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Thread: Phantom Brave

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Phantom Brave

    Gonna start this game tomorrow probably. Anyone else played it? Any tips or advice? What did/didn't you like about it?

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  2. #2
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    I played some of it, but never got that far. The customization system was typical NIS super involved insanity, but unlike Disgaea ignoring it until I got to the post game wasn't working out all that well.

    I would probably enjoy it a lot more if I went in reading a few guides first.
    >>Am willing to change opinions based on data<<

  3. #3


    Yooouuuu are starting a lot of RPGs lately lol Are you beating all these? Because that's crazy awesome if so. You gotta be setting a record or something

  4. #4
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    No, I'm playing about 3/4 of the way through and youtubing the rest because I'm trying to play a bunch before March so I can make a top games list!

  5. #5


    I really liked Phantom Brave. Granted, I never completed it, but as far as I got into it, I found it really enjoyable. One of the things I didn't like about it is how I kind of had to choose between two things in the game:

    1) Power-leveling my characters so that they could be powerful enough for earlier bosses to steal their weapons and learn uber-abilites. This made the characters even stronger, which made the story missions very easy, like OHKO on most enemies with Ash and Marona, so I really only played them for the story.

    2) Under-leveling to make the story missions more difficult/challenging and therefore more enjoyable. I much rather a battle that I rely on tactics and strategy to win over a battle I can just brute force through. But this means I had to sacrifice the whole Dungeon Monk aspect of the game for a while, which is where all the really good loot, titles and phantoms are. =/

    Things I did like? The battle system. Having Marona as the only character to stay on the field is a really nice twist, especially as she could in theory be facing down all those enemies as a lone, what, 8/9 year old girl? Really makes you think about when and where you're going to summon your phantoms to protect her. It also forces you to work on multiple phantoms, not just one or two, cos if Ash has to leave the field after his turns are up, you need someone else to pick up the slack.

    The story is also really good, I thought. Sure, the cut-scenes are slow, and really obvious about what's going to happen, but it's all part of the charm of the game. Plus kicking all those disrespectful peoples behinds is great!!

    The diversity of phantoms is excellent. Some are better than others obviously, but others can really come from out of nowhere and do some serious damage. My two destroyers are Ash and a Scrabbit phantom named Casey. Beastly little things.

    Tips-wise: 1) Work on Marona. She's your only conduit to getting phantoms on the field, and if she goes down, you're running on a really tight schedule with your remaining phantoms. Focus on getting her enough MP for a few healing spells, then attack spells. She's all about survival don't forget.

    2) Give Marona a weapon. In some maps, there might be no items that Marona can confine into around her. If you're in trouble, you can throw her weapon down and confine a phantom into it to protect you.

    3) Ash is a powerhouse. On his last turn on the field, he deals double damage. It might be an idea to make a beeline for the most powerful enemy on the map when Ash is running out of time, and deal as much damage as you can with that last hit.

    4) Titles are really really important, they improve everything so much. A Titlist and Dungeon Monk in conjunction can be used to power up your titles. You can put a title on anything from characters to weapons to dungeons, so if you get a powerful title, you can put the title on a dungeon, run the dungeon and power it up as many times as you want!

    Cripes that was long.

  6. #6
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Wow thanks for the detailed answer. Sadly the game was tucked away (moving) and I couldn't get to it but I will definitely play it soon enough so I appreciate all of the advice

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