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Thread: Let's Play Dragon Quest V!

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Let's Play Dragon Quest V!

    So Dragon Quest V won the poll and I have to say I am very excited to play it.

    With that being said, the game doesn't run properly. I may have found something to fix it, but no guarantees. So if this Let's Play stops suddenly, I apologize. I really want to play this game, so it would be great if I can.

    I have the option to name my hero, but I don't know what the default name is because there is none! So I name our hero after my son, Michael.

    We start out in a castle

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    Apparently Dragon Quest V will be good for my Spanish studies

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    That's an interesting description of both a baby and an ox.

    Then our hero's father, who has an absurd moustache, comes up with some really dumb name that I can't remember like Madison or something. His wife than smartly suggests Michael

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    Don't you be insulting my son's name

    Then the woman coughs

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    Is she alright?

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    Doesn't matter! Logo time!

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    My moustachio'd father than laughs at the absurdity and I find myself on a ship in an interesting purple outfit. I do some exploring.

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    My father must be very special

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    What's he looking for?

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    That's a long time!

    Anyways, the ship docks and I meet a man with a very rude daughter who storms by loudly.

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    Mr. Briscoletti references spaghetti a lot which, coupled with the Spanish man from earlier, makes me think that Dragon Quest is very much not in to stereotypes.

    He also introduces us to his other daughter, who is much more polite if not a bit delicate and sensitive.

    So me, basically.

    I go socialize with the daughters before we leave because yay kids my age!

    Attachment 55179

    She then tells me that's her job and I am so far very unimpressed.

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    And this is somehow her sister. I like her a lot more.

    So we head off the ship and say our goodbyes.

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    Is my dad a mafioso?

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    Look how adorable little Michael is

    Anyways, since I'm a little kid I of course go get myself in to trouble.

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    So he drags me all the way to our destination

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    Literally everybody stops to say hi to him, ask how he's doing, comment about how big Michael is getting, etc. My father has charisma like nobody's business. Everyone loves him. Even his rival confesses to missing him

    So we head to Mr. Spanish's house and there is another girl there because her mother came to town for some medicine. Grown up talk is boring, decides the little girl, so she drags me upstairs.

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    She says this is okay because we were really little when we played together.

    Attachment 55186

    Thank you!

    She tries to read me a story but says its too hard and gives up. Its pretty cute because any attempts to read myself are met with "It looks interesting, but Michael can't read it!"

    I also get to shamelessly dig in people's closets and drawers for treasure

  2. #2


    Any time I read Pancho's dialogue out loud he sounds Italian to me. o_O

  3. #3
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So my father leaves again because he likes ditching me, and Bianca goes away.

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    There there mi amigo

    So I wander around town exploring and I buy some stuff from the weapons shop

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    Thank you, judgmental weapon shop owner

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    Attachment 55191

    Bianca's mom needs some herbs. Hmm... I feel a connection

    He tells me he went in to a cave and hasn't come out. To the cave!

    Attachment 55192

    Anyways, I rescue him and he's super happy and goes home. I also talk to a slime who asks me not to hurt him and he tells me stuff that I already forgot.

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    Okay, bye

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    So we accompany them home and the woman brings the herbs to her husband.

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    Yeah, I figured

    So while the adults are talking AGAIN they shoo me off AGAIN and tell me to bring Bianca along.

    I find these awful kids picking on a poor "cat"

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    I suddenly like Bianca much more

    They agree to leave the cat alone and give it to me

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    What the heck kind of request is that?!

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    That doesn't even... what?!?!

    I try to leave the village so I can go do this but the guard won't let me leave

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    I went through all of that for a cold?

    Then I get shoo'd off to bed.

    But what about cat

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    Is it Bianca?

    Attachment 55201

    It's Bianca.

    Alright, this is what I'm talking about

    +20 respect points for that girl.

    Next time, I will attempt to rescue the kitty!

