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Thread: Food dealbreakers

  1. #1
    *permanently smitten*
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    Dancing Chocobo Food dealbreakers

    Have you ever been at a table where you have been repulsed by what the rest of your table has been eating? I can't say that I have, except that I just read a Facebook status where some of Spuuky's family reported eating Minke whale. I am from a very anti-whaling country, and have spent quite some time campaigning against whaling, including specifically against the whaling of the Minke whale. I can't really wrap my head around why someone would go out of their way to eat it in a tourist capacity. People generally have different taste levels and dietary requirements from each other, but this is stretching it a bit much for me, even as someone who has endured a decade of dead animal in your food/tofu is bad jokes from everyone. There isn't much topic here other than I'm just a bit shocked, and have you ever been really grossed out/morally opposed by those you were eating with/people who were telling you of their dining experiences?

  2. #2
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Pineapple on pizza
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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I will never understand what people have against pineapple on pizza.

    I've never had a problem with what other people are eating. But if someone sticks a tomato on what I'm eating that tomato is getting tossed out and I'm having a word with whoever prepared the food.

  4. #4
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    To actually answer the thread topic as long as they are sure to keep the animals in good supply I dont have any moral objections to eating any type of animal except maybe human.
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    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I've never been at a table where someone was eating something that repulsed me, but I imagine I'd have a hard time with it if someone were eating an endangered species purely for no other reason than the "novelty" of eating it. I don't know what I would do. Depending on my mood I would either pretend it wasn't happening, or I'd engage them and tell them that they were a smurfing idiot.

    Shark fin soup is also incredibly bothersome to me, as are other unnecessary cruel forms of preparing a meal (outside the norm of like, you know, slaughtering the animal for food).

  6. #6
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Uh well I was coming in here to say "Anything with ketchup on it" but that seems super petty after reading the OP.

    Gluten, I guess, cause it does bad things to my intestines. Same with High Fructose Corn Syrup (RIP soda pop )

  7. #7
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    ugh. This stupid smurfing bitch of a teacher I worked with was way beyond grossed out by pickles. The ESL teachers and EAs got together for lunch one day in my sister's classroom and ordered food to be delievered. 2 of us had pickles with our meals, and she was sitting beside me... She moved all the way to the opposite side of the round table because "the smell grossed her out too much". I wanted to punch her so bad.

    Nothing really grosses me out though or offends me. If I don't like something, I won't eat it or try it. Simple.

    EDIT: Pike, if you want soda, hunt down Mexican Coke products that come in a glass bottle. They use real sugar instead of HFCS.

  8. #8
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I think this thread is more about the moral qualms of certain dishes than personal preferences.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Not necessarily a qualm about eating certain types of food (you would have to be eating something very strange like bugs or something to get me squeamish) but when I was a server for a restaurant, I was always infuriated by customers that wasted food. I got annoyed when kids barely ate their food and their parents were okay with and let me throw it away. I disliked old guys who would order a steak dinner, barely touched the salad, ignored the potatoes and just ate the damn steak and here I am throwing away all of this food. It bothered a lot of the servers so please for the love of all that is good, get a take out box and don't waste food.

  10. #10
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    I can't deal if people start eating shark.

  11. #11
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    ugh. This stupid smurfing bitch of a teacher I worked with was way beyond grossed out by pickles. The ESL teachers and EAs got together for lunch one day in my sister's classroom and ordered food to be delievered. 2 of us had pickles with our meals, and she was sitting beside me... She moved all the way to the opposite side of the round table because "the smell grossed her out too much". I wanted to punch her so bad.
    I dont know why you're so angry about this. It's not like she knocked the meal out of your hand or told you you were a filthy pickle eating bastard. She moved because the smell of pickles makes her sick. I have a similar problem with ginger, though Im not effected by the smell, if I eat a small amount, it makes me literally feel like throwing up and i mean literally in the literal sense, it's not even that I dont like the taste, it's just a phyiscal reaction i cant control. Would you rather she was polite, kept her mouth shut, and sat next to you and then proceeded to vomit everywhere?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Not necessarily a qualm about eating certain types of food (you would have to be eating something very strange like bugs or something to get me squeamish) but when I was a server for a restaurant, I was always infuriated by customers that wasted food. I got annoyed when kids barely ate their food and their parents were okay with and let me throw it away. I disliked old guys who would order a steak dinner, barely touched the salad, ignored the potatoes and just ate the damn steak and here I am throwing away all of this food. It bothered a lot of the servers so please for the love of all that is good, get a take out box and don't waste food.
    Whenever I see someone hasnt finished their food I want to ask them if I can eat it but that seems like bad manners.
    Last edited by blackmage_nuke; 04-23-2014 at 12:43 PM.
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  12. #12
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    Same with High Fructose Corn Syrup (RIP soda pop )
    You know that it exists with real sugar also, right? And is far superior?

    Putting mayonnaise on fries is a dealbreaker. Sorry, Canadians, but you're wrong.

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    Anything with dill repulses me, particularly pickles. I think that's the only thing other than the super gross stuff like live bugs or raw intestines or anything like that. I have pretty high food tolerances.

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    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    In terms of like, ordinary food, you can eat whatever you want. I eat most things an average person would eat; the few things I don't like are not common enough to be a problem.

    In terms of Calliope's original post, I would definitely take issue with those sorts of morally dodgy things.

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  15. #15
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    This is a difficult question really. I mean the whole "It's an endangered species" or "It's ethically wrong" but would you eat it debate. The reason being that as someone who went back to eating meat after being vegetarian for some time I did so because I came to the conclusion that:

    Regardless of whether you eat it or not, the food industry is too big to be harmed much by the lack of demand. Lack of demand just means that regardless of how many animals are bred, slaughtered and simply thrown away after going bad the industry will continue at the same rate it ever did. Therefore is it not better to eat the meat and make sure that the creature did not die in vain? Is it not better to eat the meat because people out there in the world are starving to death right now and it's a terrible waste to sit here in our comfortable homes and secure lives letting such a huge amount of food, far more than enough to feed these starving people go to waste each week?

    However, we're talking an ethically wrong food such as whale meat, shark fin soup etc things that whilst yes the industry is too big to stop and will continue regardless of demand are not ethically sourced, you do not see people setting up "Shark farms" where sharks are bred and then slaughtered for food like we do Chicken, Cow, Deer, Pig, Buffalo, Ostritch, even Alligator or Crocodiles. We're seeing something quite brutal and tragic because in the end it could well destroy our ecosystem and make entire species extinct.

    This is a tough decision, refusing to eat this meat won't necessarily save future lives of sharks or whales and so forth. However, eating it means that people will interpret your actions as being complicit with the industry that makes it.

    Personally I don't know.

    As for have I ever been so disgusted that I left a dinner table because of what someone was eating? No, I haven't I doubt I ever would to be honest unless someone pulled out a hunk of roast human.

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