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  1. #31
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Seeing how many humans there seem to be at the moment, time to bring in a character who's from another Homeworlder race.

    NAME: Nargul
    RACE: Doban
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 33
    JOB/ROLE: Druid
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Is acquainted with the wilds and has extensive herbal knowledge, capable of brewing various remedies if given enough time and proper ingredients. Is an average fighter who's slow in combat but due to his tough skin can take damage for a little while.
    WEAPON(S): Staff, sickle.

    APPEARANCE: Bald, muscular, pointed ears, large jaw, average height (for a Doban; short by human standards), scarred right eye. Wears tanned leather clothes (and fancy green cloaks whenever he can afford one...although he has a tendency to lose them if he goes drinking).

    PERSONALITY: Likes to drink and uses mushrooms to see visions from what he believes to be the Spirits of the Wild. Laid back most of the time but becomes reserved and quiet if people keep asking him about his distinctive scar and how he got it; he instead prefers to steer conversation elsewhere if the subject is brought up. Isn't fond of people who call his race dumb muscle and likes to believe himself more intelligent than the average Doban. Fashions himself a poet and hopes to one day compose the Perfect Ode but hasn't had much luck so far due to his unorthodox verses which some consider off-putting.

    BACKGROUND: Born in a Doban city deep within the mountains, Nargul was raised to become a worker in the mines. However, he didn't think much of his surroundings or his less than creative job and when he learned that an old druid in the community was seeking an apprentice, he sought him out and was accepted after he proved himself to him. He was taken to the outside world where he studied herbology and human language with his master and came across other races, including a band of human actors from whom he purchased a tome full of old poetry. Having read the book, he was inspired by the words and planned to one day compose what he'd deem the Perfect Ode, a poem which would bring tears to the eyes of anyone listening to it.
    After his master's passing, he decided to continue his journeys to explore the world and gain more knowledge about herbology and poetry while doing odd jobs as a translator and as a muscle-for-hire. He received his distinctive scar at some point and has remained secretive about it for reasons only he knows. His journeys and need of money have recently led him to Lucrecia where he hopes to earn enough money to purchase proper travelling clothes for his future journeys after losing his previous cloak in a drunken bet.
    How I met your mother, Donald Duck's parents style! Love at first temper tantrum!

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  2. #32
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Yay, a Doban! You're approved, Kossage.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  3. #33
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    NAME: Dr'll Ornatus
    RACE: Ursus - Itore
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 85
    JOB/ROLE: Teacher, Collector, and Scholar.
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: As an Itore who has lived and become attuned to the lake at the heart of the Betheron Wylds, he has preternatural sense of when his home is being disturbed. While his home is a lake, because he is Itorean he has knowledge of the ocean and fishing too. To that end, he aids the small village of Naithe whenever he visits, helping the fishermen and warning of incoming storms. Due to his curious nature, he also can read a variety of scripts though writing in the more humanoid languages are rather difficult given his paws.
    WEAPON(S): He has teeth and claws, need I say more?
    APPEARANCE: He is smaller than most Ursus though still has trouble with most human habitations. (The pic is of a Spectacled Bear because I am cool like that).
    PERSONALITY: Curious for his species which leads him to interact more often with the neighbouring village of Naithe than most of his kind has. This has also lead him to have quite the collection of odds and ends. It would not be surprising if he "collects" Outworlder's lost stuff that he finds during his strolls. He's just that kind of guy (think Ariel but a bit more worldly). He is pretty jovial though is very territorial of the lake he lives near, to that degree he does not consider would-be poachers friends. Academic by nature, his first reactions tends towards diplomacy or stealth than force. Given his lifespan as well as age, he has grown to be a patient Ursus and finds the impatience of others odd, if occasionally annoying.
    BACKGROUND: He has resided in the Betheron Wylds for a couple of decades now and has on-going dealing with the nearby fishing town of Naithe. While in the village, he will trade his collection and his time for a variety of goods and service--there are some things Ursus have a harder time doing without opposable thumbs! As a cub his mother's territory was coastal and further south, which explains why he does have knowledge of the seas and storms.

  4. #34
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Aaaand approved, Summoner.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  5. #35
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Ursus love!

