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Thread: Megaman X series

  1. #1
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Nom nom nom Megaman X series

    So I was playing MMX 5 and MMX 8 again recently and realize MMX 5 is much more fun compared to MMX 8. That apart, I really wish to see how they are going to conclude the series.

    I know in Megaman Zero, it is mentioned that X somehow ended the war but there isn't much details on how he did it.

    So anyone like the series and will like to see a conclusion or a sequel?

    PS: Sometimes I wonder how do Light and Wily manifest themselves in various places after all these years at the perfect timing.

  2. #2
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    I haven't been interested since X4, honestly. The SNES MMX games are amongst the best on the console, much less the series, especially X3.

  3. #3
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    It's an incredible series, I still play the PSP remake of MMX1 from time to time as a quick pick up and play game.

    MMX5 was insane and, interestingly, originally intended to wrap up the series. Hence the inclusion of power ups and references from the entire mega man saga.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I love the MMX series and the Zero series afterwards was pretty awesome too even if I never got to finish it properly and I pretty much missed the boat on the MM Starforce series which is apparently the farthest along in the timeline with the possible exception of the Legends series.

    I generally feel the X series faltered after the jump to PS2 though Command Missions is deliciously fun and X8 is a huge step forward compared to the utter awfulness that is X7. The first game will always be my favorite, followed by X2, X4, and X6. While I am well aware that Zero was originally meant to be the MC of the series, I always did kind of get annoyed how he supplants X in X4 and 5 cause I always felt X was the better developed character and it was annoying watching him get the less useful and important as the series went on until Axl showed up and stole Zero's thunder.

    I think this is partially why I liked X6 so much cause it brought focus to X again and watching him deal with the world in the post X5 events was pretty awesome since he really starts to drop the whole pacifism element and the game's plot still largely falls inline with the Zero series.

    Also Hadoken is a bitchin move.

  5. #5
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I prefer the crescent beam energy slash from the beam saber given to X by Zero in MMX 3 though. Looks much cooler for my taste.

  6. #6
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    I've only played the first MMX for the SNES, but I really love that game. It's my favorite Megaman I've played.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The first game will always be my favorite, followed by X2, X4, and X6.
    There are other people that like X6?! And don't count X3 or X5 in their favorites? I thought I was alooonnneeeee. T_T

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    I know in Megaman Zero, it is mentioned that X somehow ended the war but there isn't much details on how he did it.
    EDIT: So, I was wrong about what I initially said here and the Elf Wars X is mentioned ending in the Zero series are actually the tail end of the Maverick Wars, which means that this would be a really great place for X9 to take place. >_<

    But Capcom still hates Mega Man fans, so we'll never see the game. T -T
    Last edited by Rez09; 06-28-2014 at 12:54 PM. Reason: Herp, derp, talking out my ass without properly researching first

  8. #8
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    I only played Mega Man X and Mega Man X 4, and I was crap at both.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rez09 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The first game will always be my favorite, followed by X2, X4, and X6.
    There are other people that like X6?! And don't count X3 or X5 in their favorites? I thought I was alooonnneeeee. T_T
    Yeah I enjoy X6, X gets his best armor upgrades with all of them actually being useful as opposed to X5, I love stories set in dystopian worlds and the plot and Maverick set were some of the strongest in the franchise since the SNES days. With that said, I understand why fans don't like the game. The Nightmare system makes a game that already had incredible difficulty even more absurdly hard, some of the level layouts are poorly design (though I could say the same of earlier games) the translation is botched, and Zero's return was poorly handled though on that case, I feel fans are blowing the quality a bit out of proportion as I feel X5's ending pretty much also used a few Ass Pulls to reach some of the endings. Also the game is damn near impossible for X without any of his armors.

    Its a flawed but a good game overall, and a hell of a lot better than X7 and I appreciate it wasn't like X5 where its a Rockman X game in name only and should have been Mega Man Zero 1 instead considering how much thought was put into X's scenario and gameplay for that game.

    X3 only gets love because it was the first game to make Zero playable and while he is fun, he's largely useless since he can't fight bosses and he only has one life, so if he dies, he is lost forever. Course doing the sidequest to get his Z-Saber is nice though some of my Zero fan friends never do the quest cause it robs Zero of the ending where he saves X. The funny thing is that I am replaying the series currently and I am actually playing X3 which has so far been pretty disappointing compared to the earlier installments. The bosses are finally hard again but that's mainly cause X takes an absurd amount of damage if he touches any of them and every boss uses the "Body Slam" strategy on you. The level design leaves much to be desired and with the exception of X7, I feel this game has an overall weak selection of Maverick bosses compared to other installments. Not to mention the Ride Armor element of the game is awesome in theory but largely useless in practice except to get one or two heart tanks.

    X5 is not a bad game, but it is obvious that much like X4, the game is really meant for Zero as X has a really hard time getting anything done in the game without the Falcon Armor whereas Zero is just designed to get through it all fairly easy once he acquires the Double Jump. Not to mention that unlike X4 where X had trouble with the stages but curb stomped the bosses whereas the reverse was true for Zero, the bosses in X5 are easy for the franchise, especially for Zero, the only exception is the Shadow Devil boss in the final levels since he is designed for someone who has a mobile long range weapon to beat. X's main strengths is that he should do the Intro Stage cause getting access to the weakened Fourth Armor is vastly preferred than letting Zero keep his nearly useless Z-Buster.

  10. #10
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    We really need a X9 to wrap things up. Damn you Capcom!

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I don't know if X9 will ever happen. I got the impression that Mega Man 12 did so-so which means Capcom would likely not green lit a new project. They keep releasing the series in sets, but again, I don't think the sales are there for Capcom to want to bring it back.

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