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Thread: Eyes on FF Plays XCOM: Enemy Within!

  1. #16
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Squad sight is OP so of course I'll go with that.

  2. #17
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Character name: Hingle McCringleBerry
    Character nickname: "The Pringle"
    Class: Support
    Gender: Male
    Customization: like this
    Equipment: Red armor with a bit of white, no helmet.
    Spec: Genetically engineered

    and when the time comes I'd like him to be fire support, so do whatever you gotta do to make him like that.

  3. #18
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Haha, I don't seem to be wielding any weapons in the picture but who cares. I got promoted!! lol.

  4. #19
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Daley Thompson is exactly as beautiful as I had hoped

  5. #20
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Noodle Boy View Post
    Character name: Hingle McCringleBerry
    Character nickname: "The Pringle"
    Class: Support
    Gender: Male
    Customization: like this
    Equipment: Red armor with a bit of white, no helmet.
    Spec: Genetically engineered

    and when the time comes I'd like him to be fire support, so do whatever you gotta do to make him like that.
    Fire Support is my second favorite class. Too many people see them as medic, but a class that has both Suppression and can take multiple shots in Overwatch is really quite powerful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Haha, I don't seem to be wielding any weapons in the picture but who cares. I got promoted!! lol.
    You're holding an Assault Rifle, but you're holding it alongside your leg, so it's kind of blending in.

    Anyway, it's time to begin the first of the new customization options.

    We're going to start with Ronnie, just so that you guys can get an idea of what a MEC trooper entails.

    Ronnie is going to get his limbs hacked off, which sort of makes him no longer an Assault Trooper. However, he does bring his Assault knowledge to his MEC trooper status, which allows him to gain a special passive ability. This ability "Shock-Absorbent Armor" means that the MEC trooper receives 33% less damage from any enemies within 4 tiles.

    Amputating his limbs and installing cyber-suit interfaces takes 3 days.

    For Genetic Engineering, we'll be using Loony BoB as a heavy, just so that we can give a feel for the process (since I have no male Assault or Support guys currently, except for Ronnie, who is getting his limbs hacked off as we speak).

    Although there are a fair few genetic mods available, we only start with a handful. We get immediate access to both Eye mods, and we have one of the two leg mods.

    The choices for Eyes are between Hyper-Reactive Pupils and Depth Perception.
    Hyper-Reactive Pupils grants +10 Aim after the Soldier misses a shot. Depth Perception grants +5 Aim and +5% Crit chance if the soldier is higher than the foe (it's really good for Snipers, and not of much use to anyone else, as there is rarely that much of a height difference with the limited range of the other classes).

    Loony BoB chose Hyper-Reactive Pupils, so we'll put that option in.

    The Leg option we have right now is Adaptive Bone Marrow. It grants regenerating health in combat, up to 2 HP per turn. But it only heals up to the Soldier's natural health, not boosted health with armor. It also gives a massive 66% reduction to the time spent in the infirmary after being wounded (I don't know why Loony BoB is expecting to get hurt ).

    The other Leg option (which we'll unlock by autopsying other aliens later) is for Muscle Fiber Density, which allows soldiers to ignore terrain height when moving, as they can jump to any height instead of needing to find a place to climb (also great for Snipers).

    Each mod takes 3 days to put in, so since we can only give BoB two so far, he'll be out for 6 days.

    The next few weeks are completely uneventful. We manage to finish up the month with our council report, build a ton more facilities, get the Foundry working, all with no incident. Biggest boost to the Foundry: We can now get Tactical Rigging, which let's every non-MEC soldier carry two items instead of one. We also have access to a ton more items, including Flashbang Grenades (reduce enemy Aim) and Reaper Rounds (20% extra crit chance, but reduces accuracy the further away you are, basically it turns your weapons into shotguns).



    Sorry, but "Iceglow Avernius" was too long for a first name, though "Maccaroth Stark" did barely fit for a last name. If you like, I can make "Avernius" his nickname? Or make it the first name, with "Iceglow" as the nickname. Up to you.

    That's the closest I could get to a Mohawk, unless you'd prefer this one:


    We get another mission the day before Ronnie is due back with his new stumps. Abduction mission into Argentina, as the aliens are attempting to stop them from winning the World Cup by ruining team morale.


    The team for this mission. Ronnie is out getting his limbs removed (actually, they're probably in the process of putting on the cyber-bits at this point), Loony BoB is undergoing genetic experimentation, and Vivi still hasn't chosen his abilities, so this is our team for the mission. Hopefully we'll get some matching promotions this time.

