning a game of Clue right here on the forum!
I am going to need 9 players and the game will begin once we have that amount. There are 9 characters to choose from:
Endless - Vivi
Jinx - Lulu
noxious.sunshine - Ashe
Lonely Paper Star - Zell
Vivi22 - Cecil
Shauna - Tifa
Mr. Shauna - Terra
Nicolas - Bartz
Agent Proto - Auron
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Once all 9 are signed up, I will do a virtual dice roll for you and you will move around this board:
And play the game of Clue!
Here are the rules! Even if you are familiar with the game, I still recommend giving them a glance as a few things have been changed to help the game better transition from in person to online. The main changes are probably that I will handle the card showing and communicate with all people involved, and I will also roll the dice, screencap it, and show it to the players. Also, suggesting characters will NOT move them to that location.
Each character has a different starting position, shown on the board by a number next to their name. The number represents the tile they start on.
Once all 9 characters are claimed, the game will begin.
There are 9 character cards.
There are 12 weapons cards.
There are 9 room cards.
3 cards will be placed in an envelope. These cards will represent the Murderer, Murder Weapon, and Murder Location.
The other cards will be distributed amongst the players.
Since this is an online game, I will roll the dice and give you your number. I will screen cap the roll and post it up for you.
To begin, I will roll for everyone and the turn order will be from the highest rolled number to the lowest. As far as ties, I will roll again for those players and again the highest number will go first between them.
Each turn you will get a number rolled and you will move across the board. For example, if Lulu rolls a 6 on her first turn, she can say “I move to square 11” “I move to square 8” “I enter the area of Besaid” or any other move that can be made. I will keep an updated list of who is where.
A player cannot move on an already occupied square. You will have to go around that player.
If a player is blocking an entrance, you won't be able to enter until they move.
The entrances are marked by the thick white lines.
Once in a room, you can move around freely.
There are 2 SECRET PATHS. One linking Linblum and the Iifa Tree and one linking the Forgotten City and Esthar. This means that once in one of those areas, you can move in to the joined area via the secret path.
Once in a room, you can suggest.
This is the biggest part of the game. As you know, the 3 cards representing the murderer, murder weapon, and murder location are not in play.
Upon entering a room, you will have the option to “suggest” or “accuse”.
When suggesting, you can only suggest for the area you are in. If Vivi is in Balamb Garden, he can only suggest the murder location as Balamb Garden.
He will then be able to suggest a murderer and a murder weapon. Example: Auron with a Pupu Doll in Balamb Garden.
After Suggesting, the next player in the turn order will check and see if they have the cards “Auron” “Pupu Doll” or “Balamb Garden”.
If they do, they will PM me and I will PM the player with the relevant information.
If the player has more than one of the 3 cards, they will choose which of them to show.
If there was a card shown, I will let the players know, but they won't know which card it was.
If the player in the next turn order DOES NOT have one of the 3 cards, we will proceed down the turn order until someone does.
Make sure to keep track of which cards you are shown. If a player has a card, it obviously isn't part of the winning combination.
Accusing should ONLY be done when you are sure of who the murderer is, what the murder weapon is, and where the murder took place.
You do NOT have to be in the room you are accusing for an accusation. You can accuse on any turn from any location.
If you accuse and you are WRONG, you will automatically lose and you won't have any future turns.
If you accuse and you are RIGHT, you win the game.
**A special note about the optional rule:
In this game, suggesting a player will NOT move that player to the room you are accusing from.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. For now, just pick your character to sign up!
**If we don't manage to get 9 players, we can downgrade to 6 if necessary.