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Thread: Let's Play Chrono Trigger

  1. #16
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    I mostly really like the trial, just because of the fun you can have manipulating it with your actions on the fairgrounds. Each juror is tied to a specific key (yes, even the one that everyone thinks is "random". He's not), and you can really have fun with it, especially with the extra scenes from the NPCs.

    Plus, the trial music is epic, and I love the time-travel tie to it.

    Medieval times, after you rescue the Chancellor: "We have to create a criminal justice system to deal with threats to the royal family."

    Modern times: You get put on trial for abducting the princess. If only you hadn't rescued the real Chancellor (actually, he breaks free anyway, but still).
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  2. #17
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Oh man, I haven't played this game in forever and had forgotten pretty much everything, but this LP is remindng me of it piece by piece.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #18
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So I manage to break out by making a lot of noise and then beating up on the guards. I explore, run around, do some fights, collects some treasure chests.

    Attachment 53748

    Beat that guy up, who exclaims that he doesn't get paid enough for this.

    Attachment 53749

    Rescue this guy who was about to get his head chopped off. Which in hindsight was an odd thing to do. Like, he could have been a mass murderer for all I know. It's done now, so that's that.

    Attachment 53751

    This is the new best face I've seen this whole game.

    Attachment 53752

    You sure took your time.

    Then I find this not on the ground.

    Attachment 53753Attachment 53754

    First off, why would you make it weak to swords and pistols and second, it is awfully convenient that my two characters happen to have those weapons.

    Attachment 53755

    I have a feeling I will be that crazed lunatic.

    Attachment 53756

    And I am that crazed lunatic!

    So I beat up dragon tank (who's idea was this?) and the Chancellor takes a fit.

    Attachment 53757

    Well, that doesn't work and it blows up.

    Attachment 53758

    Unfortunately, the Chancellor doesn't die, but fortunately, he does make a convenient bridge for me to walk across.

    I continue my escape and the Princess tells them to stop. The King scolds her and says she is a Princess first.

    Attachment 53759

    You tell them!

    Attachment 53760

    Yeah, okay then.

    So I'm being chased through the woods by Chancellor McJerkface and some guards and I find another Gate that Marle immediately says we should jump through because, you know, that's smart.

    Attachment 53761

    Thank you!

    Sadly Marle is too absorbed in her leaving the castle plan to care about that, so in we go.

    Attachment 53762

    Also an excellent face.

  4. #19
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I love the dragon tank comments. By honest, I guess I mean your incredulity and wit. I love it. Keep it up!

  5. #20
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Attachment 53770

    Pretty sure something can get us here. Lucca claims this is a pretty advanced place, meaning probably the future.

    If this is the future than it is incredibly depressing and awful

    So I wander around and I find a sewer area.

    Attachment 53771

    I don't know who that is.

    Then I find some frogs arguing about bridges (typical frog argument)

    Attachment 53772

    I find this note:

    Attachment 53773Attachment 53775

    Well then

    Attachment 53776

    The lookout guy and this... slug thing both start laughing at me and then challenge me to a fight. Before the fight starts, however, the lookout guy runs away, leaving me with slug who seriously wants to kill me.


    Then I come out of the sewers and find this

    Attachment 53777

    This is um... what? Is that like a robot fish slave or something?

    Attachment 53779

    I don't think I have seen any of those things

    Attachment 53780

    I think this old man has some mental health problems.

    Then I go somewhere else and find this thing here:

    Attachment 53781

    Will I be able to use this device? I hope so, and I hope it helps me leave this horrible awful area because I hate it so much

    Tune in next time!

  6. #21
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    So is Chrono Trigger quite linear then? That's what I'm getting so far.

  7. #22
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    It seems a bit linear so far, yeah. I'm not too far in yet though, so it's hard to say.

  8. #23
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    A lot of routes are closed off to the world at large due to [future story plotlines], which you get to, and there comes a time when the world is your oyster. Until then, yeah, the scope gets narrow, but shion has not shown how a person can get lost in Guardia forest, the sewers, and even the cannibal church has a lot to miss if you somehow only go from plot point to plot point.

  9. #24
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Yeah you can go to different areas and explore before the plot points but so far it has been limiting. Like old guy and fish robot slave don't seem to have advanced the story for me at all, but I could still go and visit them. The sewers were pretty long and there were a few more dialogues with the frog dudes that I didn't include.

  10. #25
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    You can actually skip the sewer when you first get to the future, but there comes a point where you HAVE to go through it, so it's best just to get it out of the way when you first arrive.

    The commentary keeps on getting better and better! I need to up my game when I update my Shining Force II thread (hopefully ASAP in a couple of days)!

  11. #26
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I back track through the sewers and find these people in a dome thingy.

    Attachment 53813

    Lucca tells them we are from the West. This is true. We are from so far West, some people call it the "past".

    Attachment 53814Attachment 53815

    I am pretty awesome.

    Attachment 53816

    None of this means anything to me.

