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  1. #46
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    For Homeworlders...
    NAME: Ziad Zaman
    RACE: Akim
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 80
    JOB/ROLE: Explorer
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Easily adaptable to his surrounding environment. Quite agile and skilled and mountain climbing.
    WEAPON(S): Carries an all-purpose pocket-knife, pickaxe, and a rope with grappling hook.
    APPEARANCE: Has a light brown, leathered skin. Is also bald with the ridges on his forehead closely resembling a wide trident. Also sports a head-scarf around his head to protect himself from the harsh region of the Akimolm Desert.
    PERSONALITY: Humble and polite to many people. However, he's fairly serious and very oblivious to sarcasm.
    BACKGROUND: Ziad has been traveling around Sedorra for years, but will always consider the Akimolm Desert his home. Having ventured around the continent, he has never set food on another continent, and has plans to do so in the future.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  2. #47
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    Approved, Proto!

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  3. #48
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    For Homeworlders...
    NAME: Jacques Palomer
    RACE: Human
    SEX: Male
    AGE: 22
    JOB/ROLE: Woodworker, with his dad.
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Woodworking. He’s better at whittling and fine details than carpentry and making furniture, much to his dad’s disappointment. Knows how to fish, but doesn’t enjoy it. Has a knack for telling stories about exciting adventures, which is a skill he learnt from his mum.
    WEAPON(S): Good with a small blade when woodworking and would perhaps be able to transfer these skills to a dagger or short sword, but he hasn’t had to try.

    PERSONALITY: Had a sad past, but is still very optimistic and positive. Has a few friends and enjoys spending time with them, but is generally a bit of an outsider. He is tired of the fishing village and wants to go on adventures.
    BACKGROUND: Grew up with his parents. His mum used to tell him stories that made him excited to see the world, but she became very ill and died at an early age, having lived her whole life in the village. His dad is a woodworker and a simple man. When he isn’t working, he likes to fish. He taught Jacques, but Jacques doesn’t find it relaxing – he’s too impatient. He used to sit on the shore with his mum and watch, but after she died he stopped going to the water with his dad. Their relationship is quite strained now, even though they see each other daily for work. They have different priorities and Jacques’ dad disapproves of his desire to leave the village.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  4. #49
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    For Homeworlders...
    NAME: Damon
    RACE: Human
    SEX: Male
    AGE: 28
    JOB/ROLE: Guard/Soldier
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: More than handy with a sword, be it long or short. Capable of fighting with both light and heavy armour.
    WEAPON(S): Keeps a longsword and a dagger on him depending on the kind of combat he's faced with.
    APPEARANCE: 6'2", brown hair, brown eyes, strong build.
    PERSONALITY: An honest and kind guard. Protective of those he loves as well as the city he loves.
    BACKGROUND: Born and raised in Lucrecia. Felt a duty to the people of Lucrecia, a city he loves, so signed up for the military at a relatively young age to protect everything he feels is wonderful about the place. No further background at present.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #50
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    NAME: Kris Douglas
    RACE: Human
    SEX: Female
    AGE: 22-years-old
    JOB: Fisherman
    SKILLS: Good at boats. Skilled fisherman.
    WEAPON(S): Could probably stab people with a fishing spear if necessary.
    APPEARANCE: Shoulder-length black hair, typically tied up out of her face. Tanned from working long days out on fishing ships. She is thin, but muscular. Quick pic

    PERSONALITY and BACKGROUND: As the only child of a fisherman and his wife, Kris was raised as if she were a boy. She was tasked with helping her father work out on the boats, and often spent her afternoons mucking about with the other boys in the village. Though she was often bullied for being a girl, Kris developed a thick skin and quick fists. She is quick to dislike people who discredit her for being a female. Because of her gender -- and her status as an only child -- she feels compelled to prove herself as competent. She doesn't have any great ambitions, but would one day like to work on a large cargo ship. She also has a fascination with pirates because of stories her father has told her.

    NAME: Gerhard Eckstein
    RACE: Doban
    SEX: Male
    AGE: 64-years-old.
    JOB/ROLE: Innkeeper. Bartender. Bouncer.
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Good cook. Talented brewer. Intimidating demeanour.
    WEAPON(S): Barstools. Other patrons. Fists. Forehead. Hatchet.
    APPEARANCE: Long, brown hair and a brown facial hair. He keeps his chin and mouth area shaved so everybody can see his intimidating, snarling teeth. He has various scars, and stories to go with them. The city is a lot warmer than his hometown, so he chooses not to wear a shirt. His inn, his rules. He is fit and muscular, and has the natural broadness many Dobans share. Quick pic

    PERSONALITY and BACKGROUND: Gerhard hates stuff. He hates a lot of things. He is cynical and jaded. It takes a lot of effort to win him over, but doing so has many benefits. He might not be affectionate, but he takes care of his lot. He came to Lucrecia after a period of time maybe or maybe not spent in the Wylds; you'll have to get on his good side to have a chance of hearing his mysterious past.

