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Thread: X-2 is the best Final Fantasy game.

  1. #31
    Aelitalily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    Nice try.
    I really enjoyed reading this post! Such a well constructed response and very entertaining! LOL

    Gah I suck at this forum business... Too long to quote directly, post #28 Jiro ^_^

  2. #32
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Actually, you know, on a serious subject:

    There's still a LOT of religion in FFX-2. While the world is different, there's a new religion--New Yevon--cropped up in Yevon's place. A lot of people have gone back to it because of the void of Yevon and how it affected every single second of their lives. As someone who has left their religion, I can say it's very traumatic. To have it torn away from you without your consent and thus taking the only life you've ever known? I really can't imagine. So, of course, New Yevon takes the helm.

    But then there are people who are dissatisfied with religious abuse and the way Yevon controlled their life, and so they start their own group--The Youth League--which is basically the atheist group who wants to figure things out on their own but are undisciplined because of their new found freedom, disillusionment, and need to control others. Despite not being religious, they're still a new 'religion'.

    And seeing how there's an entire chapter (chapter and a half) surrounding this plotline, I don't know you can say that religion doesn't play a major part in FFX-2. Even if there weren't new religions, there would still be the hole left by the downfall of Yevon, so religion would still be directly affecting the course of the story.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  3. #33
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    Actually, you know, on a serious subject:

    There's still a LOT of religion in FFX-2. While the world is different, there's a new religion--New Yevon--cropped up in Yevon's place. A lot of people have gone back to it because of the void of Yevon and how it affected every single second of their lives. As someone who has left their religion, I can say it's very traumatic. To have it torn away from you without your consent and thus taking the only life you've ever known? I really can't imagine. So, of course, New Yevon takes the helm.

    But then there are people who are dissatisfied with religious abuse and the way Yevon controlled their life, and so they start their own group--The Youth League--which is basically the atheist group who wants to figure things out on their own but are undisciplined because of their new found freedom, disillusionment, and need to control others. Despite not being religious, they're still a new 'religion'.

    And seeing how there's an entire chapter (chapter and a half) surrounding this plotline, I don't know you can say that religion doesn't play a major part in FFX-2. Even if there weren't new religions, there would still be the hole left by the downfall of Yevon, so religion would still be directly affecting the course of the story.
    It's actually quite deep, the religious aspect in FFX-2. Certainly counterbalances the otherwise light and fluffy atmosphere the game has (especially in the earlier chapters).

  4. #34
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    I just started FFX-2 again but I can already tell how much an inferior game it is to FFX. Paine having a backstory? Paine is the yang to Rikku & Yuna, and is unbelievably stereotypical so far.

    I really get the feeling Enix came in not knowing what FFX mean't and decided to make a completely new game on their own, except it's in Spira. I feel the producers of FFX either would not have been open to making a sequel or else they would have made it more like the first - making you genuinely care about the characters and how the story develops. I don't know if this would ever be true or it could already have been proven to be wrong, but it seems so unlike the first game.

    I'm already slightly put off by these whimsical & overly girly remarks that Rikku & Yuna make. Okay, in the first Rikku could be passed for this but Yuna? Maybe things have changed.

    I like the mechanics of FFX-2 and loved being back in Spira but this game could have been so much better. Square-Enix strikes again.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Edge View Post

    I really get the feeling Enix came in not knowing what FFX mean't and decided to make a completely new game on their own, except it's in Spira.
    Wasn't X-2 created before the merge ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Edge View Post
    I feel the producers of FFX either would not have been open to making a sequel or else they would have made it more like the first - making you genuinely care about the characters and how the story develops..
    - Or they were struggling after the crash that was Spirits Within and they needed some desperate cash.

  6. #36
    card mod ur face Rocket Edge's Avatar
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    If memory serves me correctly it was with Square-Enix? Anyway, yeah your probably right.

    Str8 Pimpin'

  7. #37
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    The merge happened before X-2 was created (or perhaps during development) and they fired a bunch of people who worked on the first game.

  8. #38
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles was the first FF released post merger, but FFX-2 was the next one. I'd always thought Kingdom Hearts was the first Square Enix joint production (or at least notable titles) but it seems not.