    Attachment 53817

    He tells me it's ironic that they're going to starve to death over their own food storage. By ironic I think he means incredibly tragic.

    Attachment 53818

    This is good to know. Mountains, always causing worldwide famine and robot invasions. I mean, what did they expect from a mountain named Death Peak?

    So I head down to their food storage area and fight a big robot.

    Attachment 53819

    See, I was worried, because he has this countdown thing he does. I was expecting like a super mega ultra attack to take place when he reached 0, but he just regenerates his stupid little pod things. You disappoint me giant robot.

    Attachment 53820

    This is incredibly unfortunate. We also find a dead man and apparently decide to search him for some reason. Seriously, what is it with people and dead bodies in RPGs? I touched a dead cat body once and it was horrifying.

    Attachment 53823

    Oh good, a SeeD! I hope it's a good one like Squall. He'll take care of those robots. I know he will, I've seen him do it.

    There's also a note or something.

    Attachment 53821

    What a convenient note for us to find.

    Attachment 53822

    So I catch it and it tells me this and then I unlock stuff and walk and fight and eventually arrive to the supercomputer.

    Attachment 53824

    I just said that.

    Attachment 53825Attachment 53826

    You can't see it, but it's a little ways off.

    Attachment 53827

    Lucca, probably.

  12. #27
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    But the video is not done!

    We get this disturbing image here

    Attachment 53828Attachment 53830

    See, that place looks a lot like the world from the present (past?), but what's happening there does not look good. Apparently that happens in the year 1999 AD and we are in the year 2300 AD and our real time is 1000 AD. That's a lot of ADs.

    Marle is very upset at the fact that this is our future (no kidding), but then decides:

    Attachment 53829

    Yeah, sure. WHY NOT. It's not like we're just a bunch of kids who should probably be in school and maybe we should find some evidence of this and the Gates and hand this over to professionals or something.


    We head back to the sad people and they basically don't care about our time traveling, but the old man (I already forgot his name) is happy to see such hope in us.

    Attachment 53831Attachment 53832

    He gives me the keys to his futurebike

    Which is a massive bike, I might add.

    But I can't just take the bike and be on my way. Oh no. Instead I run in to future douche.

    Attachment 53833Attachment 53834Attachment 53835

    Are... are you serious?

    Attachment 53836

    This is... I can't...

    He was serious.

    I do win the race actually, mostly thanks to my boyfriend's racing. As some of you know, sharky races cars, and he's told me about this thing called.... I don't remember, but it's where you bump a car to give it a boost to go faster. So I just kept having him bump in to me and I stayed ahead of him pretty consistently.

    Bet you never thought having a racer boyfriend would come in handy. WELL NOW IT HAS TRANSLATED IN TO THE REAL WORLD SKILL OF PLAYING VIDEO GAMES TAKE THAT

    So I arrive at the dome thingy I was searching for.

    Attachment 53837

    Chrono looks like a lady wearing a pretty blue dress in his overworld map sprite. Is so cute. Look at his little dress.

    So I head in and do some fights and then I see a little robot guy.

    Attachment 53838

    Oh look, I get movies!

    Attachment 53839

    And Lucca decides to fix him up!

    Marle calls her crazy, saying he might just attack us if he's fixed.

    Attachment 53840

    So she spends some time fixing him up and he wakes up and is happy and we all introduce ourselves.

    Attachment 53841

    So Lucca is totally cool with that name, but no one else is, so I get to name him.

    Okay, really. The default name is Robo. ROBO. That's not even... no. No his name is not Robo. Instead, his name shall be

    Attachment 53842

    Yes, excellent. That name is perfect for him. I'm serious, I see that name when I look at him.

    Moving on

    Attachment 53843

    We sadly had to tell him that the others are probably dead and he is a sad robot . We tell him about our time traveling shenanigans and how we need to get through that door behind him.

    Attachment 53844

    The power is shut off, but Freddy has a plan. But to go there, one of my party members must stay behind.

    Who should I leave behind?

    Attachment 53845

    I'll actually let you guys decide! You should have until I play again tomorrow night (20ish hours) to decide.

    Pros and cons of each character:

    Pro: Has healing magic
    Cons: Didn't want to rescue poor Freddy

    Pro: I like her better
    Cons: Doesn't have healing magic

    Decide who will join me on my epic quest to wherever the heck Freddy said we were going!

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    This is a fun little thread, reminds that I should finally finish my FFIII one...

    Anyway, go with Lucca. Marle is kind of dead weight and Robo is one of the more well-rounded characters.

    I love most of the cast to be honest. Frog is actually one of my favorites. My final team is Crono, Frog, and one person you haven't met yet.

    Also Robo's theme is probably my favorite character them in the game.

    Also, I can share this since you've met everyone!

  14. #29
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    I vote Marle. I like her better, and she does get some awesome reactions in the upcoming bit.

    Also, we can now share this gem with you:

    Square: Rick Rolling people since 1995.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  15. #30

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