    NAME: Ceres
    RACE: Novan
    SEX: N/A
    AGE: Appears to be mid-20s in your human years
    JOB: Various
    SKILLS/POWERS/ABILITIES: Keen senses. Weak manipulation of weather, manifesting as control of wind. Asexual replication.
    WEAPON(S): N/A
    APPEARANCE: Can take various forms post-replication. The current incarnation of Ceres has short, white hair. Xie appears human in nature, and is tall, thin, and androgynous. Quick pic

    PERSONALITY and BACKGROUND: Ceres is almost serenely calm. Xie has an innate curiosity about this strange place, and is interested to learn all xie can. Due to the differences between xer homeworld and Sedorra, Ceres is often unaware of social conventions or possibilities/restrictions. Ceres assumes, until proven otherwise, that all people xie meets are similar to xem. Xie has a friendly demeanour and is quick to bond with those who are kind, but shies away from those who are aggressive or cruel.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  6. #51
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    BoB (lolol), Jiro, and AlaynaMae, you're approved!

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  7. #52
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    NAME: Derk Kizban

    RACE: Doban

    SEX: Male

    AGE: 78

    JOB/ROLE: Miner, Inventor, Drunk

    SKILLS/ABILITIES: A good miner and smithy, a capable inventor when not drunk..

    WEAPON(S): Pickaxe, fists, feet, head, anything within arms reach.

    APPEARANCE: Mid-length shaggy red hair and a full length red beard, dark eyes and dark skin. Often seen wearing short leather pants and a leather apron.

    PERSONALITY: Gruff but pleasant once you get to know him, will sit for hours drinking and talking once he deems you a friend.

    BACKGROUND: After many years of failed attempts he trained a Drigger to find Black Diamonds, using these and a method known only to him he was able to create a pair fo special goggles he calls ‘Night Eyes’ that allows Doban that have spent most of their lives underground to see in the light as well as they can in the dark. This invention netted him a sizable chunk of money, which he used to buy his own plot of land and build a smithy so he could work and mine for himself as opposed to the large mining companies that are prevalent in Doban society.

  8. #53
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    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  9. #54
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    NAME: Alfarshear Hornfels; Alfar for short.

    RACE: Doban

    GENDER: Female

    AGE: 63

    JOB/ROLE: She does some of the dirty work in the mines, but lately, she's mostly been helping her father keep track of the businesses and lands. A lone child, she is groomed to take over someday.

    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Very organized, always on top of things. Great cook. Can mine, but is not the best.

    WEAPON(S): Her obsidian warhammer is the only weapon she's ever trained with. She's pretty decent with it. Her pickaxe could count, too, probably, but she can't hit anything but rocks with it.

    APPEARANCE: Her skin is a dirty-looking beige. She has blue eyes, curly black hair, and what other Dobans liked to call a "noble's nose," less flat and slightly longer than typical of a Doban. She is short and stout like the rest of them, though, with a square jaw and slight underbite.

    PERSONALITY: She's very professional and aristocratic in demeanor, even when she doesn't mean to be. Like many people of her race, she is materialistic sometimes; she enjoys her family's luxuries. She is also fine with using money or trade if it means getting things done. However, unlike her father, she doesn't use the wealth as an excuse to be offensive or cruel, and often has to cool down a situation when her father gets too hotheaded toward the other miners and the Driggers.

    She enjoys the company of the family's personal Drigger, Frigga, and visits her in the mines when she has time.

    BACKGROUND: Her family is rich, in charge of many Doban businesses in Sedorra. They also rent out land to small business owners of all races, including Camille Veritas. Alfar has always grown up obedient, never challenging her parents or her future. Her current life is the only life she's ever known.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  10. #55
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
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    NAME: Dirus Holtin
    RACE: Doban
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 152
    JOB/ROLE: Treasure Hunter
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Keen eyes and a sharp mind is all that is left from his glory day although he surprisingly strong for someone of his age.
    WEAPON(S): Dragon Hide gloves. They are plain brown and look like any other lizard skin gloves but in certain lights they will flicker red and gold as if on fire. Extremely tough and durable, only specific kinds of blades can penetrate them.
    APPEARANCE: Average height for his race, light grey of skin with dark yellow eyes. His hair is short and almost white while his beard was long, reaching his chest. He wears a mixture of brown leather and cloth common to most Doban but on closer inspection you’ll see that they are of a higher quality than most.
    PERSONALITY: A patient, clever Doban who can occasionally be very stubborn. Despite his age, he is always seeking adventure and the unknown.
    BACKGROUND: Born in the Doban city of Tyli, situated within the mountains between the Betheron Wylds and Lake Arna. From a young age, Dirus loved to explore and discover new things, this eventually lead to his career as a treasure hunter where he was able to explore a large portion of Sedorra and make a decent amount of money at the same time. As someone who craves knowledge over material objects, a lot of his wealth is either given away or hidden in various towns, cities and some places between. Dirus has a son and a daughter who are a treasure hunter and a knight respectively.