    Some first impressions:

    This seems like a really cute game. The map kind of reminds me of FFT, where you rotate the screen to view things from different angles. The characters also remind me of that. Michael looks like he could be selling weird magical charms at a bazaar :P

    There also seems to be an option to talk with the characters in my party, which seems pretty neat and I'm excited to try that out!

  4. #4
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Man, I had so much fun playing this game. Hope it doesn't crap out on you!

  5. #5
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sephex View Post
    Man, I had so much fun playing this game. Hope it doesn't crap out on you!
    Me too. I'm scared

  6. #6


    Now you think it's cute. Just wait until smurfed up trout starts going down and you are all 'no this is so sad why did this have to happen!?'

    And then you get awesome puns and it's okay again.

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    So far I am conflicted about Bianca.

    Part of me feels and then another part of me feels

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    If you remember where we left off, Bianca and I were sneaking out past my father

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    Who sleeps with his eyes wide open

    in order to go defeat some ghosts and rescue a cat. Such is life.

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    I finally get to try out my talk feature

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    And learn a bit more about Bianca

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    Look how adorable she is

    Also, I do enjoy the way the world map works in this game. The spots get filled in and more vibrantly coloured as you explore them.

    So after worrying I might be lost, I finally find the tower thing. The front doors are all locked so I have to sneak in the back (hee hee)

    As soon as I enter, however, this happens:

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    I get locked in.

    If that isn't bad enough

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    Some skeletons nab Bianca.

    After some searching, I find this:

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    Well this is disturbing

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    Which means the next grave is probably

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    I do some more creepy castle exploring and run in to this lady

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    Good name

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    But it turns out Mister and Miss Count couldn't have any children, which she believes angered the monsters who then took over her castle.

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    *sigh* I gueesss

    Then I find some more ghosts hanging around, including this fellow:

    Attachment 55232

    Who also wants me to free his ghost people from the Egyptians monsters.

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    Ugh this is getting awfully complicated.

    Anyways, after sneaking in to the kitchen and watching some ghost slaves being forced to dance against their will for all of eternity, I find the torch and head to see the ring leader.

    I find him and he offers me to come to dinner. No thank you, I've played enough of these games to know you plan to cook me. But he keeps asking until I accept

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    I told you

    So the chef, who is uncomfortable cooking kids, gets threatened with his life (non-life) and immediately begins to season me. Then I get raised up for a skeleton feast, which I refuse by defeating them in battle. At this point I'm pretty angry and I head back up to see whats his name

    Which leads to my first boss fight!

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    I have the most adorable battle party

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    Yeah you'd better you jerkface

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    Uh huh, sure.

    He asks if I can forgive him and I say yes and I hope I don't regret this.

    Meanwhile the Counts prepare to rest in RIP peace.

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    D'aww. I also find a weird gold orb on one of the graves.

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    Quickly indeed

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    He's not stupid

    Then Bianca asks what we should name him, while also mentioning that her mom is allergic to animals so I have to keep him yaaay

    She suggests Saber, which seems as good of a name as any!

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    I have my new friend, what kind of shenanigans will I get in to next? Find out next time!
    Last edited by Pumpkin; 05-21-2014 at 09:08 PM.

  9. #9
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Sorry but Bianca's face is the stuff of nightmares!

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Attachment 55242

    And so our ghostly adventure comes to an end, and we head back to our village. But not before Bianca stops and gives me a present.

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    She ties it around Saber's fur awww

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    I have a feeling we will.

    So off we head back to our village.

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    Then my dad gets all busy AGAIN and tells me not to leave the village. Always crampin mah style

    Here is our new friend

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    So I head out to try and get in to some trouble and meet a man who looks suspiciously like me and asks to see my gold orb.

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    Also, there's been some suspicious disappearing stuff happening around town.

    This old man gossips about my father

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    Finally I head to the bar because... you know >.>

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    Turns out this fairy needs help and has been pulling all of the pranks to get someone to notice her.

