For Homeworlders...
NAME: Ziad Zaman
RACE: Akim
AGE: 80
JOB/ROLE: Explorer
SKILLS/ABILITIES: Easily adaptable to his surrounding environment. Quite agile and skilled and mountain climbing.
WEAPON(S): Carries an all-purpose pocket-knife, pickaxe, and a rope with grappling hook.
APPEARANCE: Has a light brown, leathered skin. Is also bald with the ridges on his forehead closely resembling a wide trident. Also sports a head-scarf around his head to protect himself from the harsh region of the Akimolm Desert.
PERSONALITY: Humble and polite to many people. However, he's fairly serious and very oblivious to sarcasm.
BACKGROUND: Ziad has been traveling around Sedorra for years, but will always consider the Akimolm Desert his home. Having ventured around the continent, he has never set food on another continent, and has plans to do so in the future.