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Thread: What was the first RPG you ever played?

  1. #46
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tidus79 View Post
    Secret of Mana (Snes) was my first Rpg
    That was my first "action" RPG!! Haha!

  2. #47
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tigmafuzz's Avatar
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    When I was a wee lad of about 3, my grandpa bought a secondhand *deep voice* NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM because it was super cheap after the release of the *deep voice but with more echo* PLAYSTATION and a handful of the games he heard were the best. We had the TMNT arcade port, Mario/Duck Hunt and Mario 3, Zelda 2, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Tetris, StarTropics, BattleToads, Mega Man 2, River City Ransom, and of course, Final Fantasy. I hadn't yet developed the hand/eye coordination and planning skills to be good at the more action-y games, so I'd usually just tag along as my grandpa's second player until I died from something silly. I even sucked at Mario as a youngling. But Final Fantasy? Turn-based. I could spend as much time as I wanted trying to figure out the next move. I could roam around in the towns talking to each person, I could build up my team's strength by repeatedly battling and earning experience, learning the weaknesses of each enemy and earning gold to buy better weapons. It was perfectly linear, easy to understand, and I even got out of some of my usual studying because I spent my whole day reading and doing math in my head anyway. Less copying words out of the dictionary, more snooping around trying to figure out how to find the next location.

    Then, right before he passed, he bought me a Genesis for my 5th birthday, and another handful of the games he heard were the best. By that time, I had gotten better at using the Nintendo controller and had spent 2 years getting better at gaming in general, so I was ready for the action, and that Sega controller was so badass-looking (and giant in my tiny boy hands) that I couldn't wait; I didn't have school the next day, so I spent probably 12-14 hours straight, awake all night, playing games like Shinobi 3, Contra Hard Corps, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Streets of Rage for the first time. I was in kid heaven.

    After a few days, I felt like playing something a little less intense, so I tried Shining Force 2... and for some reason, I just didn't like it. Maybe I felt like the pacing was off, maybe I didn't like the art style, who knows. I just felt like it wasn't designed for me, whereas Final Fantasy felt like it was made just for me. I started to love mythology and recognizing names of creatures I'd seen named as monsters in Final Fantasy. I started to enjoy creating my own rpg scenarios, drawing maps on my driveway in chalk and having entire notebooks filled with creatures, characters, weapons and armor, and oh-so-deep lore. I would go to my friends' houses just to play Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger because we didn't have a SNES. They would wonder why I didn't want to play Donkey Kong or Metroid, and I would too. I think I just wanted to look at numbers, really.

    Then, right before I turned 6, my brother had saved up enough to get himself a PS1 for his 13th birthday. Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, that was the beginning of the end for me. The first time I saw him boot up that Final Fantasy Tactics animated intro, I was hooked forever. It was almost nothing but rpgs from that point on. Chrono Cross, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, Legend of Mana, Wild Arms, Lunar, Thousand Arms, Azure Dreams, Threads of Fate, they were all amazing. But none of the other rpgs felt as "right" to me as the Final Fantasy games. 7, 8, and 9 all felt perfect to me in different ways. I even replayed them because of how amazing they were, and then went back and replayed the other Final Fantasy titles that I didn't get to experience in order. I played 4 through 6 after playing 9, then went further back and played 2 and 3. Other kids would be running home so they'd make it in time to catch DBZ on Toonami, I'd be rushing home to play Final Fantasy (although the TV was loud enough that I could hear DBZ on in the other room.) But I could never stop playing Final Fantasy. Even to this day, I replay one or two a year.

    Teen years were a bit of a wash, awful things happened and I was tossed around for a while, went from being homeless to being in jail a lot. But the silliest thing is, even when I wasn't with a foster family, I would go to the library a lot or go to my friends' houses to come check this cool website all about Final Fantasy games. I'd be in the irc for hours, participating in some of the silliest flame wars and poorest attempts at trolling you've ever seen. But I was almost always here through those years, and there were some people here that helped me get through some tough times, even if they were just providing an open ear. Pike, Sharky and shion Pumpkin, Jowy, Mel, Paula, Sephex, Proto, Megan, etc. all kept my spirits up while I was dealing with being a troubled teen with no real place to call home and no real identity. And through it all, I somehow came out ahead; I've got lots of close friends, I'm very financially stable, and I even almost got married.

    And it all started because the first game that little me was able to git gud at was Final Fantasy. It's no wonder people can't stay away from this place for very long

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