  6. #36
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Ooh, someone who resides in the Wylds (only an Ursus could get away with that)! I like it. Given it's considered a rather dark and dangerous place, it's interesting to see such a happy kind of character living in there. What does he think of where he lives, Bobby?
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #37
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Just thinking in case you guys are putting any Itore into that place - you can still add to the map by saying "I live in a forest that is in [place where no other landmarks are]. The maps was intentionally left with a lot of blank areas (they have grass stuff on them for now) so we could update it as we go.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #38
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    He finds it an interesting place to live, especially given the biodiversity. He rare travels into the depths of it preferring either to take the coastal route to Naithe or the less dense area to the north. Given his patient nature, he is a cautious traveler so he will avoid unnecessary problems and will remain aware of his surroundings. He also may have a trap or two set near his living quarters just because. Sadly, he ain't much of a climber, though a swimmer, so he can't just escape to the trees. While it is dangerous, it does provide protection for the lake from poachers and other ruffians!

    Jinx, so Dr'll will have a neighbour (ish)?!

  9. #39
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    Dr'll's tribe (his mother's tribe) is actually a small tribe from the ocean coast south of Lake Arna. His dad's tribe is from the larger tribe of Lake Arna proper. Dr'll moved to the Wylds out of curiosity since he knew little about the lands northwest of Lake Arna then he kinda stayed there. So you don't have to worry about an Itore tribe being there, just Dr'll who mainly sticks to the northern end of the lake in the Wylds (it needs a name).

  10. #40
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    NAME: Ja'ak (pronounced like jock)
    RACE: Ursus (Altus)
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 70 yrs
    JOB/ROLE: Healer and Tinker
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Can fix pretty much anything. Knows many healing helpful herbs and the knowledge to mend broken bones. An excellent fisherbear.
    WEAPON(S): Claws, teeth, and all that massive bear muscle.
    APPEARANCE: A very very large and burly brown bear. Ja'ak stands 9.5 ft tall on his hind legs, and over 5 ft tall on all fours. Weighs roughly 1800 lbs. Ja'ak also has two long scars on his face that refuse to regrow hair. They from over his left eye down his snout.
    PERSONALITY: Ja'ak is very calm and collected. He doesn't enjoy loud noises or the company of others. The only exclusion to that is the small lynx-like cat who has seemingly adopted itself to him after he nursed her back to health after a bad fight with another cat.. Ja'ak is very protective of Linksie (the cat).
    BACKGROUND: When Ja'ak was a younger Ursus, he was headstrong and did not get along with anyone from his tribe in the Wylds. He decided he had enough and left the tribe to find his own way. His journey brought him north through Naithe and around the coast to a forest that hid itself just south of a lonely mountain. He stayed there by himself, learning to heal and tinker from travelers who have passed by.

    NAME:Jhera (pronounced zuu-rah)
    ORIGIN: Kur, a low-tech world ruled by an elvish like peoples who are also called Kur. The Kur are tall humanoids (7-9ft average height) who are extremely robust and have a thick skin that does not puncture easily. Because of this thick skinned-ness, they have taken to developing close relationships with the Shuur. While the Shuur cannot wield magic, they are natural facilitators of magic. Because of this relationship, the Kur have become a mighty magical race who rule over and oppress the lesser race of human like beings. The humans from Kur have little to no magical abilities, excepting a few great wizards, and have no ability to fight back against the rule of the Kur.
    RACE: Shuur. The Shuur are a telepathic winged reptilian race whose size does not exceed that of a dog. Think border collie size. They naturally make magic users more powerful just by their presence and encourage magic to come forth from those who have the potential. Shuur have a lifespan of ~20 years
    AGE: 9
    JOB/ROLE: Magicians assistant and messenger.
    SKILLS/POWERS/ABILITIES: Telepathy. Increases magical prowess in others. Can teleport short distances.
    WEAPON(S): Claws and teeth. Seldom used, but very deadly.
    APPEARANCE: Medium dog sized dragon looking thing. Kind of a golden yellow coloring.
    PERSONALITY: Jhera is a smartass. Willing to do anything for the ones he likes, but he's going to let you know just how grateful you should be.
    BACKGROUND: Jhera was hatched as part of a clutch meant for magicians who have passed their Ascension Tests. Once passed the magician is free to muck about on their own, raising their Shuur as they travel and gain wisdom before being groomed for a political position. Well, Jhera's magician, Gaul, was killed by another magician in a duel. After recovering from the death of his closest friend, Jhera became a messenger for the Emperor's palace guard.
    Last edited by Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World; 04-29-2014 at 11:08 PM.

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  11. #41
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Both approved.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  12. #42
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    For Outworlders...
    NAME: The Colonel
    ORIGIN: Gallifrey
    RACE: Time Lord
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 483
    JOB/ROLE: Chef
    SKILLS/POWERS/ABILITIES: Makes a damn fine chicken.
    WEAPON(S): Skillet

    PERSONALITY: Loves chicken.
    BACKGROUND: Has travelled throughout space and time running restaurants and yet has managed to keep secret his secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices.

