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Thread: The EyesonFF NBA Team (an NBA 2k13 Playthrough) - GAME 1

  1. #46
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    RIP in peace. Another FFXIV victim.

  2. #47
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    I don't expect anyone to pay attention anymore but I got my graphics card fixed and I'm free from the clutches of that dastardly FFXIV, so I'm firing this back up.

    There will be a game played this weekend so here is some music to get you fired back up for the Eyeson Chocobos season.

    EDIT: Oh, there's also a few spots for anyone that enjoys their basketball but may have forgotten or just missed out when I first made the thread. Just head up to the top post and fill out all the appropriate info and we'll fit you in!
    Last edited by Pheesh; 12-04-2014 at 09:35 AM.

  3. #48
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    hell yes, was always kind of sad this never took off. excited!

  4. #49
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Okay, quick update! The Eyeson Chocobos season officially kicked off today. We had a couple of personal training sessions first up and although I have video of these they are pretty boring so I probably won't post them. They were not particularly successful except for Locky's 'one on one defense' training, which saw her get a few points toward her steal, block and defensive awareness ratings, and also made her the first player to reach 81 overall (she's still on the bench though because Bert's defense is too valuable in our starting lineup).

    We also played our season opener against the Cleveland Cavaliers. That's all I will say for now, you will be able to find out the scores, stats and more as soon as I get the videos edited and uploaded (which could take a while, but be patient).

    Are you pumped up!? Ronnie and Ashton are pumped up!!

  5. #50
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Yesssss, this should never have died! And I'm pretty confident that it's Destiny, not FFXIV, that was at fault for your absence. >=]
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #51
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Alrighty, I'm doing this a quarter at a time, and I'm editing the videos down into small highlight reels (which still takes over two hours to upload, thanks Australian internet!). I am using premiere for the first time ever so my editing skills are limited at the moment, but hopefully they'll get better as our season progresses.

    Some quick notes before we get to the action. In this game the rotation reset itself because I started a new association mode, which I didn't notice until after the game had started, so that is why you may notice some random players subbed on in some plays. That problem has been fixed now and won't happen again. It also meant our starters got a lot more minutes than our bench players, so my apologies to Locky, BoB, Vivi, Psy and Ashton, you guys will get much more playing time next game. So without further ado....

    Eyeson Chocobos vs Cleveland Cavaliers :: First Quarter

    Eyeson Chocobos vs Cleveland Cavaliers :: Second Quarter
    I got much better at syncing up the real time audio with the slow-mo replays while I was doing this video.

    Eyeson Chocobos vs Cleveland Cavaliers :: Third Quarter
    This quarter was pretty dull, as evidenced from there not being a single play from it in our highlight reel.

    Eyeson Chocobos vs Cleveland Cavaliers :: Fourth Quarter
    Will the Chocobos be able to hold on for the win!?

    So there you have it, our first game! Click on the spoiler tag below after you've watched the vids to hear Coach Pheesh's game notes and to see the final stats.

    Coach's Notes

    Great game everyone! Don't any of you get caught up in the media's comments saying that the Cavs are a bottom team and that this win was guaranteed, we went out to a hostile stadium for the first game of the season and took care of business. That said, it's early goings and we should all have the mindset that it's on to the next game. Ronnie, you were a human highlight reel out there tonight, and you led us in scoring and rebounds, so for that you're going to get tonight's Player of the Game. But special mentions go to Shauna for getting us out of a tight spot in the 4th quarter with that insane 3 pointer that halted the Cavs' run, and Vivi for shooting a miraculous 100% from the field, 3pt range and free throws. Great win team!

    NBA 2K13-12-07-2014 17-58-50.jpg

    NBA 2K13-12-07-2014 17-58-58.jpg

    Last edited by Pheesh; 12-08-2014 at 04:56 AM.

  7. #52
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    So the next game should be up by tonight. That'll be fun, right guys? Anybody...?

