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Thread: Official Story: Enter Sedorra

  1. #61
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    Default Cohen VIII

    'At home, in the university, there is a hall - a quiet space - where my brothers and I sit and listen to the words of our Gods. You pray to the Stars here? That's so... different.' Cohen couldn't contain his curiosity, even though he was disappointed that he would not be able to meditate here. Perhaps he could find a room that was similar to a hall? Still, it wouldn't be the same without his brothers to help guide him.

    Cohen was disappointed that this creature did not have the answers he sought, but all the while he was pleased to have a companion. 'I would be happy to stay with you awhile. Maybe we could help one another, somehow,' he said.

    He eyed the man behind the bar again and realised he couldn't go without food for much longer. 'I need to eat,' he said. 'But I only have a purse of gold from my world - does that work as currency here?' he asked Tala.
    Last edited by Miss Mae; 05-18-2014 at 06:57 AM.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  2. #62
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    Default Cohen IX

    Cohen smiled. 'I'll be right back, then,' he said. 'Do you want me to get you anything?'

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  3. #63
    Word Engineer Miss Mae's Avatar
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    Cohen smiled, turned and approached the bar. The man behind it frowned at him and Cohen felt incredibly judged. He was reminded that he had never been in a bar before and it made him nervous - do you speak to a barkeep just like any other shopkeeper?

    'Umm... hello?' Cohen said nervously. 'I would just like some food please. Whatever's cooking smells lovely - is that stew? A serve of that would be nice and... my Aelum friend would like some steak. The rarest you've got. I hope that's not too much trouble.'

    Cohen fidgeted with his coin purse, hoping he had enough.

    My future is fuelled by the fires of words, wit and companionship.

  4. #64
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Jahred followed Kathvi out of the room and back to King's Square, where fewer people seemed to pay her attention beyond that of any performer walking around. Interesting, he thought to himself, to watch such a foreign person roam through the streets so easily. This festi-- Before he could continue, loud trumpets from all around the city powered a noise through the air. With many still finishing their meals, it seemed that the festival was officially beginning. A large number of fireworks boomed from the bonfire in the centre of the square, and a silence spread as people listened to the clamour created from the mixture of such organised and chaotic noises.

    No sooner than the announcement concluded, a huge cheer shook through the city as people delighted at the beginning of an evening of entertainment. Children were running around the merry Doban near the bonfire, who themselves were dancing to tunes played by a band on a recently constructed main stage. Human, Akim and Doban all were clinking glasses and putting arms around each other, it was truly a sight to behold. Outside of Lake Arna, almost every city was dominated by one race or another - in Lucrecia's case, it was a human city - but during such festivities as this all were welcome. He smiled to himself, forgetting all around him for a moment.

    "Look," he said to Kathvi. "Here they come!" He pointed towards a large street that headed North towards the River Lissee. As many looked towards the famous road that lead to the Palace, they saw a number of people heading towards the city. Another of the Doban bonfire wagons was surrounded by cartwheeling humans. Fireworks flew upward in a steady rhythm, exploding into all kinds of shapes high in the sky. As they entered the King's Square, another cheer rang out. Dancers twirled their way in from all angles, encouraging those around them to join them near the band. Drunk people of all races readily joined the entertainment as the fools began to stumble their way in - it was hard to establish if they were genuinely drunk off their face or just playing the role!

    The band picked up the pace of their music as people began to twirl around one another, while a foreign Doban on the far side of the square told stories to the children of the dangerous travels they took, spooking and exciting the young'ns. Tales of the Alticum deep tunnels, Lake Arna in full frost, the dangers of the Danere and a fight with wolves in the Wylds where they were saved by a sleeping giant. Jahred grinned to himself, the Doban always had a talent for the extroadinary. The children were rapt.

    It would not be long before the Queen came to make her appearance. He could see the guards building up near the same northern road the entertainment had come from. Soon, the Royal Palace Chariot would enter, lead by six immaculate golden chocobo. The Queen was due to make a speech blessing the city, he understood from his innkeep.

    He smiled and worried at the same time as a few children ran up to Kathvi.

    "Come, why aren't you dancing!?" a little girl shouted, jumping up and down. "Dance with us!"
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #65
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Default Camille III

    Camille must be hearing things. The cries—the chocobo cries—were too distant. Perhaps her ears were playing tricks on her.

    But Stissi was more sure than she was. Her head had snapped to one direction. The breeder held on tight this time as the chocobo surged down a small path she didn't even notice at first, not with all the hanging vines in the way.