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    Uh huh

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    Gah, you're just the lamest, dad. You don't know what it's like to be my age!

    So he leaves and fairy lady brings me to magical fairy land

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    Oh my

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    Looks pretty nice here to me

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    So the Queen Fairy lady, who is much loved across fairy land, sends Honey with me to help get the flute back.

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    What does Honey have to say?

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    It's funny she says that because she NEVER HEALS ME! I always have to do it!!! Darn it Honey

    I had to point this out:

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    That bad apple is literally named bad apple, like a bad influence. It made me chuckle

    So I head North where it is said the flute stealer went, but I couldn't go through because the door was locked. Then I remembered what the NPC's had said about a certain dwarf being banished because he wrote a book about picking locks. So I look around for another area to find him.

    Also, one thing I am not liking about this game is how I never wake up where I go to sleep. Stupid Inns.

    So, I find the cave and the 'banished' dwarf guy and it turns out everything was a misunderstanding. The dwarf who stole the flute though, Dwight, doesn't know that.

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    Way to shamelessly push your book on me.

    So I find the book but then another issue comes up. Michael can't read! He couldn't even read the warning sign let alone a book. What are we going to do about that?

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    Anyways with my newly absorbed wisdom I head back to the north and unlock the area in a very annoying dungeon that has me slipping and sliding all over the place.

    Eventually I find Dwight

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    So I beat him up to get the flute back (violence is always the answer)

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    I feel like the whole fight could have been avoided here

    But then the Ice Queen shows up out of literally nowhere and tells me she is really the one responsible

    Look, it's like Final Fantasy end bosses, just happening a lot sooner in the gmae!

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    Another boss fight!

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    I defeat her and head back to Fairy Villa

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    The Treacle gives me tons of compliments

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    Honey also gives me a stick to remember her by.

    Treacle plays the flute and calls spring

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    Yay a happy ending! And I get sent back home

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    What kind of trouble has my dad gotten in to this time? Stay tuned and find out!

  12. #12
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Why sad

  14. #14
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Default reason...

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    As I'm heading out to see my dad, I drop something from my pocket. It's the branch Honey gave me!

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    He asks if I want to keep them in my room as decoration and I say yes.

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    Then I go looking for my father

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    Wonder what that could be about

    Also, relevant to what I just did with the fairies:

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    I meet my dad at the Church as he prays and then we meet by the front gate

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    So I head out. My father mentions something about settling down soon because this is a lot of mysterious traveling for a young boy.

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    He shows me the river, saying what a pretty sight it is.

    Then for some reason he back tracks before turning around to the castle despite being in a hurry?

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    Anyways we arrive at the castle and once again my dad shoo's me off

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    I'm not allowed to hear any important conversations

    So I go explore the castle

    I meet the Queen Consort

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    Prince Wilbur, however, has a different opinion

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    I go exploring some more and get a lot of badmouthing about Prince Harry

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    Seems there's some family drama going on.

    I then meet the infamous Prince Harry, who asks me to be his lackey. I finally agree, because he makes me, and then he says this

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    Really losing all sympathy for you, Harry

    With that, I head back to see if my father has finished his grown up talk.

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    I find my dad who is apparently not allowed in Harry's room because Harry dislikes him. The first person to dislike Pankraz!

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    Just because we're both kids? The guy is a jerk

    So I go see the Prince and he tells me I have to go get a lackey badge from the chest in the next room. I know there's nothing there because I already examined the chest, but that doesn't matter.

    When I come back, Prince Harry has disappeared. So I go get my father and as I bring my father in to the room, Prince Harry has reappeared.

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    Then I go back in and he's vanished again

    Gettin real tired of your crap, Harry.

    So I examine the spot he keeps disappearing from and find a secret staircase.

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    Then some random dudes bust in and grab Prince Harry

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    I follow them out but they're just gone

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    So I go and find a responsible adult

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    He says we should keep this on the DL and goes chasing after them. And might I say, he can certainly move

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