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Thread: Let's Shamelessly Play Princess Debut!

  1. #1
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Default Let's Shamelessly Play Princess Debut!

    That's right! Shion is going to LP this amazing game of girly fun! Let's get started!

    That is my name and my astrological sign because girls are in to horoscopes I guess


    And there is the best foreshadowing known to man

    Then of course we begin discussing the boys

    This was actually my prince the last time I played (which was only once before) and he was more ADD than class clown. Man was it hard to get him to focus

    Carlos from the Magic School Bus?


    Umm... maybe?

    He is everything I could possibly want in a man

    aaaaaaaand friendzoned


    And then there is my childhood friend

    This is an actual conversation I would have. DON'T LOOK AT ME

    So I head home after school

    Of course I choose transform

    Well I wouldn't say JUST like me

    Is that you grandma?

    Yep. This is happening

    Turns out the Princess needs a favor

    That's always a logical reaction

    And what do they need me to do?

    Yeah yeah whatever, let's go cruise some princes!!!!

    Is that a flower vortex?


    Only behind our backs

    So I try to argue and tell them I'm not the Princess (those are my servants) but apparently the Princess has tried that one one too many timed

    And the Princess has it, so I'm stuck here!

    SO obvious

    Alrighty, up next, we head to the ball !

  2. #2
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I don't know why I said Ball. I meant dinner party

    Thank you for making that clear for me, game

    I pick Kip

    A note on this:
    Last time I played the game I tried specifically for a certain prince. This time I'm just going to act how I would act irl and I'll see how it ends up

    At least he's confident

    What IS Kip?

    I ponder as another prince bumps in to me

    Now I get the option to wait for him to talk to me, but I instead approach him first

    I was just being myself

    Then they dance. It's pretty boring. Everyone loves it


    I am awoken confused by the creature that is Kip, even going so far as to suspect him of wanting to devour me

    Good name

    Why does Kip look angry about this? HE IS SO GOOD AT DANCING ARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!

    Sailor Moon~ Du du du du du du du DUDUDU sailor moon

    He tells me it's a secret hush hush

    Anyways that is the dancing game. Its hard to screencap and dance at the same time, sorry guise

    After my dance lesson, I'm feeling a bit worn out, so I head home

  3. #3
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Last update for tonight!

    A new day starts and I head over to the practice hall for some... practice

    Even I'm not that clueless

    Take a chill pill Kip

    So I dance with him and I think the little sprite thingies up top are adorable

    They get closer and closer (the little sprite thigies) the better you do at the dance. By the end, he had hearts in his eyes

    And that was my score!

    Not much else going on that day, so lets proceed to the next day!

    Could they push that one any more?

    So we arrive and Kip tells me I get to buy a new accessory, YAY

    So I get new dresses for different accessories! That makes me so excited I wish I could see the dresses before hand though, but OH WELL

    Out of those, silk ribbons appeal to me most

    That's what they look like I'll show you the dress when I can. I didn't get to use it yet

    She is kind of a female dog

    So I head back out and try to enjoy myself and run in to Vince!

    That's what I just said

    How sweet

    He brings me somewhere that smells like the beach, apparently

    So he decides to bring me to the beach!

    It WAS a really nice walk

    So I storm off as any reasonable person would do after having an eel thrown at them

    Can't be a stick in the mud though. It was just a joke.

    So I spot Cesar

    He asks me if I want to embrace, which I politely decline

    No, its more the fact that we JUST MET.

    So after a busy day we head home. BUT

    How awful

    But we were JUST THEEEEEERRREEEE *pout*

    We immediately suspect Isabel

    Helpful enough I guess


    Oh right

    So he agrees to help us look by telling us to... go back... to... samba square

    Green Kingdom indeed. WHY WEREN'T YOU AT THE DINNER

    All of my princes should be rounded up in a pen together

    So we explain the situation and coincidentally, Prince Liam is missiong some carrots

    I suspect Kip

    I was right

    So we continue our search

    So he wasn't helpful. The search continues

    Can't we just find it tomorrow, gah

    Another lead!

    This is a lake, for anyone wondering.