    The cries weren't good ones. Even from where she was, Camille could hear the distress, along with some other noises that indicated struggle. She contemplated all sorts of terrible scenarios. Did something in here attack them? Did the thieves abuse them? Were they stuck somewhere?

    The forests were dark, but the chocobo seemed to know her way. She moved fluidly without much noise, without other wildlife noticing; as if she blended into the shadows of the Wylds.

    About half an hour passed before the two finally heard something again. Stissi instantly stilled, so sudden that she nearly threw Camille off again, but she managed to stay on, holding in a breath as she listened.

    “Hey, you're Blackie, right? Blackie the trader? You take things and sell them in Lucrecia?”

    A trader in the Wylds? Camille thought curiously. In all her travels into the woods, this was the first she heard of this Blackie.

    “C'mon, you dumb birds, listen to what I say! Blackie, thanks for meeting us. Me and my bro, we've been looking to sell our chocobos—”

    Both chocobo and rider tensed.

    Stissi turned to eye an area off the path and moved, sauntering through some brush and a few trees. The conversation with the unknown strangers continued on without notice.

    Camille could tell that her chocobo was raring to burst in and interrupt the conversation.

    “Not yet,” Camille hissed to her, attempting to pull her back some when they reached the last group of trees. They didn't know what will await them on the other side. "Stay still."

    "It's two versus one."

    "Deal; two versus one."

    Like in the fields, Stissi did not obey. She let out a loud wark and ran through. They arrived into a clearing; someone's camp, to be exact, but the first things Camille really saw were her two chocobos, ragged and scared. She wanted to cry. They were almost as big as adults, but still young and green. How could anyone do this?

    “Koko! Bristles!” she couldn't help but shout, momentarily forgetting the situation she had just gotten herself into.

    “Who the hell are you?!”

    Camille glanced over and spotted a thin, wiry human, standing a bit in front of a bulkier human and a Doban standing across from them. They were all very shady-looking, and dangerous--the Doban with his axe, the big human with his brute, and the thin human with rows of knives at his torso. They were obscured by his clothing but still easy to see.

    Oh no, was she armed? Camille often removed her back holster for her shortsword, whether for comfort's sake or lack of danger in her neck of the woods.

    Camille reached behind her for the hilt of her weapon, which was thankfully there, but did not unsheathe.

    “We're doin' business, sweetheart," he continued on with a sneer. "Best if you move along and tell none what you saw.”

    Her heart raced. God, what do I do? What if they try to kill me? How do I talk to people like th—wait, I'm a businesswoman! Just pretend it's some bullheaded customer.

    She gripped her hilt harder, its ridges digging into her palm. She really hoped that she didn't need to take it out.

    Somewhere beyond her line of sight, the two young chocobos kweh-ed pathetically. The poor things just wanted to go home.

    “If you have chocobo business,” she started in a bold tone, hoping her nerves didn't show, “you all speak to me." Koko and Bristles are mine, after all.”

    "Oy, waitaminnit," boomed the voice of the larger human. "Bro." He didn't seem to hear her words.

    Like everyone else, it seems, she thought sourly.

    He nudged the thin man, a mocking smile on his face. "I remember this kid."

    Camille froze in her seat.

    "What the hell are you talking about?"

    "That girl. What is it, Veritas and the Lullaby of the Night? We were at that queen's race! She won the damn thing!"

    Camille Veritas and Prestissima, Song of the Night, she corrected silently, not liking this. Really, out of all the people to recognize her...

    The thin man's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah! The racer who quit fame to be a poor, little--"

    "Chocobo breeder," Camille finished for him, and steered the conversation back. "Now give me back what you took from me. No--pay me for the abuse you caused Koko and Bristles."
    Last edited by Lonely Paper Star; 05-19-2014 at 03:06 AM.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  6. #66
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
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    Azelin IV

    The young assassin emerged from the crowd to find a contingent of Hyu'mans and Dobans merrily cheering and laughing to one another outside The Ceiling Cat, they were all too drunk to be of any assistances to him. The establishment was indeed a large building like the plump ladies had said but like everywhere here, it looked dingy and dirty.

    Azelin walked into the tavern, it was loud and the people within were rowdy and cheerful. The in interior was surprisingly bright as there were many candles scattered around the premise and hanging from the chandelier that looked like it was made from a cart wheel.

