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Thread: Let's Play Chrono Trigger

  1. #121

  2. #122
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So I'm in magic ville and head to magic castle

    Attachment 54637


    Then people are talking about a prophet

    Attachment 54638

    And talking about how accurate all of his prophesies have been. Is he from the future?

    Attachment 54639

    How strange indeed

    So I enter a room and find the purple haired duo (trio if you count the cat)

    Attachment 54640Attachment 54641Attachment 54642

    There's basically some talk about the Queen is not so great anymore.

    Then I find a lady who was told to burn a tree for reasons I don't understand so I tell her not to.

    Attachment 54643

    Then we see purple haired girl opening a door with a pendent like Marle's but Marle's doesn't work.

    Attachment 54644Attachment 54645

    To the machine!

    Attachment 54647

    It seems they are using Lavos for energy, which seems like not such a good thing. Or maybe it is. I just figured using the thing that destroys the world as an energy source is not usually the best course of action.

    So I get my pendent all pimped up and head to the place with the people

    Attachment 54648

    Oh my gosh I just got here, I don't even know what your plans are, geez.

    Then I have to fight this thing so that what's his name can imprison and kill me.

    Attachment 54649

    It's pretty ugly.

    Attachment 54650

    So he captures me anyway, which I feel like he should have just done in the first place and saved us all some time.

    Attachment 54651

    Purple haired girl comes to rescue me, despite being told by her brother that she'll get in trouble.

    Attachment 54652

    Yeah, I don't... I don't remember agreeing to that.

    Attachment 54653

    I don't know where that is.

    Anyways, Prophet McJerkBag comes over and threatens to kill us but we have to show him how we got here. So we do through no choice of my own.

    Attachment 54655

    She agrees and we get sent back to Madam Ayla's time.

    Attachment 54656


    Marle remembers a similar door to the one her pendent unlocked back in Freddy's time.

    But I don't wanna go there


    But we head back to the end of time

    Attachment 54657

    You think?

    Attachment 54658

    Thank you, that's... that's super helpful

    Will I have more fun in Freddy's time than I did before? Will I find a way to fly time travel? Will I ever get back to purple haired girl? Tune in next time!

  3. #123
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    I'm going to semi-spoil something. There is a side quest later on that you simply cannot do if you tell her to burn the tree. So telling her to keep the tree will have a really cool reward for you later on (it's also a really awesome side quest).

    Remember where you've been in Freddy's time. You might not find the right door right away.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  4. #124
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Argh I hate Freddy's time arghhgehsgsjhsj

    *rolls around and fusses*

  5. #125
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shion View Post
    Argh I hate Freddy's time arghhgehsgsjhsj

    *rolls around and fusses*
    Well, if you liked it, you wouldn't be trying to stop the event that caused it, would you? You're not supposed to like the Future. It's a dystopia that you're trying to prevent.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  6. #126
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shion View Post
    Argh I hate Freddy's time arghhgehsgsjhsj

    *rolls around and fusses*
    Well, if you liked it, you wouldn't be trying to stop the event that caused it, would you? You're not supposed to like the Future. It's a dystopia that you're trying to prevent.
    I should like it anyways

  7. #127


    Frog for life! He has the single greatest theme song of just about any video game character ever.

  8. #128
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I like Robo's time period, all the interesting stuff happens there despite being a dystopian hell hole. Zeal is still my favorite location and the point where the story really changes.

  9. #129
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So I head back to Freddy's time and go through the sewers and then head to the place where the crazy old man was.

    Attachment 54684

    But apparently the crazy old man is dead! I unlock the sealed door in to the next area, where there are a bunch of shinies that give me some story.

    Attachment 54685Attachment 54686Attachment 54687

    What this is is story line up to this point abridged.

    Attachment 54688

    Apparently Lavos is just chillin on the mountain top not far from here.

    Attachment 54689

    Greatest invention, oh my

    Attachment 54690

    Okay, I get it, stop Lavos. I really wish you guys would stop harping on that.

    Then he once more talks about his super great invention

    Attachment 54691

    Which turns out to be a flying craft of some sort.

    Attachment 54692


    Attachment 54693


    Then he asks me to name it.

    Attachment 54694

    Seems like a good enough name to me.

    So in I go and off we fly!

    Attachment 54695

    Madam Ayla asks if the thing is alive and I honestly thought it would be pretty amusing to bring the cave woman on this thing.

    Anyways, apparently it can travel through time but it can't just fly me around, so I have to walk around like a barbarian.

    I go back to the magic time of magic and everything is pretty much sealed off except this one place.

    Attachment 54696

    Isn't this sad? This is sad

    Then some people talk about building things and being treated like slaves and such

    And also about purple haired boy who supposedly has more powers than his sister.

    Attachment 54697

    Then I apparently agree to go rescue that guy on the Mountain of Woe. Who would name it that?

    Person A: Guys, we need to name this mountain that we have attached to these chains here.
    Person B: Mount Chain!
    Person A: EhhhhhhHhHhH not lovin it
    Person C: Mount Woe
    Person B: Well that's not very... I mean, we're kind of just setting it up so we never have any tourists ever. "Come to Mount Woe! Full of... Woe...."
    Person A: I love it!