    -Operation Lost Hawk-
    Mendoza, Argentina
    6:30 AM

    Another morning mission. This time our soldiers are dropped off on the edge of a bank. Since they're heading through the drive-up service section, the teller facilities provide plenty of cover..

    Daley runs forward into cover, spotting three Sectoids. Two dash inside the building, while a third remains outside, at the edge of engagement range. He squeezes a few shots off at it, hurting it, but not killing it. Christmas runs up and fires off a few more. Also a relatively weak shot, but it manages to end the weakened alien.

    As Daley and Christmas nab the first Meld canister, Daley spots a new foe. A strange, floating, robotic entity, with numerous tentacles. No sooner do they see it, however, than it appears to fade from vision. Setting into defensive spots, they also realize that the entire bank is filled with Sectoid tellers. Iceglow takes a couple of shots at one that keeps running back and forth through the bank, but manages little except to utterly destroy the front wall. Psy manages to take out two, and nab the second Meld container.

    Before Daley and Christmas can begin to outflank the ones inside, the strange creature reappears and grabs Daley, incapacitating him. Christmas steps back and fires into it, doing decent damage and making it release Daley, who takes a moment to catch his breath, as the robot was choking the life out of him (which incapacitates the target until it's interrupted, and can kill a unit outright if the choking goes on too long). Daley then finishes off the broken down droid, while Christmas steps back up to the bank itself.

    Psy takes a moment to reload, which lets a Sectoid loose a plasma bolt at Christmas. Badly wounded, but not yet out of the fight, Christmas also takes a moment to reload while Daley continues flanking, killing another of the aliens inside, but draining his weapon of its ammo reserves as he does so.

    A Sectoid's plasma fire tears into Daley, wounding him and causing him to panic. He rushes around the car he was using for cover, and runs straight into a second tentacle bot, which was apparently cloaked nearby. It grabs him, and the resulting trauma kills him outright.

    Continuing around the building, Psy downs a Sectoid that was mind-merged with another, racking up two kills with one shot, and leaving our forces with just a Sectoid and the last Seeker bot left to go. Iceglow moves in to back up Christmas, who manages to put a few more bullets into the Seeker before it vanishes again. The final Sectoid repositions, and tries to deal with Psy, launching some plasma rounds that tear into our faithful heavy trooper.

    Never one to be discouraged by a little incoming fire, Psy continues around to the rear of the building and takes a perfect flanking shot, eliminating the final Sectoid.

    Christmas, knowing that she won't survive another attack by the Seeker, retreats past Iceglow and sets into Overwatch (as does Iceglow himself), hoping that the strange mechanical foe will go for Iceglow first. Her faith is rewarded, as the creature pops into vision right on top of Iceglow. Christmas, however, was expecting exactly this, so before it can even begin to choke the poor Sniper, Christmas unloads a clip into the bot, destroying it and saving her bait friend.

    Mission Accomplished

    MVP: Psychotic. Four kills, five if you count the Mind-Melded one. Psy was a beast in this level. He was just proceeding around the opposite side of the building from Christmas and Daley, and managed to get a ton of really good shots in.

    Wounds: Psychotic is out for 4 days with plasma burns, while Christmas is out for 9 as doctors attempt to extract shards of the destroyed ATM she was hiding behind when the plasma bolt came through it (seriously, there is no way that shot should have hit).

    KIA: Daley Thompson

    Promtions: Christmas is promoted to Squaddie, and grabs her Shotgun as an Assault soldier, finally taking her proper place in the squad.
    Well, Daley Thompson is dead, and he didn't even reach his promoted class yet! But we'll find another. Christmas is finally a female Assault (yay), but is out for 9 days in recovery. We'll have to see if we can get Ronnie and Loony BoB back into play while she's recovering. Nine days is huge, one of the longest recovery times I've seen, and yet she still had two health left!

    I totally forgot about the second Seeker, and Daley didn't stand a chance when it popped out. I'm so glad my Iceglow bait tactic worked the way it was supposed to, or Christmas would have been dead too.

    On the plus side, we got a new medal? Defender's Medal. I've never gotten this one before, I think it's awarded when you lose a Soldier (and I'm normally a save-scumming OCD perfectionist who never lets anyone die). Anyway, it's benefits are to prevent the soldier we give it to panicking when allies are wounded or killed, or to increase the amount that Medkits and Restorative Mist (the MEC version of Medkit) heal to the soldier it's awarded to by 2 HP.
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    Last edited by Skyblade; 07-13-2014 at 09:50 PM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  6. #21
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I love that I am the Sectoid Murdering King.