    But hey, if he's having fun, why ruin it for the poor fellow

    So he still doesn't know where Isabel is but he does give us another lead

    BACK to the concert hall

    I tell her to give it back and call her a thief

    He asks if the tiara has sentimental value and I answer with MAGIC

    Oh, right

    So he heads back and I go take a rest from the long long LONG day

    That's all for today!

    Oh yeah, here is my compatablility from these first few days:


    The fuller the hearts, the more compatible.

    For more specific:
    Luciano - 63%
    Vince - 45%
    Cesar - 38%
    Liam - 35%
    Klaus - 13%

  4. #4
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    What do the 'levels' mean in this game? And this is such a wacky story.

  5. #5
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Oooh, that dastardly Isabel, she makes me so mad!

  6. #6
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I don't remember what the levels mean Formy. I think its for the dancing

  7. #7
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    That Luciano sounds like a bit of a douche if you ask me, particularly when you first meet him at that dinner party. Prince Cesar seems pretty 'stuffy' if you ask me, but Vince, Klaus and Liam seem pretty alright. I'm trying to think of all these princes, which one is the most like Sam. So far, he's a cross between Vince and Liam. You still haven't met the last prospective match yet.

    This is like the Bachelorette!

    How the heck is Luciano the most compatible with you!

  8. #8
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    I guess I was nice enough to him?


    Also, this game is really quick to go through so there will be many updates in a row because it takes like 10-20 minutes to get through a day, which isn't long at all. Heck writing the update takes almost as long.

    Okay so,

    So I go do some exploring and run in to Cesar by the lake

    Flattery will eventually get you somewhere

    Did he ditch me for some other girl

    Eventually I spot him

    Are you naked???


    He's not such a bad guy. The pink hair though :/

    So I go exploring and there isn't much else going on, so I head to the practice hall to get in some dance practice

    He asks me how my dancing is coming along and I say I'm working on it


    Goodness Vince

    So I will have my dance practice with Vince

    Oh yes, here is my new dress!

    So I do worse than last time But Vince doesn't seem to care

    He's so intense about it too

    Not gonna say no to a present

    I hate worms. I have a mild phobia of them. Needless to say, this joke doesn't impress me

    Gettin real tired of your crap Vince

    So after all of that I head home for some rest

    Sure enough he asks me

    Okay I feel like I'm going to shoot myself in the foot here because I don't have forever to find a dance partner, but I say no. I'm really not happy with his jokes and last time I played it was just awful trying to get him to actually go to dance practice

    So I'm going to try my luck with someone else. Let's see me fail

    So he goes home sad

    As usual, I go exploring before my dance lesson

    It turns out that I too am taking a walk. WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON

    Being the forward person I am when it comes to men, I reply with

    Food was a close second

    But then he leaves so I feel like maybe I came on too strong Game Ashton seems positive though, so who knows

    Then I head back to the fair to get a new accessory

    He says I have to practice more

    Then I head to the lake and spot Vince, who seems to be recovering from the rejection pretty well

    I have a bad feeling about this

    So we get on the boat and he says he spots a bird... in the water

    Not falling for this one

    But he tells me to look again, and even though I know its a lie, I look anyways because this apparently means a lot to him

    He asks me to forgive him and I say no but eventually cave and he kisses me on the forehead and leaves


    Anyways, dance practice goes really well, I break my score and get told this


    Wit there's a... dance competition... tomorrow

    Oh my

    And here are my new compatibility ratings:

    Vince - 88%
    Luciano - 63%
    Cesar - 58%
    Liam - 55%
    Klaus - 13%

    At this point I'm aiming for Liam or Cesar.

    Will I be successful??? Probably not!

  9. #9
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Vince has dropped in my estimations now. I'd go for Liam. He seems quite mature for my liking.

  10. #10
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    The fist she has during this prinedit.png reminds me of this succedit.png

    Needless to say it enhances the enjoyment of this playthrough ten-fold.

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    Let's continue!

    There's two of them?!?

