Aaaaahahahahahahaha. *falls off chair*
Aaaaahahahahahahaha. *falls off chair*
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
You missed one.
Akim grinned to himself, the Doban always had a talent for the extroadinary.
xD Thanks. Oh man. This is what I get for spending so much time creating the race as opposed to creating the character. I wasn't even intending on using him for more than one post!
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Yes, I gathered from the slip up that your mind might've been a little more focused on the race than the character himself. It's nice when characters have a mind of their own and serve more of a purpose than was initially intended.
I'm still yet to establish any real depth to the poor fella. But it's early days. I feel the opposite about Damon - I intend on him being a longer term character, I have a lot of ideas for him, but so far the right time to introduce him hasn't come about. I already know BoB the jaguar all too well, so he won't be nearly as tricky to write in but again, I need the right time.
Damon will be entering sooner rather than later, though...
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Not a huge number of location changes, but I updated the chart, anyway.
Again, let me know if there are corrections, or if you want me to be more specific about where you are or whatnot. :3
Any chance that we can get this going again?
I think it would be helpful if something were to happen big picture in the story. A lot of people have started interacting to a small extent now, but there's no much to talk about when we don't know anything and nothing's going on. The festival really kicking off would probably help.
The festival itself has begun. I'm not sure what kind of kicking off you mean, but there are a lot of people who have suggested they are going to come up to shion and myself but none of them have yet which has left me a bit tied down. Perhaps I'll just have to have the soldiers storm the place before they get the chance.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
There's little evidence of the festival having started, what with us all in various bars. Once I get through some of these writing projects I might try and get Tala and I out of the inn and into the fray. That might prompt some others to get a bit more actively involved in the festivities that are supposed to be occurring.
Pretty much all of that post was declaring that the festival was officially in full swing. xD It just seems people were very reluctant to go outside into the midst of it all, so shion and I had to instead 'escape' to a bar to get closer to more characters.loud trumpets from all around the city powered a noise through the air. With many still finishing their meals, it seemed that the festival was officially beginning.
You people clearly love your booze waaaay too much.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Not saying it wasn't declared - just saying no one seems to be doing much about it. Like I said, when I post next I might try and get moving out into it and see if that prompts anyone to follow.
Loony, Citizen Bleys sat his character at your table, I was going to join you both once you had at least acknowledged each other.
Could do with some event that drives us or I could go start some drama.
I have no idea how I completely missed that post. x_x
Bow before the mighty Javoo!