  7. #22
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Before we can even get Ronnie back on the field, we get another UFO contact (seriously, one day left, WTF XCOM?!). This one is a larger contact in Canada, and Raven-1 only barely manages to shoot it down (one more hit and Raven-1 would have been vanquished).

    With four of our troopers out of commission for injuries (either inflicted by enemies or by our doctors), and Daley dead, we're force to ready a new squad.

    Vivi 22, as the only Corporal on the team, takes the Squad leader position, having recently acquired his precious Squadsight (worth noting, you can no longer crit an enemy targeted with Squadsight unless you're using Headshot, which makes Squadsight slightly less useful, but basically just serves to make sure Headshot actually gets used, since Snipers can crit a ton anyway).
    Iceglow, as the only Squaddie ready to fight, is up next.
    Daley Thompson is brought back, this time bearing his proper British Union Jack (hey, I had a British male soldier in my recent recruit shipment, so might as well try him out until he promotes to the wrong class)
    Hingle McCringleBerry takes the third slot (I think he came out rather well, though there is no red and white customization, only red and yellow or red and black).


    The new team.

    Both the Rookies are taking Arc Throwers, because I want to catch me some Sectoids. Let's go!

    -Operation Unceasing Knife-
    6:04 PM

    Finally, an evening mission!

    Our troops, well rested and refreshed since they finally get to sleep in before the mission, begin exploring the Canadian wilderness, looking for a U.F.O. shot down by Raven-1 (I believe we can rename Interceptors too, we need to give these guys some names).

    Several hours later (Canada has a lot of wilderness, ok?) they actually make it to the engagement zone, and our mission begins.

    When we finally stumble upon the crash, we encounter a new foe. A tall, thin entity that looks for all the world like your typically G-Man. Pressed suit, arrogant demeanor, sunglasses, and a plasma rifle.

    Never liking the feds, Vivi puts a bullet into the first one, which explodes into a cloud of vapors. The second poisons Hingle and runs away. Hingle and Daley then chase it all over the crash site, intent on capturing this new foe for our scientists.

    Right as they finally lock down its position, however, we encounter more new foes. This time we're facing flying enemies with a very emaciated physical form, but with engines and armor grafted right into their bodies. These new "Floaters" move to back up the Thin Man left. Not to be discouraged, Daley stuns the Thin Man, while Hingle, not wanting to go back empty-handed, stuns the first Floater.

    The second Floater, discouraged by watching its buddies fall, waffles around it's position, instead of taking the clear shot it had at Hingle, who wasn't in cover and was already half dead from the poison. Vivi moves forward and grabs a Meld canister, while Iceglow moved back towards the Rookies, hoping to give them some support with the Floater.

    Iceglow's pistol and Hingle's Assault Rifle both rip into the beast, but fail to bring it down. The beast fires at Daley, bringing our poor Brit down to his last HP, but leaving him in the fight, and Iceglow unlimbers his Sniper Rifle to shoot the Floater clear off the UFO, where it had been resting.

    As this fight is going on, Vivi nabs the second Meld canister, but two more Floaters are seen exploring the edge of the crash site. Unsure if they have been spotted or not, Daley and Hingle try to move to better cover. The two hadn't spotted the team, but it wasn't long before they came into view. Vivi had not yet had time to regroup, and Iceglow was restricted to a pistol shot, but still managed to ding one of the two Floaters. Daley, sick of these aliens moving around so much, decides to show why hanging in midair with no cover is a bad idea, and burns the second Floater from the sky, while Hingle finishes off the one which was in cover that Iceglow had wounded.

    With the team reunited, nothing seemed to remain except the crashed ship itself. The two Rookies took point over the Snipers, hoping to get a third capture if this ship also contained an Outsider the way the last one had. As our forces trek through the craft, they spot both a working flight terminal (woohoo, second one, time for Satellite Nexuses!), and a working power source for the alien vessel. When then spot and Outsider, who tries to duck into cover, but stays a little too close to Daley, who just strolls around the corner and stuns it.

    To his shock, however, it doesn't collapse to the ground, but instead breaks apart and vanishes, leaving only a crystal behind. Which our team collects to present to the Science Team.

    MVP: Daley, with 2 stuns and a kill, despite being down to 1 HP.

    Wounds: Hingle McCringleBerry, out for 6 days as the scientists try to work out what the poison is doing to his system. Daley Thompson is out for a massive FIFTEEN days, definitely the longest time I've ever had a soldier out, as the doctors attempt to repair his body from the massive damage that had been done it by the alien plasma rounds.