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  9. #39
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    You can be assured that a lot of things in a company are not instantly switched around the second they make the name change official.
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  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    Nice try.
    Jiro! How dare you speak to me like that?! I'm not going to excavate your overwritten post, as I don't have the time, but i will address some of your obnoxious, condescending comments. You've just turned LOVE into HATE.

    Firstly, don't correct my punctuation, spelling, style, or any other facet of writing. This isn't an academic essay, it's a fracking forum dedicated to Final Fantasy discussion. If you want a job proofreading, go into the real world and look for one. I personally wouldn't hire you. Anyone with this habit immediately incurs my wrath. because it gives the impression that you want to pick people apart for the sake of it. Treat your anger disorder, preferably AWAY from the keyboard.

    Next, about my original post...I don't understand why in the hell you are treating my thread as if it's the devil's thesis? Even the most deranged academic supervisor wouldn't stoop to that kind of babyish pedantry. I don't know what you were expecting me to qualify my personal opinion don't like my line of reasoning, and feel entitled to attack me? Do you feel more intelligent? You shouldn't.

    Yes, I think Yuna was a martyr in FFX. I though she subtly manipulated those around her for attention, took her guardians for granted, and was hungry for the glory of liberating Spira...a glory which is eventually realized, and which she continues to revel in the wake of FFX2s events. One doesn't simply go from being a High Summoner to a Pop Star without some form of craving for public approval. She's flaky and uncaring and even admits in FFX-2 Last mission that she probably never was friends with Rikku and Paine in the first place. She was just 'using' them to fill the void left by Tidus' death.

    I preferred FFX-2 because it took itself less seriously and had fun elements to it. if you are looking for scientific evidence or references to qualify that, then you really have a warped way of looking at things. The best Final Fantasy game is different for everyone...

    Now you better get the frack away from me, or I'll change into the berserker dressphere and use beserk and maul you!!!!!!

    PS. What's with the random Pauline Hanson references?
    Last edited by Love; 06-06-2014 at 09:29 PM.

  11. #41
    Aelitalily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Love View Post

    PS. What's with the random Pauline Hanson references?

    Hahaha, please explain... :P

    Also I think the reason why some people have felt strongly enough about your original post might have something to do with the way you laid it out..

    Quote Originally Posted by Love View Post
    Let's start with Final Fantasy X, and why I think it's a terrible game that should never have been created. NEVER. FFX is far from the masterpiece people claim it to be, and FFX2 is the only thing on this planet that justifies its existence.
    This might not be the best way to start a post that is supposed to be around why you think FFX-2 is the best game. Putting something down in order to justify/validate your own opinion... where I have heard something like this before I wonder?

    Last edited by Aelitalily; 06-08-2014 at 04:13 AM.

  12. #42
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Love View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    Nice try.
    Jiro! How dare you speak to me like that?! I'm not going to excavate your overwritten post, as I don't have the time, but i will address some of your obnoxious, condescending comments. You've just turned LOVE into HATE.
    So, just as your initial argument, you plan on doing no actual work and simply rely on blanket statements without proof. I applaud your commitment, and welcome back.

    Firstly, don't correct my punctuation, spelling, style, or any other facet of writing. This isn't an academic essay, it's a fracking forum dedicated to Final Fantasy discussion.
    There is no distinction between form and content. You want to make an argument? Make sure it's understandable and justifiable. You did not do this. It doesn't matter if it is an essay or a post on a Final Fantasy forum. You come in here, guns blazing with your statement, and then fail to actually say anything of substance. That's inviting criticism.

    If you want a job proofreading, go into the real world and look for one.
    I think you'll find I am a practising editor

    I personally wouldn't hire you.
    Well that's your loss. I think I've demonstrated that my editing skills are immensely necessary for you.

    Anyone with this habit immediately incurs my wrath. because it gives the impression that you want to pick people apart for the sake of it. Treat your anger disorder, preferably AWAY from the keyboard.
    If you had read my post, you would have understood why I was aggressive. I am pleasantly surprised at your return. But I also value clarity and accuracy. That's why I'm a writer and editor. You should probably come up with better insults.