  13. #43
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
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    NAME: Azelin Te'Hilon
    ORIGIN: Vil'Deamon, a world ruled by dark magic. The planet is surrounded by thick purple clouds which occasionally erupt into thunderous storms of rain and lightning. The world shifts between darkness and twilight with the latter being the shorter period of time. Many races exist here, each have a high affinity for a specific branch of dark magic and they uses them for the betterment of their race, for power and for gold. Most races sleep during the twilight periods and are active during the darkness.
    RACE: Yuzol, secretive dark magic users who specialise in assassinations. They have an average height of 6 foot, athletically built, grey of skin, pointed ears, eyes can be a range of colours but are always very pale/almost white. Their hair is just the same.
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 18 (12 Earth years)
    JOB/ROLE: Assassin
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Naturally light footed and highly capable with throwing and bladed weapons. Wields a type of dark magic which allows him to manipulate his own perception of time or that of other peoples allowing for greater reflexes and speed or greatly reduced or even temporally stopping movement. But due to his age and lack of experience, he can very rarely affect other people and occasionally stops his own movements from time to time.
    WEAPON(S): Short sword, 10 kunai, 15 shurikens
    APPEARANCE: Short, spiky, pale blue/almost white hair with the same colour eyes. He wears a tight but flexible, black jump suit which has an intricate blue pattern on his back and down his right leg. Over the top he wears a large grey robe that has a hood that conceals most of his face.
    PERSONALITY: Brash, cocky, aggressive and takes pleasure in the act of murder. Unfortunate traits he's gained from a life surrounded by murders, his immaturity and an as of yet incomplete training. He hates weak people and greatly respects anyone he considers strong
    BACKGROUND: Raised by a clan of Yuzol assassins who have taught him the basics of their trade and their dark magic. Azelin skill with magic is below average by standards of the Yuzol assassins but to make up for this he trained much harder and longer with his weapon skills and has reached a level far beyond that of his peers. But his hot headedness causes him to make make mistakes during fights that should be easy for him. He was rising up the ranks and has completed several missions on his own before his disappearance
    Last edited by *Devore*; 05-01-2014 at 10:00 PM.

  14. #44
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    *Devore*, you're approved!

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  15. #45
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    For Homeworlders...
    NAME: "Blackie" Ganister
    RACE: Doban
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 140
    JOB/ROLE: Black Marketeer
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Good artist, better forger, and avid spelunker. Better than average math skills. Basic understanding of architecture and physics.
    WEAPON(S): Axe, minor skill; Knife, minor skill
    APPEARANCE: Stout, barrel-chested Doban with long grey hair tied in a top bun. Has a pot belly. Has a moustache to put cartoon villains to shame. Has a thickly braided beard that splits and rejoins at the back of his head to go up into his top bun. His thick limbs suggest an immense strength despite their poor reach. Pale, blushing skin, and blue-grey eyes. Wears black and grey leathers, bandoliered with pouches, purses, and packs, each bristling with miscellaney. The ensemble is complete with a red silk top hat that holds his mass of hair and braids.
    PERSONALITY: Been around the block enough to look a gift chocobo in the mouth. Willing to trust a scoundrel when their backs are to the wall. Will sell out anyone not a friend, but tries to separate business from pleasure, the latter only being money and beer.
    BACKGROUND: From the Ganister merchant family of Pikewind. For the first half of his life, he stuck to the honest trade of brokerage, and that business kept him firmly underground. However, the long and steady life eventually wore down his interest, so he sold his portion of his family's interest to them so he could fund a trip to the greater outside world. First, he ran a hamstery in Lake Arna, which got little praise for raising, breeding, and selling rodents, so he sold his stock to a questionable butcher's shop. Then, he ran an organ shop in Lucrecia, which was initially profitable, but soon enough churches had enough organs, and he was forced to re-think careers. Not to deterred, Blackie begun management of stocks in Lake Arna, but that too fell on hard times after public imprisonment was outlawed in the city-state. Jobs opportunities bounced our now life-experienced doban between the city-states of Lucrecia and Lake Arna enough that he actually began to hire himself out as a transporter and guide between them. In his many travels into the Wylds, he also discovered old, disused tunnels and mines he was able to shore up and use as a quicker path between the cities and circumvent the border tolls of both lands. He offers this path occasionally to those in desperate situations or to transport black market goods for those in need of a fence.

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