    Promotions: Hingle and Daley are both promoted to Squaddie, and both take up Assault weapons. So Daley is finally in his proper position, but we'll need a new Hingle, as the current one is cycled into a backup Assault position (should we lose another soldier).
    We also get a third Urban Combat Badge to award to one of our survivors.

    Finally, Ronnie comes out of the MEC Lab, ready for a new suit of armor. So I get to explain MEC suits. By giving up his limbs, Ronnie gains the ability to equip a MEC suit, which serves as the only equipment he can carry. Each MEC suit must be built, costing extra Meld, but no extra time. Once built, it can be upgraded twice as we unlock the further upgrades. Each level of MEC suit adds an additional ability choice.

    The first ability choice we get is between the Flamethrower, and the Kinetic Strike Module. The Flamethrower I have honestly never used (though I have a few suits equipped with one). It's a medium range weapon that does damage in an arc. The Kinetic Strike Module, however, is the most powerful weapon in the game. A melee hit, it never misses, and seems to do a consistent 27 damage, enough to one shot anything (even a frelling Sectopod, which it has a unique animation for). It also increases the MEC soldier's range, so that it can close easier with foes (or outflank them easier). That massive damage might be only for a third-tier suit though, I haven't used any lower level suits yet, Ronnie will be my first.

    All MEC troops also come equipped with a weapon. Essentially, they use a tier higher than the current tech level. Right now, they're equipped with a minigun, which does Laser-tier damage. When we research Lasers, they get a Railgun, which does Plasma-tier damage. And their final weapon, the Particle Cannon, is simply more powerful than even our Plasma weapons, much like the SHIV's weaponry (only way more awesome).

    MEC troops also get their own ability tree. As a Squaddie, Ronnie immediately gets the Collateral Damage ability, an ability which uses a lot of ammunition, but tears down all cover in an area and does a consistent 3 damage to any enemies within that area.


    The new Ronnie.


    Ronnie in his new suit. I gave him a KSM, because he wanted to punch things across rooms. There are some customization options for paint patterns. We can cut the blue out completely, make blue camo patches across the armor, or have a different geometric pattern for it, if you want. Once we get Tier 3 MEC suits we can make pink and blue zebra pattern, which will just be eye-searing.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 07-13-2014 at 11:09 PM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  8. #23
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    The new Ronnie.

    Hahahahaha this is the most beautiful thing I have seen since I first laid eyes upon a young sailor named Barret Wallace.

    Also RIP Daley Thompson I Long live Daley Thompson II!

  9. #24
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    If you run out of people interested in taking up positions in this thing, Sky, please bring in a girl and name her Ripley and give her an Aliens-esque MEC suit.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #25
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    hell. smurfing. yes. this is destiny. look at that glorious abomination. superman my arse, ronnie is the true man of steel. this is going to be hilarity. mind you, watch him die in his first run out now xD

    also i highly approve of the iceglow bait tactic and think we should use this in every mission

  11. #26
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    We next get a mission from the Council. This is one of the special missions involved with the new story included in Enemy Within.

    -Operation Severed Hawk-
    Lyons, France
    8:40 PM

    A French military convoy was caught in an ambush. The convoy's current status is unknown. Investigate the area of operations. Locate and secure any survivors, as well as the convoy's cargo. Eliminate any remaining opposition.

    With this briefing, our troops were dropped into Lyons. Arriving near some bombed out warehouses, our troops split up. Vivi climbed to the top of the nearest building, while Ronnie and Psy cleared the inside. Iceglow scoped out the far side, spotting our first foe, a lone Thin Man. With only his pistol to use, he couldn't take it down.

    Ronnie burst out the side of the building and tried to reach a place where he could attack the Thin Man, but only succeeded in spotting another on the roof of the next building. Using his powerful minigun, he tore apart the cover the roof provided, and allowed Iceglow to finish it off. The first Thin Man, however, fired some plasma rounds at Ronnie, eating into his mechanical armor. The cover the Thin Man was hiding behind proved to be no match for Vivi's heightened position, and the Thin Man's life faded away at the hands of our master sniper.

    Moving forward, our team encountered foes who were killed by conventional rounds, not plasma fire. Unsure of what foes they may encounter, our team prepped for anything.