    So we head over and there are of course people there (thank you narration)

    Will you be my-


    Then I run in to Vince

    Ugh I feel bad for him but I just... not this time Vince. Not this time

    So he leaves feeling dejected and I look for another partner. Then I run in to Liam! I ask if he's competing


    Then we see Klaus and his dance partner

    Goodness she is pretty

    So the dance competition starts

    I decided to screencap this because I like the stars in Liams eyes

    Oh, here is a video (not by me) of the song I've been dancing to. I unlock more songs later but this is the one I have for now:

    So I messed up a step, but


    Not sure how to take that


    And my prize is A NEW ACCESSORY!!!

    I'll show you the dress when I can

    So the dance competition is won and now I have Liam as a dance partner

    Yaaaay compliments

    I decide to do this!

    While there, we spot some princes. First up is Cesar

    Of course they're giggling

    So I call out to him

    Uh huh.

    Liam goes and gets a bouquet of lilies, which embarrasses him a little bit

    BAM, heart up 5%

    Well that got depressing really fast

    Not sure how to take that either...

    Anyways, we spot Vince chasing something

    Fun fact: If he is your date, this is how he will spend the flower expo

    One thing leads to another and before I know it he's calling me a wimp and then saying that I look cute when I'm angry

    Sp the flower expo comes to an end

    Yay dance partner

    He's lost

    So that's all for now

    I'll probably update this again tonight (so like 12 hours or so) or it might be tomorrow

  12. #12
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    I'm sure there is some form of innuendo in there.

    Also Liam is best girl... I mean guy... I mean girl... I mean I don't know.

    Edit - PS. I said yes to Vince there when he asked to be my partner. It locks you out of everyone else's route. If anyone asks you to be their partner and you don't like that person, tell them to bugger off. More chances will come up if you want to be with Vince though, but his story is so dull.

  13. #13
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Going right back to first post: Caaaaaaaaar-loooooooooooos! wah-wahhhh!

  14. #14
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Update earlier than expected because I played a lot today and don't want to forget stuff (which I will anyway)

    So as usual, we go exploring for princes

    I guess I'll go with him!

    And I decide to make a sand valley because.... why not

    Doesn't matter

    Sure enough Vince gets board so I just leave because he's awful and I am not enjoying his company

    Time for dance!

    Oh yes, here is my new dress!

    So I dance with Mr. Rabbit and level up!


    The same as I danced... with people watching?

    So we dance together to my new song which has

    Moustache notes

    Everyone knows that song and I can't find the Princess Debut video, so here, have some music


    Anyways, here is some more detailed info on our princes:

    Their speech bubbles change depending on your heart %

    Next day!

    I do some more dance practice! Shocking, I know

    Yay, its the seashell necklace from before

    And here is the pretty blue dress:

    I still like the ribbon one better though, personally

    Really nothing else happened that day



    (that's at the other side of town)

    So I agree to take him because I'm awesome like that

    He doesn't want to go boating

    He denies this and I'm all like "good get on the boat then"

    I'm so sneaky

    I could have asked if he likes me but I already have a dance partner and I'm not that kind of lady

    About 63% worth then, based off of what was his latest heart %

    So I ask him what that means and he smiles and says I'll find out

    little creepy

    So I go dancing and level up and learn a new song!

    It is the swirly dance

    And that's really all that happened during those days

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Update tyme

    Let's go exploring

    I didn't actually ask him out on a date. The character did it on her own. Although I guess Liam is technically my dance partner and not my boyfriend, right? He only thinks of me as his sisters duplicate anyways

    I'm getting way too worked up about this

    We head to the flower place

    I ask if he comes here a lot

    Then I ask more about his childhood

    And that's that

    Did some more dancing and that ends another day

    What prince will we run in to today?

    He says it must be fate, us meeting here. After I agree (because he got so upset when I said it wasn't fate) we go out on a date. I sure do play the field

    Look who else I run in to

    Now that Cesar has left

    Two dates in a row. I've got serious game

    Is that what the kids are saying these days?

    Why not support the guys dreams

    So that's the end of that. He wants to enter, but you have to be selected

    Who else will we run in to today?

    I guess this makes up for the uneventful days

    So I decide to buy a turtle animal cookie


    Sure enough he gets bored with my slowness and DITCHES ME

    So time for dance practice

    So he gives me a "special" lesson about tapping the screen at the right time and Liam shows up. We dance, I level up, and get a new song!



    And that is all for now. Will Liam race in the derby? Find out later

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