Originally Posted by
Edit: @Bolivar: Yeah, it was mostly first party, but the Eshop at the very least is seeing a wealth of content this year, that entire list was what is to expect on that front for just 2014, and then there are DW guys brought in to work on Hyrule Warriors, giving us something completely different then what we expect from Zelda, while still incorporating Zelda Aspects into the DW mix.
I really don't see how you saw a bad conference here, it pretty much gave the WiiU everything it needed to this E3.
Bolivar thinks the 3DS lineup indicates stagnant game design. He's clearly off his rocker, as I can list dozens of true innovations among each of the top games (no offense meant, buddy
I get the feeling that Bolivar now
only cares about indie support, and doesn't value primary developer contributions at all.
Not that there's anything wrong with that perspective, but it doesn't match my view. Or, apparently, that of most gamers/customers.