  8. #53
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Good editing, man. This was actually enjoyable to watch. Too bad your team abandoned you. (But who can blame them, I guess, you abandoned them first)

  9. #54
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Man, I missed the start of this!

    Any chance of drafting me in? I have a mean hook shot.

  10. #55
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Dang, I most definitely would if I could but now that the season has started I think the rosters and free agents are set which would make it impossible. I will look into it for sure though and see if I can make it happen.

  11. #56
    Actual cannibal Pheesh's Avatar
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    Alright team, we're coming off a strong win on the road, but it's a long season and we've got a hell of a long way to go. Tonight we're going up against a much tougher team in the Chicago Bulls, and we all know how stingy their defense can be. We're going to need to really lock in on the offensive side of the court and limit any mistakes that could lead to turnovers and fast break opportunities for them. I know how strong our defense can be when we have a chance to set up our zone, but if we're constantly on the back foot then they will pile points on us in a hurry. Take care of the ball, bang it into the paint and give our bigs a chance to wear them down in the post, eventually that will open up our long range shooting game. Now Derrick Rose is going to get his fair share of points no matter what, but I don't want you to make anything easy for him, or anyone else, tonight. This is our house, our crowd, and by the end of the game we want every one of their players to know that. Now get out there and give them hell!

    Chicago Bulls vs Eyeson Chocobos :: First Quarter

    Chicago Bulls vs Eyeson Chocobos :: Second Quarter

    What in the hell was that!? You guys are showing me nothing out there. You've let them come in here and completely take away our game. We need to LIMIT. THE. TURNOVERS! As soon as we do that we can start to think about actually putting up enough points on the board to chip away at this deficit that we've created for ourselves.

    Chicago Bulls vs Eyeson Chocobos :: Third Quarter

    Okay, okay, that was better, we seem to have stopped the bleeding a little bit. We're going to put that half of basketball behind us, it's done, we need to go out there with a renewed energy. So first thing, now that we've stopped turning the ball over every time up the court I want you moving it around to find the best look possible. That means getting it inside the paint to our bigs and either drawing the extra defender and kicking it out again, or taking the man on for a close shot. We can't afford to have anymore empty possessions.

    Chicago Bulls vs Eyeson Chocobos :: Fourth Quarter

    We got it close, so now they know we're not going anywhere. They've had us up against the ropes all game long, but the important thing is that they haven't been able to put us down. Listen to me, if we get hot we can put up points as quickly as any team in this league, but it's not going to make a difference if we can't stop them from pulling away again like they have been. So go out there, trust each other on defense, and leave everything out on the court. If you do that, I promise that this game is well within our reach.

    And that is our second game. Read on to see notes, stats and player of the game.

    Coach's Notes

    That's as tough a loss as they come, guys and girls. I know how hard we worked to get back into it, and to see us eek out a lead only to have it snatched away again is like a punch in the gut. We will learn from this though, because we can't win games if we only come out to play for 3 quarters, and that's exactly what happened tonight. They came out of the gates stronger and by the time we recovered we were too spent to seal the deal. We're going to put this one behind us, hit the practice court, and come out better for our next game. Shauna, once again your hot shooting was what put us in a position to win, so kudos, but I'm going to give tonight's player of the game to Raistlin. He may not have been the one lighting it up in the fourth quarter, but when we were fighting to stay alive in the middle of that game he put us on his shoulders and got us the tough, 'grind-em-out' buckets that we needed. All that while battling foul trouble and being a true force in the defensive post. On to the next one, Chocobos...

    NBA 2K13-12-08-2014 13-45-31.jpg

    NBA 2K13-12-08-2014 13-46-49.jpg

    NBA 2K13-12-08-2014 13-47-15.jpg

  12. #57
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    loving the work going in so far man, awesome stuff! gotta apologize for missing out on the first game, was highly drunk both days of the weekend and recovering yesterday.

    but yeah enjoying it thoroughly so far, big Ronnie such a hero, some of his dunks have had me legitimately pleasure groaning watching the videos.

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