  11. #56
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  12. #57
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    For Homeworlders...
    NAME: Galrad
    RACE: Human
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 40
    JOB/ROLE: Commander of the military (soldiers/guards) of Lucrecia
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Excellent swordsman, incredibly strong yet surprisingly agile. Intelligent fighter who has lived through many a fight and won all of the more recent ones, one way or another.
    WEAPON(S): Proficient with use of blades and axes of any length, yet prefers a longsword and always carries one on him. Competent with various other weapons as a result of his many years of training.
    APPEARANCE: Dark skin, bald head, 6'8", carries a few scars but none on his face that are notable - aside from those brought upon him by the sun and time itself. The bigger scars are along his body, but none are gruesome and generally they stay covered. He has a strong athletic build which he has worked to retain over the years.
    PERSONALITY: A voice of authority if ever there was one. He is very charismatic when dealing with soldiers, if not so much with the public. Men flock to him and respect him because he is strong in heart, mind, body and intellect. Yet when the going gets tough, he expects men to everything asked of them. He obeys the queen's commands without question.
    BACKGROUND: Grew up as the son of a mercenary and quickly learned to defend himself (through honest fighting and dirty fighting alike) in various environments from Akimolm through to the Wylds. Prefers combat in open areas, with men at his side, but is more than capable on his own regardless. Despite having fought against Lucrecia at the age of 15 capably, he was captured and inevitably sentenced to death. However, upon learning that it took four men to catch him (not to mention his already impressive size), the previous commander of Lucrecia's guard spoke to the Queen and requested a pardon on the condition that Galrad be kept under constant guidance of the commander in order to train him up as a soldier of Lucrecia. Galrad, an honest young man, has been eternally thankful for the mercy provided to him by the Queen and has done everything he could to repay her. He is now one of her most trusted men and is loved like an adopted son.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #58
    Phantasmal Killer Værn's Avatar
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    Lucas Warmwater
    ORIGIN: Vabyriaur.

    Vabyriaur is a world where magic is known by all and practiced by few. The presence of magic in this world is very weak compared to other worlds; however, as they do not know of any other worlds to compare their magic to, those who know how to wield the mysterious power are feared nonetheless.

    Vabyrian mages use faerlstone, a substance that absorbs ambient magical energies, to aid in their spellcasting, usually adorning the top a staff or wand with the stone. Mages are utterly incapable of using magic without a faerlstone, but there are very few sorcerers, including Luke, who are capable of drawing power from their surrounds without a stone. This is difficult even for them, however, so they still prefer to keep their foci close.

    The practice of magic is outlawed in most parts of Vabyriaur. Those suspected of using magic, usually by possession of a faerlstone, are harshly punished. Those who seek to learn to use it, whether for personal power or to unravel its mysteries, are forced to do so in secret, often resulting in the formation of covens.

    RACE: High Vabyrian.

    The Vabyrian people are a race essentially identical to humans. High Vabyrians are rare individuals who have surfaced seemingly at random throughout the ages, regardless of lineage, whose blood has a quality similar to faerlstone that allows them to use magic without a focus.

    These individuals are unaware that the source of their ability is in their blood, instead believing that their power was achieved through their great skill or sufficient practice. The phrase High Vabyrian has never actually been used within their world to describe them, as they have no reason to believe that they are truly any different than the average Vabyrian; rather, those who are able to use magic without the help of faerlstone are simply referred to as sorcerers.

    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 38
    JOB/ROLE: Court sorcerer, mage hunter
    SKILLS/POWERS/ABILITIES: Capable of using many forms of magic, but specializes in offensive magic. Preferring lightning over other forms of attacks, though he is equally skilled with fire and frost.
    WEAPON(S): Staff, shortsword
    APPEARANCE: 5'10” with short, dark hair and pale blue eyes. Wears a blue robe, carrying a shortsword on his belt and a staff in his hand. The staff is topped with a globe of faerlstone, whose appearance strongly resembles opal. The back of his right hand is branded with a symbol used to label mages who have been caught and punished by Vabyrian authorities.
    PERSONALITY & BACKGROUND: Quiet and polite. Although he maintains a calm face when in danger, Luke is prone to making rash and selfish decisions under pressure. He tends to be distant and distrusting of those around him, having both betrayed and been betrayed by many of his friends throughout his past.