    The place reeked of ale, sweat and there was a thick layer of smoke that hung in the air. It swirled and bellowed around people as they moved to and fro. The smell made him nauseous.

    A young female Hyu’man was playing an instrument in the corner, she was surround by men who were drunkenly singing along to her tune. A few were passionately singing to her but she just smiled or winked at them.

    A chill swept up Azelin’s spine, he tensed and looks at the far corner of the tavern. Hidden in a slight shadow, an old Doban with a long white beard watched him. The young assassin could feel the old Doban’s eyes upon him as he walked through the crowd.

    “Are you old enough to drink, boy?” a man much closer to him called out.

    “Of course I am” He snapped, looking up to the man. In his own world, he was not yet of age but he didn’t know how the laws worked here so for all he knew, he could be. Although judging by the people he had seen so far, Azelin could presume that he wasn’t.

    “Didn’t mean to offend” he chuckled “I’ve never been good at judging your kinds age and your face look particularly young”

    Azelin stared up at the man, he was swaying slightly and had a large, dopey grin on his face. I’d rather not talk to someone drunk he thought, taking a glance at the man’s friends. Some were paying attention to the interaction, most weren’t. They look no better. Azelin starts to walk away when the man puts his arm in the way to block him.

    “Where’s the rush, friend. Drink with us”

    “No thank”

    “Come on! Everyone should drink and be merry on the Queens Day” he replies, still grinning.

    “I’m looking for someone” he lied. A hand slammed down on the boys shoulder, but not that of the man in front of him.

    “And you’ve found him” the owner of the hand replied, his voice gruff. The assassin glanced back, hands twitching towards his hidden blades, and saw the old Doban that had been staring at him earlier. He briefly pondered whether the Doban’s timing was a coincident or planned.

    “I guess I have”

  7. #67
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
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    Azelin V

    The drunk Hyu’man looked taken aback. “I’ll guess I’ll leave you to it” He turned back to his friends as the old Doban spoken.

    “There’s a lot of weird ones appearing today”

    Is he talking about me or the drunkard? The boy thought. “What do you want” He responded, brushing the old gray hand off of his shoulder and turning to face him.

    “Just to…talk” a small grin crept onto the old Doban’s face.

    That pause was creepy, but he’s probably my best option. Or at least he’s the only one here not drunk. And if it came to it, I’m sure I could kill him. The young assassin thought. “Ok”

    His eyes studied the boy before he replied “This place is too rowdy and I don’t want to miss the Queens appearance. So we’ll go to King’s Square”

    “Lead the way” He gestures with his hand towards the door, the old Doban nodes, turns and walks outside. Azelin following right behind him a grimace on his face.

    Back in the sea of people and slowly heading to King’s Square, the old Doban spoke “I’m Dirus”.

    “Azelin” the boy replied

    “I saw you enter, you looked kind of lost”

    “I’ve never been to this city before”

    “You definitely haven’t been here before” Azelin didn’t like the way he stressed the word ‘here’ and contemplated killing him. The last thing he wanted was to be found out so soon.

    The assassin places a hand on the grip of one of the many kunai strapped to his body. Hidden under his cloak and walking slightly behind him, the assassin could sever his spine then sheath the blade and blend into the crowd before the man even hit the ground. But rash moves like that would get him nowhere, so instead he responded “To be honest, I’ve never been to this continent. So everything is very new to me”

    “Is that so. You’re not the first out of…continent person I’ve seen today. How curious” He glanced back with a questioning look as if he wanted a response. When he didn’t get one, he carried on “Today is the Queen’s Festival, one of the few day were a commoner like myself will be able to look upon the beauty of the queen”

    This guy is too nosy Azelin thought as the King’s Square came into view Maybe I should just kill him. But I wonder…”What do you want from me?”

    “What? Nothing”. He paused for a second, glancing back at the assassin “I’ve lived for a very long time, seen many strange and spectacular things. So when I see something new, I just have to investigate. But I’m too old for adventures now, too old and frail” He sighed slightly at the end.

    Azelin let go of his kunai “No, I need your help. One more adventure”

    “Involving what?” He asked, a smile creeping along his face.

    A grin appeared on the boy’s face as his darted around the crowd before him “Help me find the other foreigners”. As he looked back to Dirus trumpets blow and fireworks exploded with a rainbow of light and a cacophony of noise. The festival had started.

  8. #68
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Crap, Blackie thought. Add another perso--no, add the celebrity owner to the mix. His course of action became decidedly less easy with the additional person here, and he wished she had been anywhere but. While the scum pair focused on Veritas, he took a step forward. They paid him no mind.

