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Thread: Let's Play Chrono Trigger

  1. #46
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Yeah, Robo/Freddy technically can't use magic but since he is a Shadow variant, it means many of his skills count towards all four elements. So Shadow Beam is Shadow, Cure Beam is Water, and later he will learn a skill that is fire based and one that is lightning based so he's a really good character for versatility even though his magic stat is pretty low. Also, Dual/Triple Techs which utilize more than one magic are considered Shadow damage, just as magic combined with a physical attack makes the attack that element, so even without using Robo, Marle and Lucca's Dual Techs together equal shadow damage.
    I didn't think that Cure Beam had an element. It's just healing. I think elements only really affect attacking.

    Also, the Antipode Dual Techs from Marle and Lucca are absurdly overpowered, especially early on in the game.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  2. #47
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    It's not likely an actual water element but considering only people with access to water magic can actually heal characters (barring one person), I just assumed it's the closest thing a Robot would get to water magic. I guess it's my own fan theory since the other Shadow user can use all magic types as well.

  3. #48


    Oh man I need to replay this so badly.

  4. #49
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Awesome stuff as usual, shion. I love the deadpan reactions to things.

  5. #50
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    I wonder if shion will recognized the old man. He's in the Millenial Fair early on, but you don't have to visit him.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  6. #51
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So I decide to stay in this time and do some exploring.

    Attachment 54059

    This is a bit concerning

    Also, racism. Speciesism?

    So I head over to the mountain to the west and there's an old man who sells me items. Was expecting more, honestly. Then I head in to some cave mountain thing.

    Attachment 54060

    Just all kinds of bad social decorum in this area

    Attachment 54061

    Then I have to fight that ugly thing.

    Attachment 54062Attachment 54063

    Leene... erm, Marle suggest we use the portal at the fair grounds. She somehow magically knew that we were about to enter a whirlpool that leads right over there.

    Then I go around exploring. I visit Luccas house

    Attachment 54064

    That's... that's sad . He also gives me some armor for Lucca.

    I head home and my mom scolds me for worrying her with my execution. I was a bit worried too mom, ya know?

    Attachment 54065

    Hmm.. interesting.

    I also meet a super rich jerk mayor and after seeing the thing with Lucca's parents, it makes me even more upset.

    So I head to the fair and through the portal and return to the end of time and hop in to the portal to go to 600 AD.

    Attachment 54066

    This is interesting. Also, your successor is a jerk. Write that in your diary for historians to find.

    Attachment 54067

    I'm about to stick my nose all up in their business.

    Attachment 54068

    People sure are talking about this hero boy a lot. WHAT ABOUT ME?>?!?!?1 I'M THE PROTAGONIST!!!!11!!!!!!11!1!11

    Attachment 54069

    Okay, Hero boy, I get it. Way to give me a complex

    Attachment 54070

    I guess I'm heading south, then.

    So I head south to the bridge and the soldiers complain about needing food. So I head aaaaaaaallllllllllll the way back to the castle and talk to the chef who calls the soldiers selfish fools, basically, and then try to leave. Then he stops and offers me some spicy jerky

    Oh... oh it's not for me it's for... I see.

    Attachment 54071

    Ah so that's why he hates the soldiers so much. Anyways, he says if I see his brother to tell him he slept with his wife.

    Okay, so he didn't. Just figured that would be a good plot twist. I've been watching too many teen dramas.

    So back to the bridge AGAIN (what am I, time traveling errand boy?)

    Attachment 54072

    Don't tell me what to do

    I do agree to fight with them, partially to be helpful, partially for honour, partially because I pressed A too fast.

    Attachment 54073

    Who does this? Who actually formally introduces themselves to their enemies like this? He' also kind of ugly so I'm thinking him doing this is maybe his way of gaining approval and feeling good about himself. It's okay Ozzie, we're here for you!

    So he turns the dead soldiers in to skeletons and I fight them and stuff. Eventually he does this

    Attachment 54074

    He called it Zombor. Super clever, he is.

    And I beat him and have now reached my limit of 2 boss fights per hour.

    Will we find this mysterious young hero who keeps stealing my thunder? Tune in next time!

  7. #52
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Make sure to occasionally check back with Taban, he gives you stuff. Ozzie... is kind of like that, his whole deal is that he's not really as intimidating as he wants people to believe he is, especially his no-good descendent in Medina.