    Then I fight these thingies.

    Attachment 54698

    Pretty colours.

  10. #130
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So I climb up Mt. Woe and it takes a long time and I do not enjoy it. Then I find this ice thingy.

    Attachment 54699

    And then I have to do this boss fight:

    Attachment 54700

    I figured Bosses have a lot of HP, so I took this opportunity to use some techs that I never use. There's this really fun one where Marle makes Madam Ayla throw a giant icicle. Actually, now that I think about it, Madam Ayla has many techs that revolve around throwing things.

    So anyways I beat him and the ice that disappeared for the boss fight returns so it can thaw out.

    Attachment 54701

    Madam Ayla is better with names than I am. And better at striking a pose when startled.

    Attachment 54702

    As if you don't remember me from the future Thanks a lot you jerk.

    Attachment 54703

    Uh huh

    Attachment 54704


    I'm really not concerned. This happened in the past so things seem to be alright. Lavos doesn't get awakened until like 600 AD and then doesn't destroy the world until 1999 AD so I mean

    Anyways, there goes the mountain.

    Attachment 54705

    Fl.. floating away...

    Then we go back to the poor non-magic people and then purple haired girl stops by

    Attachment 54706

    Well that's nice of her!

    Old dude asks if its safe for her to be here and stuff and she's says its okay

    Attachment 54707

    But Dalton disagrees!

    Its like they seriously wait behind the wall for the perfect opportunity to barge in. "What are they talking about? Magic? No not yet. Have to wait for her to bring up not using her pendent aaaaaaandd... THERE IT IS"


    Attachment 54708

    Dalton is also very abusive and its people

    Attachment 54709

    I really didn't volunteer for any of this so.................

    I mean all of this stuff got done before I was time traveling, so I mean.....

    Unless I actually had time traveled and that's how things ended up as they did but all of that is too confusing so I'm going to ignore it and assume people here are just lazy.

    Attachment 54710Attachment 54711


    So will I destroy the mammoth mammon machine in time? Find out next time!

  11. #131
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    You might want to switch to a party consisting of Crono, Lucca, and either Marle or Frog because the next dungeon has enemies that are only hurt by specific elements. If you have either group's triple tech, you can do all elements or Just use Marle and Lucca's Anitpode to deal with Shadow elements. If you don't bring one of each element the fight might drag on, but considering you are over-leveled for this point in the game you may also be able to brute force your way through this dungeon with no problem.

  12. #132
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I just switched to Frog and Freddy so I can just switch Freddy out for Lucca

  13. #133


    I tend to just physically bash them. As long as you're running two of the following: Frog, Ayla, Robo, it's pretty easy to smash your way through.

  14. #134
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Always Use Frog.

  15. #135
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    So we go try to stop evil Queen bad bad and run in to Dalton AGAIN

    Attachment 54722

    That is very hurtful and I don't appreciate it when you say things like that

    So anyways, I beat him up and he leaves and I go to the underwater place and fight a whole bunch of monsters.

    Attachment 54723Attachment 54724Attachment 54725Attachment 54726

    During all of this, purple haired girl is getting basically beat up and Lavos starts going out of control.

    Then I run in to Dalton ONCE AGAIN and he makes me do more fighting.

    Attachment 54727Attachment 54728

    So I fight those Golem thingies and then Dalton seems like he's trying to threaten me some more, but then he gets side tracked.

    Attachment 54729Attachment 54730

    Good point

    Then we finally get to where we're going with the Queen and Lucca and Frog take this chance to pull some one liners.

    Attachment 54731Attachment 54732

    Yes, stop flirting with the alien creature! That is most unbecoming of a Queen!

    So then the red blade we got turns in to the Masamune and stabs the machine

    Attachment 54733Attachment 54734

    Then this leads to a fight with Lavos, which I lose. I looked it up and it turns out I need to be around level 90 to win this fight, which I most certainly am not. I'm at level 65-70ish.

    So I lose and then prophet guy shows up

    Attachment 54735

    Did not see this coming

    Does this mean luscious hair man is a time traveler too?

    Attachment 54736Attachment 54737Attachment 54738

    So umm... Lavos feels no wrath and Magus gets his butt handed to him.

    Attachment 54739

    Th... this really isn't the time for that, Frog.

    So anyways, some drama happens and Chrono tries to stand up to Lavos all by himself.

    Attachment 54740

    And then we are reminded of this here:

    Attachment 54741

    So, turns out it's Chrono

    Attachment 54742

    He basically turns to dust and dies.

    It's sad, but Freddy and Madam Ayla are still around so I'm okay.

    I'm okay, don't worry about me

    I said stop worrying

    get out of my house

    Purple haired girl now saves the rest of our butts.

    Attachment 54743

    And then bad things happen like this:

    Attachment 54744

    And tidal waves. Overall, not good. Purple haired boy and old man get sucked in to a gate, purple haired girl is gone, and Lucca and the others are told that yes, Chrono is in face dead. Luckily, the Epoch and the pendant are okay so, you know, we've got that going for us.

    Tune in next time!

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