    "These're your chocobos, eh," grinned Weasel. "Then you'll be paying the finder's fee, not us paying you. You're lucky we found 'em."

    "Yeah, we thought this guy was the owner," the bulkier human gestured backward, "but if you're paying, y'look like the owner to me." Shoopuf looked pleased with the smaller man's sudden play as the good guys, though the woman atop of the black looked incredulous and furious. Her grip on her hilt tightened, but anger only came out in her words, not from out her sheath.

    "Pay you, for stealing Koko and Bristles? No," she said, her voice almost cracking, "You pay me for your treatment of my chocobos, for mishandling goods, and I might confuse you for bad businessmen and send you on your way, instead of lousy thieves." If Blackie had been a betting man, he would say Veritas and her bird were teetering between tears and murder, and probably were going to take the middle option if this went much further. He included the bird in his assessment because it seemed a window of her emotions, perhaps with more honestly, as it scratched furrows as the former champion tugged the reins. Blackie mentally raced toward a solution.

    "Didja hear that, bro? She called us lousy thieves," rumbled Shoopuf. "No, we're getting paid, and we're ta--" He was cut off suddenly as the doban marketeer let out a loud, long bellow of sound, all noise and fury. The two humans spun around, sword drawn and hands ready to flick knives. The doban was less than ten paces away, and he looked ready to charge.

    "Two versus one; that was the agreement, boyos! Don't go worrying about a woman and money if yer life is in trouble!" He wagged his axe and said, "Unless, of course, you don't wanna fight and are thinking to strike a new deal." This was it, the defusal, if he could sell it.

    Weasel eyed him warily, his body turned so he could pivot and attack either Blackie or Veritas. "What kind of new deal? Two versus two?" His fingers never left the knife handles.

    Blackie laughed. "No, the deal of walking away square and even. Did you hear the woman? She wants payment. Yourself? Wants payment. Solution? Your debts cancel each other, no one gets hurt, business is settled, and we can all walk away." The thieves passed each other a look, the kind where almost psychic communication happens, while the lass Veritas and her bird looked as if they were possibly easing off the coil set to burst.

    Shoopuf tried to keep the situation armed, out of confusion. "Whaddaya get then, Blackie? You're not getting chocobos this way."

    "I don't want them; paying for them and papers screws me in the pouch. I also don't have to bleed or dig ditches for anyone, which is more the point. I mean, I always could, but that's your decision, lads, and yours, lass." He slowly lowered his axe and shifted his grip to something more neutral. Come on, I'm no threat. Take it, take it.

    Everyone was quiet, and moments passed. I need to oil this some more; crap.

    "Tell you what, boyos: I got a flask of Xanderdraught to yer name if you walk away. Veritas, was it? I have greens I can share with yer birds and we can take a look at them here if you're staying."

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    Desmond hid out in the woods for three days until he was sure there wouldn't be any swinging dicks milling about looking for the bandit lad's killer. He found hunting easier now; perhaps having his grandmother's heritage reassert itself in a moment of stress had awakened his long-buried hunting instincts. It would have been frowned upon back home, he was sure, but Desmond was no longer certain that the people back home were right. It felt...natural to hunt in the woods. It felt good. Perhaps he should have listened to Drak'Sivar more, even though he was one of the Cats. Perhaps the Cats weren't so bad.

    As he approached the distant city, he was carrying several hares with him. Perhaps he could sell them in town to make enough money to buy some real knives to replace the makeshift bone daggers he'd fashioned, they were utter debs. Of course, maybe the lad's coins were worth wasn't likely, or he wouldn't have been robbing, but Desmond allowed himself a brief fantasy of being rich.

    As he approached the city, he activated his jigger and hummed softly, Sinking the guards' suspicion. He seemed to be getting the hang of it, they looked nothing more than bored as he passed through.

    "Pardon me," he said, attempting to sound as urbane as possible. "I am a stranger in this land. What is the name of this city?"

    The guard briefly looked surprised before the Song reasserted its influence. "Lucrecia," he muttered, stifling a yawn. "Be on your way."

    Desmond entered the city, scanning the streets for any signs of a butcher shop or tannery that would buy his hare carcasses, or an inn where he could find work and possibly a drink.

    He was down to 100 tabs of Brilliance. It still felt like a lot, but as he popped one, he worried about where he would get more if this was truly an alien land.

