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Thread: Let's Play Shining Force II

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    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Default Let's Play Shining Force II

    Since I am still having trouble with audio related stuff, I decided to do a screenshot based Let's Play for you guys. I have decided to play one of my favorite Genesis games....

    It being one of the best SRPGs of its time!

    SEMI IMPORTANT NOTE: Normally, the game only lets you name the somewhat silent protagonist. However, there is a code that let's you name all the characters that you can get in this game, which does sport a rather large cast.

    You have to name everyone right in a row using this code. My rule was that I had to name them the very first word that entered my mind. I named the main character "Sephex" because I am boring, but the rest of the cast were thought of on the fly.

    Alright, on with the game.


    The game opens with a sneaky rat and two burly, shirtless thieves rummaging through an ancient tower. As you can see, they are off to a fantastic start.

    Well, duh, you should have checked to the left first. Anyone who played EarthBound remembers the sign that says 70% of players search to the right first!

    Oh, sure. Great. Grand. Wonderful. Yeah, messing with these jewels sounds like a fantastic idea. I'm sure everything will be fine Yeah, they're thieves, but perhaps their time would be better spent burglarizing a store or look for some actual treasure. This is the LAST thing you should be doing as a thief! No one is going to touch this score! It's too hot! Plus, it's not like you can simply grab such important artifacts right off the wall like that. There has to be a security measure of some sort!

    Meanwhile, the King of the land, Granseal, is making a keen observation of the weather.



    Alright, back to the world's stupidest jewel heist. See? I told you that you can't just simply grab them off the wall! They're too important! I know my RPGs. There has to be some sort of ancient ritual to grab them. That or a dumbass fetch quest.

    Correct. Go home. Do something better with your time.

    Ah, the famous cunning nature of a thief! Right, have fun with that, rat.

    HA! See? .... Wait, he got them?! You gotta be f***ing with my mind. Alright, so whoever built this ancient tower put in exactly two security measurements to prevent these obviously important jewels from be stolen:

    1.) Hide some stairs.
    2.) Hope no one thinks to pull both jewels out of their slots at the same time.


    Hard to tell with a screen shot, but the tower begins to shake violently. The thieves make a hasty escape.

    Word has traveled fast. The King, his minister, and a guard take note of the tower being opened impossibly.

    The minister and the guard leave towards the tower to investigate, leaving the King alone in a darkened chamber. The King reminisces on his days as a Metal Gear Solid guard.

    Just then, a shadow is cast on the chamber floor when a bright flash of lightening illuminates the stormy sky! Judging by the shadow, this sure looks like a scary creature.

    No scary demon or whatever. It's simply Yoda cosplaying as a...wizard? Really creative you are old Jedi.

    Wizard Yoda launches some sort of tornado looking thing at the King, who promptly passes out. After this scene, the title screen appears which leads us to...

    PART ONE: Get the Gizmos!

    Our story truly begins where most RPGs do: A lone hero waking up and triumphantly standing on his bed, celebrating vanquishing another night of sleep. This dude is so pumped up that he is fully dressed AND equipped. Maybe this will be the day he defies his mom and totally jumps on that bed!

    Good morning to you too, crabass. You answered your own question.

    Sephex ventures to school and gets an obvious hint from a classmate to grab the teacher from the basement. Probably been drinking again....

    Uhhhhh...should I be seeing this? You want me to come back at a better time, man? You couldn't take care of this garbage at home, dude? Can...can you even get...never mind. I'll be upstairs when you are done "preparing" for our "lesson."

    Please tell me you washed your hands. I didn't see no sink down there, asshole.

    SEE? I KNEW he was drinking! (SPOILER)Nah, actually Astral is referring to a character I will soon acquire. You'll see why I did it.

    Oh thank god this guard came to clear up the awkwardness. Now Astral can take his...uh...strokes of genius to solve whatever is plaguing the castle.

    [insert Life Alert joke here]

    Alright, why did I name the centaur Cheeto? His default name is Chester. I am so god damn clever.

    Because she looks like a Monkey and I was thinking of Pokemon. Get off my case!

    Mankey supposedly has a plan to get in the castle. She and Cheeto officially join the party and off we go!

    Alright, Mankey...what's your game here?

    Great plan. Cunning and thoughtful. 11/10~IGN

    Dude, no. Everyone in the personnel knows that Astral went in to see what's up with the King.

    Have I mentioned the security around this kingdom is top notch? Thanks for finishing and believing Mankey's flimsy excuse for us, morons!

    They know the King is sick because he has that one Crash Test Dummies song in his head: Crash Test Dummies - MMM MMM MMM MMM (Official Music Video) - YouTube

    You can tell how concerned Princess Barbie is by the expression on her face. Or maybe she listens to a lot of 90s music.

    BUSTED! Who would have thought barging in the King's room would have got us caught!


    Right, it might not be in good taste to hit children in front of key witnesses. Astral totally wings it and acts like he needed our help the entire time.

    Astral, being amazingly spry for a man of his age, guns it to the tower. We are in pursuit! Hopefully he sobered up some.

    You think Astral is making an observation here, but he was actually thinking of Star Wars and misquoting it.

    He should have been thinking of "Gremlins!" get the joke?! Well, at least there is only one of them.

    Hey, maybe I should learn to keep my damn mouth shut.


    Whew! It was a battle hard fought, but we won and--yeah, who am I kidding? It was the first battle. We steamrolled them.

    Or it might be gunning for the King, guys.


    Astral once again outruns three youths in their prime and makes his way to the King's room again. Princess Barbie is still pretending to be concerned while listening to the Counting Crows on her iPod.

    Truly a fearsome battle cry. I am convinced he is possessed! 13/ORANGE~IGN

    When exorcizing a demon, be very descriptive on what you are trying to do and be sure to endanger the possessed by launching a fireball at them.

    Honestly, how did this kingdom even flourish?

    You can only outrun a hangover so long, old man. Jerking it was a good technique to get the blood flowing, but launching a fireball might remind your body that you were hanging out with Captain Morgan, dude.

    Actually, Astral fainted from the intense battle, and the Pink Gizmo got away. The minister commissions random castle staff to hunt it down and kill it. I often send a group of strong people at a monster that can possess people. Nothing ever goes wrong.

    The minister is worried about the situation and turns to comfort our group...

    WOW. What a jerk hole. Try this line next time your grandpa is hospitalized. Then run before you get your ass kicked.

    Astral regained consciousness according to the King. He basically admits to knowing next to nothing about the history of his own kingdom and asks the party to go off to a small town a little ways away to learn from a man called Hawel. Maybe by learning about Granseal's past we can find out what's REALLY going on here...

    Aaaaaaand that's why I named him BEEEEER! Look at those cheeks and nose! This whole kingdom is full of alcoholics!


    And that's all I have for today! Stay tuned for the next part! Hope you enjoyed!
    Last edited by Sephex; 04-30-2014 at 07:13 AM. Reason: spaced pictures better that were next to each other without text/fixed typos. Maybe I shouldn't rush so much. :/

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