    Next, about my original post...I don't understand why in the hell you are treating my thread as if it's the devil's thesis?
    I'm treating it like a completely unfounded and misdirected failure of an argument. If you want to be the devil, by all means. I suspect he would construct a better argument, though, given that he successfully tempted Adam and Eve.

    Even the most deranged academic supervisor wouldn't stoop to that kind of babyish pedantry.
    They would if they were worth a damn.

    I don't know what you were expecting me to qualify my personal opinion with...
    Evidence. Justification. Anything. You gave an opinion but wouldn't even explain why you hold the opinion. I think you're a moron, and I think this because you have absolutely no ability to construct a case. See how easy it can be?

    you don't like my line of reasoning, and feel entitled to attack me? Do you feel more intelligent? You shouldn't.
    I didn't need to attack you to feel more intelligent. I felt that by reading what you wrote and laughing at the flaws, as I suspect everyone else in the thread did. Your line of reasoning was absolute horsetrout. That doesn't justify my attack, of course; one should not resort to ad hominem. But, again, it was with purpose, which you would have understood if you actually read and comprehended my post.

    Yes, I think Yuna was a martyr in FFX. I though she subtly manipulated those around her for attention, took her guardians for granted, and was hungry for the glory of liberating Spira...a glory which is eventually realized, and which she continues to revel in the wake of FFX2s events.
    This is a viable point. I do not agree, but I could see how you could interpret it in such a fashion. I offer, instead, that Seymour is the character who exhibits these traits; Yuna attempts to become a martyr out of selflessness, while Seymour attempts the same out of greed and pride.

    One doesn't simply go from being a High Summoner to a Pop Star without some form of craving for public approval.
    There are other reasons people become musicians. Like sharing a powerful message to the masses, as Yuna does in the Thunder Plains.

    She's flaky and uncaring and even admits in FFX-2 Last mission that she probably never was friends with Rikku and Paine in the first place.
    Remind me which game you are arguing for again?

    She was just 'using' them to fill the void left by Tidus' death.
    As I expect many people do after losing someone close to them.

    I preferred FFX-2 because it took itself less seriously and had fun elements to it.
    Fair enough. I like these elements. This is why Final Fantasy X-2 is sorely underrated, in my opinion.

    if you are looking for scientific evidence or references to qualify that, then you really have a warped way of looking at things. The best Final Fantasy game is different for everyone...
    I don't need science. I wanted examples. You were making claims that were not widely accepted and you didn't provide evidence to support them. You appreciate the light-hearted aspects of X-2 in comparison to X; the fact that X-2 is less serious in sensibilities is obvious and doesn't need explanation. Saying that Yuna is selfish in Final Fantasy X is as close to being objectively wrong as possible, so you need to explain this, otherwise you sound like a raving lunatic.

    Now you better get the frack away from me, or I'll change into the berserker dressphere and use beserk and maul you!!!!!!
    Violence is never the answer.

    PS. What's with the random Pauline Hanson references?
    A few weeks ago I attended a '90s themed party. One of the guests dressed up as Pauline Pantsdown, a hilarious parody of Australian politician and gaff-master Pauline Hanson. She is also famed for making completely bonkers blanket statements; the reference seemed appropriate.

    I apologise for the aggression exhibited in my original response, because as I mentioned before, it was unfounded, but you did not seem like the type of account that would return. I understand wholly that if you leave the Eyes on Final Fantasy Forms Fantasy Forum Experience (that one's for you, Alive-Man ) that it will most likely be entirely my fault, and that will stain my record of being welcoming and inviting to newbies. It would be inappropriate of me to justify why I felt like being a complete and utter prick, so I will not attempt to do so. I will, however, point out that my aggression is comparable to your blasé hatred of Final Fantasy X and lack of substantiated evidence in your original post. We should all expect to have our thoughts and opinions challenged when we put them out in public discourse.

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  13. #43
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  14. #44
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Be excellent to each other, alright? Let's turn the temperature down and have a nice chat about FFX-2.

    Which incidentally is indeed a quite stonking game.

  15. #45
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