You will be assimilated.

The rumored deal that will see Google acquire game-streaming service Twitch has been confirmed, according to a GamesBeat report.

Variety reported back in May that YouTube--a subsidiary of Google--had reached a deal to acquire Twitch for $1 billion. (Microsoft was also rumored to have been interested.) The companies refused to comment on the matter at the time, and in lieu of any official word in the ensuing two months, there has been speculation about whether the deal had fallen apart.

GamesBeat's report states the acquisition will indeed go through. However, the exact price, as well as when an official announcement will be made, remain uncertain. When contacted by GameSpot for confirmation, both Twitch and Google declined to comment.

I don't use Twitch, but thought some of you would be interested in hearing about this. I'm not all that familiar with Google business practices; people are always blaming them for the current state of YouTube, so I can see people getting riled if Google owns Twitch. One billion dollars is a lot of money to turn down, though.