    Luke Warmwater was once a highly skilled mage and leader of his coven on the Crescent Isle. As magic was a feared and outlawed art throughout Vabyriaur, he lived like most other mages in constant fear and paranoia that he would be discovered.

    One day a member of his coven, Sierra, was caught and arrested. Sierra made a deal with her captors, selling out her coven leader in exchange for a reduced sentence. Luke's home was then searched, his faerlstone staff found, and he too was arrested. With his hand branded and his staff confiscated, he was imprisoned.

    It was within the first few nights of imprisonment that Luke, trying anything he could think of to try breaking out of his cell, discovered that he was able to use magic without his staff. He escaped his cell, but was caught again before he managed to find the exit to the building.

    Luke was returned to his cell. However, after seeing that the lock on the door had been melted away, they instead brought him immediately to Earl Grey, the lord of the Crescent Isle, to ask what should be done with him. Luke made the lord an offer: He would turn in the remaining members of the coven who had betrayed him in exchange for his own freedom. Earl Grey made him a counter-offer, that in addition to these conditions Luke would serve as a mage hunter, seeing that a sorcerer could be an invaluable tool for finding and infiltrating their covens.

    Luke accepted this offer. His staff was returned, and for the next few years he sought mages across the Crescent Isle. He would gain their trust, become a member of their covens, then wait until the time seemed right to arrange for guards to raid a meeting. Even while doing so, the guards were never happy about the lord's decision to have them work with a sorcerer. Very few of them trusted him, and fewer showed him any degree of respect.

    Eventually he grew weary of serving those who treated him as a criminal, while betraying anyone who trusted or respected him. One night, after falling asleep with wishful thoughts in his mind that he could simply forget everything that had happened and start over, Luke vanished from the world of Vabyriaur.

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  15. #60
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Just read through the story, and don't know if you're still accepting new characters, but:

    NAME: Dronba-ba-Nori
    RACE: Doban
    GENDER: Male
    AGE: 36
    JOB/ROLE: Engineer
    SKILLS/ABILITIES: Is a masterful engineer, able to grasp the mechanics of moving objects intuitively and use lessons learned from observation of his surroundings to apply to new inventions.
    WEAPON(S): Doesn’t ever have any reason to fight, but in a pinch could use his prodigious knowledge of the world to cause great pain to anyone trying to cause him (or those he loves) harm.
    APPEARANCE: Typically Doban, with the exceptions that his arms are a bit long (too long for his torso) and they pull his posture forward, making him appear nearly hunch-backed. Has a pronounced underbite and often tucks his wide upper lip into his bottom teeth. He has dark eyes, though they are lighter than those of his under-dwelling kin. Wears many layers of clothing, each with pockets and pouches full of various gadgetry and tools.
    PERSONALITY: Curious to a fault. Day-dreamer. Is seen by his friends as spaced-out and erratic, but is actually very focused, especially when a new idea is blossoming in his head. Is very open-minded, and accepts others almost absent-mindedly. Sometimes treats people like machines without intending. Appears gruff, partly because of his underbite, but also because he has trouble staying on topic, and therefore seems to disregard other peoples’ comments or ideas. Also extremely disorganized and sometimes absent-minded in his own unique way.
    BACKGROUND: Dronba was born in one of the primary Doban mountain cities, but was raised by his mother in and around Lake Arna. His father died in the mines, killed by a dragon according to the tales he was told as a young boy, though Dronba’s pragmatic nature leads him to believe that it was something much less exotic, perhaps a rogue Drigger. Dronba and his mother, Noribdar, have not always been fully accepted in Lake Arna society, but Dronba hardly notices. Such things are not his concern. At a young age, he was apprenticed to Lake Arna’s blacksmith. The blacksmith appreciated the boy’s curiosity and allowed him his quirks, for Dronba’s keen mind often thought up new ways to fold metals, new techniques for lacing minerals into the metal at different stages of the forging process, and so on, so that the blacksmith became more renowned (and richer!) than he had ever been before Dronba. Later, Dronba opened a shop as a freelance engineer, an unheard-of outlet for that occupation, at least in the Lake Arna region, and became something of a local legend for his odd ways and interesting gizmos.

    Dronba’s mother died a decade ago, and Dronba has never really dealt with the reality of her passing.

    Dronba has an apprentice, a human boy named Trevin.

    Dronba’s best friend is the merchant, Takud, a nomadic Akim who is fascinated by Dronba’s many curios.

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