    You might want to switch out Robo for Lucca in the next area, because magic will be important and Robo just doesn't have the magic power to be useful, also Lucca's fire magic is going to be useful.

    I must say it is really fun watching you go through this game and see some of these things for the first time, cause it's fun watching you stumble on important things even thought you may not realize it yet.

  8. #53
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    It's the apple, isn't it? The apple is the true villain!!

  9. #54
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I find it amusing you have a two-boss per hour limit. Oh sweetie...

  10. #55
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    True, she's going to have issues after the next two dungeons cause after that dungeons average two or three most of the time.

  11. #56
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I was actually just using that as an excuse to stop playing because my head was hurting

  12. #57
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    I think it's imperative that you help awaken Lavos.

    So that there's no more humans.

  13. #58
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Okay, so I take WK's advice and switch out poor Freddy ;__________;

    Let me know when I can bring him back.

    Then I go exploring and gathering information.

    Attachment 54103Attachment 54104

    So this village elder wants this man to go get the Rainbow Shell.

    Attachment 54105

    Makes me wonder who the hero is.

    Attachment 54106

    There is the fellow who is supposed to go get the magical shell or whatever the heck. He made me buy him a drink. The frog is, I imagine, Frog.

    Attachment 54107

    I have a feeling this is going to be a boss fight.

    Attachment 54108

    So I find this guy AGAIN at ANOTHER BAR and he tells me he found the rainbow shell but he lost all of the funds and doesn't know which island. Well, I don't know either, nor do I know how to get to any of the small islands. So... there you go.

    I also find a house with a man bragging that his son is the legendary hero.

    I meet a woman asking for some spicy jerky. Everyone wants my spicy jerky. I be nice and give it to her for free. I have max cash anyways, might as well.

    Attachment 54109

    Considering the location of this house, I'm going to hope it makes the selfish greedy mcjerkface mayor in the future (present?) less of a selfish greedy mcjerkface.

    Attachment 54110

    I guess that's where I'm headed!

    But first, a trip to the woods.

    I find my old pal Frog (CT is very creative with their naming)

    Attachment 54111Attachment 54112

    He says he can't do anything and he's no hero.

    You disappoint me, Frog. I want you to know, I'm not mad at you. I'm just... disappointed.

    Now it is time for the mountains! I find a little boy with a shield running away from things and urging me to do the same. Also, many battles and jerk birds who throw rocks at me and send other monsters after me.

    I feel a lot worse killing these monsters now that I know how they feel in the future. I thought they were just mindless creatures like in a lot of games, but they aren't

    Those birds are still jerks, though.

    Then I find this half rainbow?

    Attachment 54113

    Oh, found the other half.

    Attachment 54114

    I arrive to a cave area where there are 2 children.

    Attachment 54115

    I didn't, actually, but I figure since I'm here, I might as well.

    Attachment 54116

    No, not really. Like I said, I came this way because I was kind of made to in order to progress with the game and the sword happens to be here so I guess I need it?

    Anyways the two kids basically laugh at me and then turn in to these things that I have to fight.

    Attachment 54117

    I apparently only needed to beat one of them for the fight to end.

    Attachment 54118

    Oh, Cyrus. I keep hearing so much about you. I wonder if he's handsome. Hero's usually are. People don't seem to like ugly heroes as much.

    Anyways, then the kids, named Masa and Mune (getit?) turn in to this:

    Attachment 54119

    Which is really ugly and I liked them better before. Also, an old man gave me some advice about his whirlwind attack that helped me out.

    So I defeat them and stuff.

    Attachment 54120

    The other one says yes.

    Then the sword turns in to a shiny thing

    Attachment 54121

    And comes down as this.

    Attachment 54122

    So I get the broken sword and I have to find the real owner for it. Considering what Frog said, I'm guessing its him, so that is my next stop!

    Is Frog the hero? Will I meet Cyrus? Ever? Is he handsome? Find out next time!

  14. #59
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    What level are you? Your stats seem off for this point of the game, but maybe I'm wrong. Keep the two girls for a bit just because they get some really funny dialogue in the next scenario but once you get to the next dungeon, feel free to switch Freddy/Robo back in.

  15. #60
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Chrono is at 31 and the 2 girls are at 30.

    I haven't had any trouble so far?

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