Alright I have been curious to try this game out.

Don't worry if you are following my Dragon Quest LP, I am not abandoning it and will continue to update at the same frequency. I am about to enter a very busy time in my life so before then I am going to enjoy myself by drowning in RPGs! Besides, I could use the destraction

*This is a political story it seems and it is very text heavy so I will do my best to summarize everything as simply as I can. I'm not great with political stories so I apologize if I misunderstand something

Let's get started!

Attachment 55996

So we stumble upon these two children who are apparently trying to save the world. They might not be children, I don't know, but they sure do look like children.

Apparently they have failed many times to save the world and are getting pretty fed up with it

Attachment 55997Attachment 55998

This sounds intense.

Attachment 55999Attachment 56000

Apparently there is a war going on because the world is becoming a giant desert, making it hard to grow crops and what have you. Of course many wars are started over natural resources, which seems to be the case here.

Attachment 56001

What an ugly town.

So we are brought to a young man who is tasked with some important mission

Attachment 56002

His name is Stocke

Attachment 56003


So I meet with an unpleasant looking fellow who from what I understand has sent a spy in to enemy territory and that spy has valuable information.

Also, Stocke is kind of a jerk

Attachment 56004Attachment 56005Attachment 56006

Apparently the military higher ups want to shut down whatever Heiss and Stocke have going on here and would eat this up

Attachment 56007

I enjoy having subordinates

Then he also gives me an empty book which in RPG land means MAGICAL BOOK~~~~~~

Attachment 56008

So I have my mission and I head out

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They explain that they can fight and Raynie can use spears and Marco can heal

Attachment 56012

Then they have some more chit chat haha introductions so on

When suddenly

Attachment 56013

It isn't when he says this but it begins to immediately after

Attachment 56014

He is watching Raynie and Marco being dead, which is concerning. He snaps out of it and pretends its nothing

Attachment 56015

That seemed relevant

Attachment 56016

So this is a very important mission is basically what they're saying.