I know a few people here speak more than one language! Come forward, brothers and sisters. When did you learn, why did you learn? School? Fun? I don't know?

If not, have you ever tried? Would you ever try?

I am 99% moving to Japan end of 2015/start of 2016, so basically a little over a year from now. Other than the greetings and such trivialities, if I were to find myself in Japan right now I would be a lost little puppy not understanding any words or anything that was occurring around me. I know English is pretty common everywhere but still, not as common as one would hope. I'm hoping if I begin learning now (from some kind of thing I will find on the internet or order or whatever) that if I try hard every day for a year or so, by the time I have saved up my target funds to go there with, I may be able to communicate my wants and needs to the beautiful people to some extent, at least. Like 'i am starving please i will die if i don't eat' etc.
I just assume if I start trying hard to learn now for the next year I will definitely be in a better position when I actually go than I would be if I had done nothing, anyway!

And now, finally, for your hearing pleasure, here is a rap song in six different languages!

Your friend and humble servant, Alive-Man xxxxxxxx