  10. #70
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    - Radley -
    It's been well over a week since the Lost Soul has set sail into the Deeps from the Northern Isles. Radley and his crew have barely managed to survive the cruel tests of the nasty weather they had endured out in the Deeps, but everyone had not gone overboard, nor did any of the loot they stole were missing. The only sole victim of their journey was his First Mate's favorite pair of glasses falling into the water. Terrible luck for the First Mate, but losing a pair of glasses was of no concern to Radley. Perhaps they will find him a new pair one of these days.

    "Cap'n!" shouted a crewmate who was looking into a telescope from the ship's mast. "Land sighting confirmed!"

    "Aye!" Radley shouted back in response. "Good to know we're finally approaching land. Be on the lookout for a port to dock."

    Several crew mates approached the captain as he prepared to walk into his cabin. "Captain! What should we do when we land?" they asked, not knowing what Radley had planned after all this time.

    "Listen chums," Radley said to them, "It makes no matter to me what the rest of you do when we land. From the moment we step off this ship, me First Mate shall be taking over as captain of this ship. I've done all I can for this fine crew, ye be the best crew I've ever had, but it's time to be on me own. There's treasure out there, and I'll probably find me another crew! Until we dock this ship, I am still captain! Understood?"

    Everyone saluted in response as they understood their captain loud and clear.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  11. #71
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    Damon's guard duties in King's Square were going fairly well, but he was on high alert. It was normal for a high alert to be set up during events where royalty was on show, of course, but there were already mutterings amongst the guards that some unusual people had entered the city. He'd already had a man named Aziish talk to him about someone earlier that day, but he'd lost the suspicious person amongst the festivities. There was certainly a lot going on, either way. But that face stuck in his mind. It wasn't Ursus, and it certainly was too good to be a mask. Likea fox.

    He did as he was instructed and did it well - don't focus on the entertainers, focus on those who are not entertaining. The entertainers have enough eyes on them for the public to alert guards of any wrongdoing on their end. So far the worst he'd had to do was settle a drunk scuffle - the two men he split up were now drinking merrily together as if nothing had happened at all. Still, he would have words with them the next day. He knew them both as citizens of Lucrecia, and one of them as a friend, too. Thankfully on days such as this, it was a fairly straight forward issue to deal with.

    Passing through the crowd swiftly and effectively, he watched for the shadows on the sides and saw that unfamiliar sight once more. An intricate fox mask. Two children were pulling at the unusual clothes and egging the dancer to join them in a dance by the fire. But she did not. What is this? Why would someone dress as such and be so much to themselves? He had to find out, of course. And that mask. That mask. The tail, too! It moved so truly, like one would expect of a real tail. This was more than trickery.

    He carefully walked around and then, as the children were ushered away by her Akim friend, he quickly moved his hand out and grabbed her by the wrist. "Excuse me, I must speak to you. Could you please remove your mask. He stared at the eyes and they were not human, nor that of Akim. Absent mindedly, he stepped backwards in surprise. "What..."

    He released her wrist, instinctively moving his hand instead to the hilt of his sword.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #72
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    Kathvi felt extremely threatened by the guard, but she hated hurting people and she didn't want to cause a fuss. Her tail and stopped it's playful swaying and become very still. Her whole body had become very alert. Without noticing, Kathvi released a small growl.

    The guard took this as an opportunity. He brought his sword out and pointed it in front of her face in warning. "That's enough," he told her, "You'll come with me. We have some business with you."

    Kathvi's instincts kicked in. She put her hand around the edge of the sword as she maintained eye contact with the guard. The sword and her hand began to glow an odd shade of whitish-blue. He was too mesmerized to make a move, he'd never seen anything like it. then he saw it, some kind of weird growth coming from where she was touching his sword. No, it wasn't a growth it was... ice? It let off a small steam as it started to grwo around his sword. "Stop this!" he shouted. "Stop this at once"! Despite his warning, Kathvi didn't move. Not sure what to do, he pulled on his sword to free it from her grasp. He stood back, sword held in attack position, ready to charge at her. But a closer look made him notice something. He looked from her hand to his sword, back to his hand. The edge of the sword had been broken off by the ice. Kathvi dropped the hunk of frozen steel to the ground. The guard, frustrated and upset, decided it was time to withdraw. I'll find some backup. I won't stand for this, he thought. He left, backing away to watch her carefully as he went.

    Katvi stood with her head down. She hated doing it but... Now she'd shown just how different she was. She looked over to Jahred, wanting to see how he was looking at her. Would he cast her aside now?

