What up dudes and dudettes??

Found this place via the Twitter account and being the FF-fanboy I am, decided to join, to here I am.

I'm not a fan of talking about myself but here goes:

I'm a 21-year-old (turning 22 in 3 days, yikes) soon-to-be Computer Science graduate in London, UK, starting full-time work in September.

While I'm not experiencing a quarter-life crisis, I like to play jRPGs such as the Final Fantasy Series. Favourites? Probably VI, VII and VIII. Aside from FF I'm also fairly interested in the SMT series (particularly Persona and Devil Survivor like all the other mainstream kids) and the old school SNES stuff. In a couple of months (when I start working) I'll hopefully have enough money to binge on newer releases.

Other geeky interests include the usual, I guess: Anime, TV shows, and obscure music (before you ask which FF my username is from, it's actually the name of a Japanese electronica band). Speaking of music I'm trying to learn music theory on my own along with computer-production (i.e. Ableton) - it's going okay.

Hope to hang around for a while! In fact, I just noticed there's an Eyes on FF IRC channel, so I may pop in soon!