    Iceglow caught another Thin Man in view, too far away for him to draw a bead on with his Sniper Rifle, but Vivi's position again allowed him to splatter it before it even knew he was there. Ronnie crashed through the second building, spotting another Thin Man, but his minigun tore the creature apart in a hail of bullets despite its cover. Our forces then caught sight of a survivor. A foe in a casual suit, with a red bandana covering his lower face. Clearly not one of the French military team. Intent on getting this survivor back for questioning, Ronnie approached him. The survivor told us to kill him, but our forces nevertheless began herding him back towards the drop point.

    Two more Thin Men dropped into view as we began escorting the civilian back. The first was out of sight on the second building, while Iceglow and Vivi both fought for who would get the reaction kill on the second which dropped between them, a battle Iceglow one by a mere second. Psy sprinted up to the roof of the second building, allowing Vivi another Squadsight shot. Vivi missed, however. In order to prevent the defenseless Psy from getting taken down, Ronnie fired up through the roof, destroying the air vents up there, and driving the Thin Man away. It dropped off the roof, directly in Ronnie's face, and unloaded more Plasma Rounds into his armored, hulking form. Psy jumped down and tried to take it down, but his shots tore harmlessly into the crumbled brick of the building.

    With his minigun needing to cool after tearing through the roof and no other reasonable recourse, Ronnie does the only thing a sensible muscleman can do:

    With that foe out of the wall, I mean, out of the way, our soldiers press on towards the departure point (sorry about the low quality, apparently YouTube doesn't recognize .avi files properly). Psy joins Vivi on the roof, and Iceglow and Ronnie advance with our escortee.

    Two more enemies drop onto the roof with Psy and Vivi. A Sectoid and a Thin Man. Psy captures the Sectoid handily (apparently Psy is just the perfect anti-Sectoid soldier), while Vivi tears down the Thin Man.

    As the detainee moves closer to the Skyranger, another Thin Man drops down, this one falling straight into the sights of Psy's massive gun. With that, we load the prisoners onto the Skyranger and depart back for base.

    MVP: Vivi, for knowing how to maximize the use of high ground.

    Wounds: None this time. Yeah, Ronnie got hit twice, but he only took 6 damage. You note that +8 next to his health in the personal picture? That's all extra health from the MEC suit, which counts as an armor bonus. Armor damage is repaired immediately, you only go to the infirmary for wounds to actual health. Which is why I have yet to wind up with a wounded MEC trooper.

    Vivi is promoted to Sergeant.
    Iceglow is promoted to Corporal.
    Psychotic is promoted to Corporal.
    Ronnie is promoted to Corporal.

    Promotions all around, woohoo!
    Vivi now has the choice between Gunslinger, offering +2 damage to Pistols, or Damn Good Ground, offering +10 Aim and Defense when in higher ground than his foe.

    Iceglow can choose between Snap Shot and Squadsight.

    Psychotic can choose between Bullet Swarm, which lets him fire and still take a second action, including moving or firing again. Or Holo-Targeting, which makes any soldiers who fire at a target Psychotic has shot or suppressed get a +10 Aim boost.

    And lastly, Ronnie can now choose between Advanced Fire Control, which means that his Overwatch shots no longer take an Aim penalty, or Automated Threat Assessment, which gives him a +15 boost to defense while on Overwatch (handy, since MEC troops are too big to use cover). So basically, offense versus defense. I'm guessing Ronnie is an offense guy, but the choice is yours.

    Our team has brought in the interloper, but we don't know much about him, or who he works for, at this point. We'll have to find out more if there is a new threat rising.

    I've also started a new Foundry project that increases the force of the Kinetic Strike Module by 50%, which will make Ronnie's punches even stronger. The Foundry also completed advanced S.C.O.P.E.s (increases Crit chance by 10 with one equipped) and Tactical Rigging. Everyone can carry two items now. Take your pick!


    Squad photo. Being genetically engineered, Loony BoB gets to show off his arms.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 07-14-2014 at 06:04 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #27
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    Papa Waigo
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    Yes. Yes yes yes this is what Ronnie was put on this world to do. What a magnificent hero he is. That is even better than my expectations. As an aside, did you manage to see how it compares to the third tier suits you mentioned?

    Also actually for this one I'd lean more towards the defence boost one, but i'll leave it up to you, whichever you think is the best go for it.

  13. #28
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Bullet Swarm me up.

    Awesome wall smashing video! Full on destroyed him.

  14. #29
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    +10 aim and defense on the higher ground please. I shouldn't be getting close enough to use a pistol in a post squad site world.

  15. #30
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I look ready. I feel ready. I must be ready! *probably isn't ready*
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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