  13. #73
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    Like the people around who had witnessed this, Jahred was in shock. Unlike them, he didn't back off. It was just the two of them now, and although the band still played on oblivious to what had gone on, the drop in volume was notable around the Square. After what seemed an age, Kathvi looked over to him. Jahred snapped back into reality. He looked about, then back to her.

    He quickly headed towards the gates. "Come," he stated. "Kathvi, I have no idea what you just did but around this place that is not normal in any way whatsoever. Keep your head low. We have to..." He trailed off upon realising he had no clue whatsoever exactly what it was that they had to do.

    The people quickly made way for them as they exited, eventually re-entering a crowd. Jahred had no clue where he was heading, he needed a moment to think. He entered the first rowdy bar he could find and slammed slightly too much gold down on the counter. "Two ales, please." He looked to the door, worried.

    OOC:I am happy for this to be the same bar/inn/tavern/whatever as any other characters are currently.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #74
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    Desmond stalked the pair who'd caused the ruckus like a predator. He didn't know what he'd just seen, but there had been a sort of resonance in the deep blue that he didn't understand. It shouldn't have been possible to manipulate the deep blue without being hooked in, but he'd sensed it just as clearly as he'd been able to sense other people hooking in back home. He wasn't aware of the predatory grin that came over his face as he shadowed them into a pub.

    The hunter's itch in his fingertips had grown stronger and stronger, to the point it became a fierce, sharp pain, but he forced down his awareness of that, and focused on his quarry. Perhaps he was not the only person to come here from another world? Experimentally, he began to hum and Spiked the stranger's strength, looking for a reaction.

    "Um, excuse me," a voice came from his side.

    It was a barmaid of some sort. Desmond ignored it.

    "Excuse me, sir," the barmaid insisted, "Are you OK? You're bleeding."

    Desmond looked down at his hands, dropping his Song in shock. His fingers were, indeed, bleeding. Emerging from each of his fingertips was a small, but unmistakeable, claw.

    It couldn't be. Unless...perhaps the surgery performed on him as an infant made use of Nexus's orange world pulse, and it wasn't functioning in this alien land?

    Desmond's instincts were good. He'd never learned how to manage his feral side, but instinctively he knew how to retract his yet pitiful claws. The pain receded, and he grinned even wider.

    To the barmaid, he said "Yes, I'm OK. I'm better than OK. I'm better than I've ever been!"

    Desmond threw back his head and laughed a harsh, rasping laugh.

    It was a sign. He was free of the old societal bonds that had held him. He was free to embrace both sides of his heritage. Perhaps...perhaps he'd even use his other, unspoken name. Not today, but here, he needn't be an outcast because of his grandmother's bloodlines. Here, he could be his true self.

  15. #75
    Knight of Nothing *Devore*'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Everywhere and Nowhere

    FFXIV Character

    Devore Jojishi (Sargatanas)


    “Oh, this is interesting” Dirus mutters, his sharp eyes fixed on the crowd of the King’s Square. He was standing on a bench to better see across the sea of people, Azelin, with his hood up, was on the same bench but looking in the opposite direction. He spun around at his words. “Over there” Dirus pointed to a guard confronting two people in the crowd, an Akim and an unknown.

    “I’m guessing ears like that isn’t normal for humanoids here” Azelin asked, his keen eyes locked on the scene.

    “Definitely not…” He trailed off as his eyes widened. “What is that!?” He exclaimed, the foxed eared being had grabbed the guards’ sword and her hand was glowing with a faint whitish-blue light.

    “She wields magic” he replied “Ice magic if I am correct”. Ice was creeping across the guards sword I don’t recognise her species…I guess magic exists on other worlds as well. Although it is a fundamental force, it would-

    “It can control ice?” Dirus chimed in, disrupting Azelins’ chain of thought.

    “Yes. And it looks like it’s a pretty powerful wielder as well”. The end of the guards’ sword had snapped off.

    “Is it from your…continent?” Dirus asked, putting stress on the last word. Azelin glanced at him then back to the scene.

    “No, I don’t recognise it”. The Akim was leading the unknown into a pub. Azelin made to follow then stopped. “Do you see that?” He asked.

    “Yeah. That human was following them, but there was something off about him”

    “He had a malicious look upon his face, he seeks to hurt them” Azelin responded “We need to hurry” Dirus nodded and the two dropped from the bench and disappeared into the crowd.

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