Have you ever been at a table where you have been repulsed by what the rest of your table has been eating? I can't say that I have, except that I just read a Facebook status where some of Spuuky's family reported eating Minke whale. I am from a very anti-whaling country, and have spent quite some time campaigning against whaling, including specifically against the whaling of the Minke whale. I can't really wrap my head around why someone would go out of their way to eat it in a tourist capacity. People generally have different taste levels and dietary requirements from each other, but this is stretching it a bit much for me, even as someone who has endured a decade of dead animal in your food/tofu is bad jokes from everyone. There isn't much topic here other than I'm just a bit shocked, and have you ever been really grossed out/morally opposed by those you were eating with/people who were telling you of their dining experiences?