Hi everyone! I'm so happy that I joined. I first joined forums like this when I was about 10 years old...so I'm pretty excited to join another one. I was a little surprised that the username Jessica was available...lol...but I quickly browsed thru the forum and I guess it's more common to NOT use your real name...I guess I forgot about that! I do remember when I was younger I used the name "Ayu" because I was totally obsessed with Ayumi Hamasaki...but now that I'm older (21 now) I thought I'd use my real name, especially since I blog & tweet as Jessica.

Ok, I hope I'm not writing too much. I'll quickly just say my favorite FF games are IX, X and X-2. I kind of gave up on the newer FF games because of the battle systems and I really like Sailor Moon (manga & anime), Harry Potter and the Nancy Drew PC games.

I also like dark chocolate, sleeping, and Disney.

I don't know what else to write (or what exactly I'm supposed to write about in this post) so I will end it here!