Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

This isn't only true of people - this is true of all kinds of things. In this case, it was a world. In many ways, Sedorra was a fairly ordinary world. In this world, people went about their everyday lives. They had festivals and they had kings and queens, they spent their days discussing the weather, the likelihood of dragons and on occasions they would discuss celebrity engineers who spoke of making machines capable of soaring through the skies and cannons that could fit in the palm of your hand. It was an age where wars were fought with swords, bows and cannons and people still traveled by carriage.

However, there were things that made this world a little notable. There was a magic in it. Now, this magic was not something that the people thought was abnormal. In fact, they didn't even know it as 'magic'. To them, a desert could exist immediately next to a snow-laden land and it was just the way things were. There was no science involved with spinning of the world and the angle of the planet and the way the sunrays hit the tropics. There were still sciences in this world, no doubt, but the world itself was most certainly magical, and the magic could bend the rules of the sciences (or even compliment them).

The people had not harnessed this magic because they did not see it as magic. They simply didn't know any different. Magic, to them, was a card up a sleeve and a rabbit in a hat. They of course had fantasies of manipulating fire, but none knew of ways to actually attune to it. Indeed, this world was not born great. This peoples of this world had not achieved greatness. No, Sedorra was about to have greatness thrust upon it.


Welcome to the world of Sedorra. This is going to be something said to many over time (well, assuming they are indeed welcome) as people from other worlds - soon to be labeled Outworlders - are about to begin spontaneously appearing here. Not too many - and rarely if ever will there be more than one from the same world - but enough to send shockwaves throughout the lands.

These Outworlders may remember their past world and past life completely or alternatively have some kind of amnesia effect - it's down to the person controlling them to decide. They are appearing in this world without any real announcement. Nobody - resident of this world or another - knows why it is happening (people will inevitably come up with their own theories, but who knows if any of them will ever be revealed to be true?).

Some may come from worlds with high technology (pity the souls who so rely on it) while others could be cavemen. Some could be human, some could be of another race of this world, some could be very alien indeed. Some could seek friends in their new world, some could seek power and control. On rare occasions, some might have arrived hand in hand with someone else from their world. Some (or many), of course, may come from worlds where people know how to harness magic. How do people react, from this world and from other worlds? How did this even happen in the first place?

And lo, the arrivals began. Greatness entered Sedorra.